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France blows.  

I couldn't wait to get here.  Now, I can't wait to leave.  This place is the pits.  It's filthy, cramped, and totally disorganized.  We should have just said to hell with it and let Hitler have this shithole - it wasn't worth the effort and it sure as hell wasn't worth my Uncle getting shot in the face over.  (My condolences Uncle Ed.  I now understand why you're a little bitter.)

The Disenchanting Kingdom starts in Paris' Charles De Gaulle airport - which beats out Guadalajara, Philly and Chicago Midway for the world's most run-down, POS airport.  A difficult feat indeed.  I haven't flown into Nicaragua, Liberia or the Congo yet, so I may need to hold off before sending the trophy to Jacques Chirac.

The rest of the country, including most of Paris, consists of broken down shacks, trash-filled roadways, and graffiti covering every piece of infrastructure.  It's just plain damn ugly.  France has all the charm of a truck stop men's room.  Want to see Paris?  Save yourself the trouble and expense and just drive through East St. Louis.  You'll never know the difference.  For all their bitching about inadequacies of American culture, you'd think the French would have the presence of mind to pick up their garbage.  But then again, these are the people that support one of the world's highest tax rates and bitch about unemployment.  They may be cultured, but they sure aren't smart.

Speaking of culture, I really expected come here and be immersed in great culture.  Well, nothing could be further from the truth.  It's like I never left home.  The French love McDonalds, Kellogg's Corn Flakes, and bad American movies.  I had a better access to good French movies, music and culture at home.  Damned if I can find any of it here.  

Despite the fact that there is plenty of space available, the French have a penchant for sizing their country for midgets - whoa I'm sorry - I meant "little frog people."  Pick anything.  Cars, airplane seats, doorways, hotel rooms...  Apparently, the median frog is about five feet tall and weighs about 120 lbs.  I'm stocky, but not fat and I can barely fit into an elevator here.  Everybody thinks I'm nuts because I keep taking the stairs.  It's just that I've never experienced true claustrophobia until today.  

Thinking about going to France to spend your hard-earned vacation dollars?  Don't.  Thank God my company is paying for this, or I'd want my money back.  

The Marshall Plan was wasted here.  We should have torched this dump 50 years ago and walked.  At least the trash would have been taken care of.


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Stay here untill next weekend, and come to south of France: we are having a national selection in Cavaillon (just like one of your Area #, but with all the top shooters). I promise you'll have a blast, and get to know nice people and nice part of the country. In France, we have 90% of the people who "hate" Parisians (they represent only 10%).

Hope to see you there.

P.S. If you can make it, tell me what you shoot and we'll get you a blaster and ammo.

(Edited by Jerome Poiret at 8:49 am on Mar. 12, 2002)

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Sorry to hurt anyone's feelings here, but after 30 years of listening to France's unabashed criticism of the U.S., it's people and values, I was more than a little disgusted at my first impression of France.  Especially Paris.

For all the complaints about the demise of the French language and American fast food chains destroying their culture, there's a lot of blame to be shared on the part of the French who subsidize it all.  Confucius say:  People who live in glass maisons shouldn't chuck day-old croissants.  

I've busted my ass to brush up my French, but everyone here speaks English and every thing is printed in both English and French, so it was a completely wasted effort. I really wanted to put my best foot forward to culturally adapt, but I keep getting it thrown in my face.   People will speak to you in English whether you want to or not.  I'm really disappointed.  I've just given up on the whole damned thing - I quit trying to assimilate two days ago.  

I'm in Nantes now.  It's much nicer than Paris, that's for sure.  I'm headed to Strassbourg tomorrow, so I get to see that too.  The French people have been nothing but nice to me.  Fortunately, I haven't had any problems like Brian had.  Although people do peg me for an American immediately and stare at me like I'm from Mars.  (No jeans and tennies to give me away - suit and tie everyday.)

I'm out of here on Tuesday.  I'll be back in April, so maybe we'll be able to hook up then.  Thanks for the kind offer.  

I really do like the people for the most part.  They are much friendlier than Americans.  Every morning at breakfast every one says hello, stranger or not.  I like that.  

Au Revoir,


(Edited by EricW at 6:29 am on Mar. 13, 2002)

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Quote: from Jerome Poiret on 12:47 am on Mar. 12, 2002


Stay here untill next weekend, and come to south of France: we are having a national selection in Cavaillon (just like one of your Area #, but with all the top shooters).

In Quebec, that'd be pronounced 'Natural Selection'


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