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Laser Pointers


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See what you guys think of this. I have taken a common laser pointer and taped it to the side of my singlestack for some DF training. This was an attempt to see if I have a good trigger pull and just how well I hold on the target. I was always told that dot sights will really magnify an individuals movements. Am I getting the same results as a dot sight? :)


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The only problem I see with your idea is that it will teach to you look at the target when the hammer falls, when you may be better served to stay on the sights.

I can see some benefit to you using your idea to look for extra, unwanted motion, but I would not advise practicing this way exclusively.

I would think you could get just as much feedback from the gun itself during slow dry fire as you will get with the pointer.

Good Luck,


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I would combine that with a video camera and DF using your sights then review the tape to see what the pointer was doing during the shot. Are you having a problem or are you just testing to see if you have a problem. Good luck let us know what you find out.....John

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first it doesn't work like a C-more dot does b ecause that dot is "in your face" the other is across the room. so it's magnified but harder to see if that makes sence.

where that dot will REALLY become cool is shooting on the move, i didn't tape one to my gun i use a gun with laser grips on it

one aspect that is totally the opposite of steves thinking... if you do that too much you'll "watch the dot" with an open gun... something you shouldn't do. i love lasers for CCW and night tactical work. but for competition training i on'y use one for shooting ing on the move "confirmation" or just to pick out bad mistakes. at which opint you could put it in your hands and pretend to grip the gun.

make sure you get all that glue off and clean it super good it can cause pre-mature rust.

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first it doesn't work like a C-more dot does b ecause that dot is "in your face" the other is across the room. so it's magnified but harder to see if that makes sence.

where that dot will REALLY become cool is shooting on the move, i didn't tape one to my gun i use a gun with laser grips on it

one aspect that is totally the opposite of steves thinking... if you do that too much you'll "watch the dot" with an open gun... something you shouldn't do. i love lasers for CCW and night tactical work. but for competition training i on'y use one for shooting ing on the move "confirmation" or just to pick out bad mistakes. at which opint you could put it in your hands and pretend to grip the gun.

make sure you get all that glue off and clean it super good it can cause pre-mature rust.

Just curious, how "tactical" is a laser at night? Wouldn't it just tell the bad guys where to aim? Wouldn't a c-more/doctor/aimpoint type be much more "tactical" as it wouldn't give away your location? I am not trying to be a "smart"ass I am really curious. I have stayed away from light and lasers because of that, if my thinking is wrong I'd like to know.

I would the best thing to use a laser for would be to confirm your form moving or drawing, to see it actually shooting would take too much time I would think.

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Tried the cheap laser ductaped to the frame and slide.

Disassembled one and stuffed it in the bore. Fashioned some pressure switch with silicon so it lights up when you drop the hammer.

It was frustrating for draws, transitions or anywhere you need your sights because I can't seem to get the dot to sit on top of the front sight (when I see the dot, the sights usually aren't aligned right.)

But as mentioned, it's good for finding out how finesse your trigger control is or how much bounce you have when moving while aiming. Beyond that, I think the cheaper BSA red dots are better for teaching. ;)

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OR, try a laser food thermomiter, it has a 1911 shaped grip. Forget the sights, what it helps with is index. I use 1/3 sized, partial targets. It is amazing what you can find out. I hit the trigger a few times until I am on paper then put two on each of four targets set at different heights and spacings. It really makes you lock your upper body into a shooting triangle. I only spend about 5 minutes a day on it as its use is limited to index but it has seemed to help.

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MCOliver BSA red dots RULE man have one on my 3 gun AR . 22 pistol.. sure they aren't quality or life gambling technology, but for under $40 they can be a great teaching/training aid.

Loves2Shoot, up until a year or so ago you were correct, and in some cases that is VERY true your position can be comprimised very easily. one for tactical teams/LEO's you can get infared lasers.. only wearers of Night vision devices can see the dot.

in recent months light/laser technique have come light years we are finally catching up our technique to our equipment. The current trends believe in using lights only momentairly.. just before movement and never leaving it on more than a split second. i've been "popped" by lights and even knowing where the shooter is it's pretty hard to hit him in the dark with a flashlight of 100ish lumes blinking high then low then right. then it's all black again. Same thing with a laser (as in crimson trace grips, you only have it on a milisecond before breaking the shot in most cases) not to mention if only one perosn to be shot it's a hell of an intimidation for teh guy to see the red dot, look at his chest and see just where that bullet (should go)(if shooter does his job)

I pictured what you did at first ... group of guys hiding in the dark watching another bunch of guys with bright white and red beams pointing out of your muzzle bobbing around pieing that corner... and yes you can see lasers (crimson trace) in the dark the whole line from gun to target with just a HINT of high humidity or smoke in the air.

sorry for the thread drift. feel free to email or pm me if you want more info.

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MCOliver BSA red dots RULE man have one on my 3 gun AR . 22 pistol.. sure they aren't quality or life gambling technology, but for under $40 they can be a great teaching/training aid.

Yeah, I waited for funds to be able to buy the cmore. It wasn't until I slapped it on my gun that I realized how valuable the dot can be in refining techniques, and that's just dry firing. Really excited to hit the range this weekend for some live fire.

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