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Bladetech ICE holster issue


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So I was helping out at the match earlier today and one competitor had has gun fall on the ground (after the signal) while he was drawing it from the Blade Tech ICE holster.

I realize that the holster cannot be fully blamed for the competitor's mistake of probably wrong/weak grip, but with the old Stingray the gun would have probably dropped back into the holster.

Now being the newbie shooter with the Blade Tech Stingray holster (which doesn't seem to be available from Blade Tech anymore) for my current firearm I wonder which holster do I pick if I get a different firearm for competitions.

Now the fun part, the questions:

* Has anyone else witnessed any issues using Blade Tech ICE holsters?

* Did I just not look hard enough and are the Stingrays still available from Blade Tech?


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I have had both the Black Ice and Stingray holste;s. There is no possible way for my gun to fall out of the Stingray holster, because if you are using a tall Dawson front sight your gun will become locked into the holster with the front sight acts like a barb on a fish hook, and no amount of yanking on the gun will get it out the holster.

The guys on my squad were rolling on the ground laughing after watching me try to yank my gun out about 5 times, then I ended up having to take the holster apart to get the gun out.

I won't make the mistake for taking a new holster to the range without a test fit again.

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Thanks for replies/links.

But what's the general consensus on the ICE holster tho (well, besides not using it for guns with tall Dawson front sights)?

Compared to many of the race holsters seen on the range, the Bladetech is a very secure holster.

I don't know how dropping a gun on the draw from a Bladetech could be the holsters fault.

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