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Computer Service Call

Duane Thomas

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I was having trouble with my computer. So I called Harold the computer guy, to come over and help me. Harold clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. He gave me a bill for a minimum service call.

As he was walking away, I called after him, "So, what was wrong?" He replied, "It was an ID ten T error." I hated to appear stupid, but I needed to know what was going on with the computer, so I inquired, "An, ummm - ID ten T error? What is that?... in case I need to fix it again." The computer guy grinned. "Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?"

"No," I replied.

"Write it down," he said, "you might be able to figure it out."

So I wrote out ...... I D 1 0 T error.

I used to like Harold...

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A successful technician in any market only makes comments like that among his peers. To our clients we owe our livelihood. Their money buys our talents and our respect for their problems.

Speak with your pocketbook whenever possible, it is the only way anyone really listens.



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Hmmm.... maybe it's different in the photo world. I keep having to tell my clients the same damn' thing over and over and over again about why film, cameras and the laws of light and physics affect my work. They just don't get it... and I don't think they WANT to get it.

We used to go nutz each day at the photo lab, too: Our key operator finally photocopied out a neat page of 'light theory' stuff to hand them when the arguments/expectations got really stupid.

People have been duped by frickin' advertising and I'm sick of the backlash and the utterly unrealistic expectations. I'm polite to my clients but there are some of them that should know better by now, so all they get is a dose of tough-love from me after all this time of explaining and explaining, month after month, year after year. :angry:

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Hi SigLady,

The ability to choose clients is seldom an option in any technical service field I have made money in. If I don’t treat every customer with the same level of service whether they are making me big bucks, or chump change, I lose my ability to do the best work I can and in a service industry, in a less than fabulous economy, that is a sure road to extinction. I do however, quote a maximum rate to clients that I feel are in some manner a PITA and if they agree, i shuddup and do the work because money makes the world go round ;)



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My photo business is both product AND service... somewhat dependent upon weather conditions, light, time-of-day, time-of-year, nature of subject, etc., ad infinitum. I've done this gig just long enough to know when to turn down a job, too... for the sake of my sanity. This is, you must remember, Eugene, Oregon......... where almost nothing makes sense. And where I've never, ever had the problems in business that I've had here.

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With certain clients who I thought had enough of a sense of humor to get it, I used to use this story to explain why I charged so much money.

I'd say, "It's like buying oats. You go into the feed store to buy some oats, and they're High! Then the man behind the counter responds that the price you're worrying over is the price for fresh, clean, gleaned, golden oats. Of course, if yer willing to settle for the ones what done been through the horse, they have those in a pile out back, and the ARE considerably cheaper."

Other times, when someone would say, "Well, so-and-so is cheaper than you are!", I'd pause, give them a thoughtful look and say, "Don't argue with him. I'm sure he knows what he's worth."

And I always loved the ever-ready, "But it worked yesterday!".

"Yeah, well, that's sort of the same definition as a flat tire -- it had air in it yesterday. Still drives funny today, though."

I'll stop now.....


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