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sti vs glock


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As a proud new owner of an STI Edge, I would say that you'd do a million billion times infinity better. Okay, maybe a little biased but the gun is SLICK!!!

I love my Edge as well, just feels solid vs my glock

Edited by armokc
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As a proud new owner of an STI Edge, I would say that you'd do a million billion times infinity better. Okay, maybe a little biased but the gun is SLICK!!!

I love my Edge as well, just feels solid vs my glock

Have you done a comparison test to see if your faster with the STI than the Glock? Do you have access to a plate rack? If you do, shoot both and see if your faster with the STI. If you don't have a plate rack maybe you can use something else. I'm curious to see if there's a big difference between the two with a side by side comparison.

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I did a G-35 then 1 5" M&P .40 w/ some good results,

but when I went to my beloved Edge, I improved noticeably..

Do you shoot the Edge a lot more than the Glock or about the same? Are you more comfortable with the Edge than the Glock?

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I had gotten rid of the Glock, got tired of track marks on the web

of my hand and went to the M&P..

The M&P went away when I got my Edge a while back and it was perfecto.!!

At present, I'm back to 1911, SS though..

If I had MY rathers, it'd be the STI for you, but.. You can do SUPERBLY w/ a Glock

w/ practice.. Several of my friends run circles around me w/ their Glock's, M&P's and S.A. XD's..!

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A friend and I were out practicing last night at the range. He was shooting his STI Edge and I borrowed it for a few drills.

I am about to place an order for a custom 2011 and my friend has talked me into running drills back to back with his STI and my M&P. Hopefully wednesday I will get a chance to. I'll report back afterwards on my results.

Edited by Prov1x
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