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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

June USPSA Match


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Local match this month was 4 stages, with one being 31 steel:

I dropped 6 points total in the match, all on the classifier, and all due to losing clear sight focus. On the steel, I had two or three poppers not fall when hit, and I missed at times due to grip... when I tightened up, the hits came. My reload on the classifier looked good, but I followed it up with a reload on the steel stage where I just forgot to drop the mag. I really need to practice reloads on the move, getting to a position with the gun already up, and just hustling more while moving.

Thanks for watching... any and all comments/criticism are appreciated!

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... and just hustling more while moving.

This! ^^^

Move like a (insert fearsome creature of your choice) is on your 6!! On Stage 1, even though it was only a couple of steps, you had a nice leisurely stroll from the second to the last array.

Reloads - yes, practice them.

You're shooting production so keep that accuracy going.

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Move like a (insert fearsome creature of your choice) is on your 6!! On Stage 1, even though it was only a couple of steps, you had a nice leisurely stroll from the second to the last array.

There are a couple of points, that one being the worst, where I just don't even know what I was thinking, moving that slowly. I think it all comes down to managing the reload on the move... instead of getting the reload done, then flooring it, it's like I'm trying to time the reload to be done when I'm done moving. I know that's the last thing I should be doing... just need to practice my way out of it, like I did for standing reloads.

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It is hard to tell from the video but it looks to me like you are staying on the sights from target to target. You need to snap the eyes to the target and then bring the gun to the eyes. I second the move faster between positions.

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It is hard to tell from the video but it looks to me like you are staying on the sights from target to target. You need to snap the eyes to the target and then bring the gun to the eyes.

That's another good point, and it's near the top of my (long) list of things to work on.

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You have no sense of urgency in any of your movements. I am not just talking about moving from position to position either. Watch your Draw movements, your target to target transitions, your reload. Everything is stuck in slow motion. You always need to strive to keep ALL of your movements aggressive and fast. As others have already said, when you are not shooting and have to move from one position to another you need to RUN. Not stroll around the stage in a half ass manner. RUN like your life depended on it.

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