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Troy Vtac Alpha rail QD Sling Attachments


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Hey guys, I have a work rifle set up with a Troy Vtac Alpha Rail and am looking to set up/install a QD sling attachment that is not the long section of rail that comes with the handguards.

While working the FB3G, I saw several different set ups; however, after the beat down of running up and down a hill all day, I can't for the life of me remember what folks were using. Possible a PRI QD sling attachment? Any suggestions or if anyone can show/tell me what they are running that would be a great help. I need to be able to run a sling, preferably closer to the barrel nut, but do not want to deal with the long rail that comes with the hand guard.

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Impact weapons components has a really small lightweight qd sling attachment device, smaller and lighter than the Samson. Believe they make a version to work with most hand guards on the market. My rainier eve came with the Samson device and I like the iwc device more, but either one would suit your needs.



Edited by mpom
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Noveske builds there's to fit in the holes on the alphas.

This is what I use http://noveskerifleworks.com/cgi-bin/imcart/display.cgi?item_id=trxqd&cat=165&page=1&search=&since=&status=

Super low profile. You won't even know its there.

Just saw its for the VTAC... Might be able to drill a set of holes in the slots to make the noveske work???

Edited by landshark45
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Ended up going with the Impact Weapons mount. I'll let you know when it gets here. Called them and spoke to them on the phone a bit. Not only did they make sure I ordered the right one for my rail, they got me free shipping. So pretty pleased. Thanks for all the help guys.

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