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Springfield vs Dan Wesson


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Here's my dilema. I want to buy my 13 year old son a 1911 for AP metalic class. I am looking for an accurate dependable gun for him to use.

I have a Colt 1911 with a Kimber .22 conversion on it which he really likes to shoot. He practices with it quite a bit in fact. He used a Springfield XDM 9mm at this years Cup, but he prefers the 1911 platform.

I've narrowed my choice down between a Springfield Armory Target 9mm and a Dan Wesson Pointman 9mm. The price difference between the two is $500, the Springfield being the lower of the two. That money would go a long ways towards extra mags, holster etc.

I also have a $350 gunsmithing certificate from Gray Guns that I figure I will put towards a trigger job and whatever else I can get for the money.

I like that the Dan Wesson has a checkered front strap and fiber optic sights, but the Springfield has an ambi safety alreay on it and his eyes are fine, so the black sights would probably work for him.

Lets hear what opinions everyone has about either gun.



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I can't believe Im going to say this... I really love my PM9's, but for AP accuracy, both will probably need work.

Get the Springfield. Add some skate/grip tape.

See if Gray Guns will refit the barrel and do a trigger job.

Mine is ok accuracy wise, but Id want to get the best edge I could. Even if I was 13.

Good luck. If you make it to the August match, and dont have anything by then ill bring my PM9's and he can shoot hold look at or whatever you want.

Or.. call up Shooters Connection and get a Targetmaster. 6 inch, better sights, less recoil and more than likely accurate enough out of the box. All for a little more or same as the PM9. He can try my Targetmaster as well in August if youre there.

Edited by DWFAN
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Or.. call up Shooters Connection and get a Targetmaster. 6 inch, better sights, less recoil and more than likely accurate enough out of the box. All for a little more or same as the PM9. He can try my Targetmaster as well in August if youre there.

This was my choice. I had the slide frame fit welded up a bit and it's been solid as a rock for two years. Great gun. I've got a Springfield 9mm that I used as a backup but it's not even in the same ball park as the Targetmaster.

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Thanks for the input Jeromy. I don't know yet if we will be in KC for the Aug. shoot or not. We may be in Washington DC that weekend. I'll let you know if we can make it over, I'd love for Tre' to shoot the PM and Targetmaster. I wouldn't mind shooting the Targetmaster a few times myself. I appreciate the suggestion of the Targetmaster. That could be an option we could live with.

Edited by LtCop
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I have got to say that I would also go Targetmaster. Not sure of the price difference up there of a Kimber Target2 in 9mm. I sell a bunch of those and they all put them in the X ring at 50 with decent loads.

Ideally get a used anything 9mm for 1/2 the price of a new gun. Get Bruce Gray fit a 6" barrel with a block on the end to simulate a comp with no holes. Put front sight on "block" 6" barrel, a bit more weight and same price as a new gun, but all fitted super tight like Bruce can do. Maybe worth a look.

PM me for pictures of a Kimber we did in 38Super a similar way for a customer when he bulged his barrel and decided to go that way.

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