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Mat Price

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here is some drills from phase 2 session C and B move while shooting multi direction. This is a tough drill you think you can move really quick but the angles and the bouncing dot makes it tough. and the straong and weak hand x drill is super tough!!!

two targets two shots to t2 body two shots to t1 head then t2 head then t1 body then t1 body weak repeat. this drill is super tough to get good hits in a quick pace.


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After using mikes program for going on 15 weeks I took my first big quiz to gauge my improvement.

The best el pres I ever run was b class 68 % 15 weeks later here is a 98% run. El pres puts all of the phase 1 / 2 skills of draws reloads and accuracy and step/pivot drills in to one package.

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very impressive Mat. I like seeing that Mike's training program produces impressive resuklts if yiou stick with it. I have 2 more sessions to go to complete Phase I & during the week off to access I'll be making a highlight video too. So, this last month I started to incorporate 22 into my sessions & I noticed that while my HF on drills went up with the 22 I actually took some steps backward when shooting 9mm. What' I've been doing is execute the drill with the req'd number of reps and then switch to 9mm and do a few more reps before moving on to the next drill starting with the 22 again. I was also curious to see if it made any noticable improvement at my next match (this past weekend). Unfortunately I took some steps backwards and am trying to figure out the cause. Last month was my best match to date (4th one) with a 87% As and only 3 Ds & 3 Ms & 2 NS (50 penalty pts total). This match was only 67% As, 13 Ds, 10 Ms & 3 NS (130 penalty pts). The Area 6 championship is this weekend so 2 stages were from that match so folks could practice. On the video those are the stage just before the classifier & the next to last stages. Interestingly enough those were my 2 best stages. I finished 10th on the longer one & since I had a stovepipe which took 25 secs to clear which took me out of that stage I still scored the 3rd highest pt total on my squad for that stage being only 1 of 2 who got 4 hits (A,C,C,C) on the disappearing turner (you'll see what I mean in the video). So while I did have a few bright spots I felt my performance was definitely the poorest to date 7 I'm trying to put a finger on the cause ...

The first stage of this video is particularily painful to watch as I was unable to clear the plate rack at the end of the stage (4/6). I also had 5 other Ms & 1 NS which accounted for 7/10 Ms & 1/3 NS for the match. At first i thought it was just being out of breath & working so hard that i was unable to keep the gun on target. When I got to the rack I ws really breathing hard & the gun was moving everywhere. Add to that my lack of proper trigger control when shooting steel at times & well ... you see th results. However, upon further reflection I think it may have been more a case of just being too amped up at the start. I wasn't out of breath during any other stage & this was the first stage of the match.

Anyway, feel free to comment on whatever you see as I'm particularily interetsed in any small details. For instance, 2 things I noticed: 1) when I enter a position I'm still basically standing up and bending at the waist vice entering a psoition lower with knees bent & staying low & aggressive; 2) on one stage in particular (it might be the double star stage) where there is little lower body movement, I can be seen what I'll call 'resetting' both thumbs on my grip after each shot. Never would have seen that without video ...

(the video title is 14 Mar PMRPC match but it's actually the 14 Apr match ...)

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OK here is the thing. You are most likely trying to go to fast while shooting. What you have in your .22 is a gun that basicly has no recoil so you can shoot much faster and recover the sights much quicker with that gun. When you go back to the 9 you are trying to run the gun as fast as you where running the .22 and you are to far outside your comfort zone. I do this also when i go from my open gun to a single stack gun. I have to really slow down get perfect sight pictures or I am all over the place. So while using the .22 is great tool use it for its intention and thats to help you work transitions trigger control as well as work your body mechanics. remember to adjust you "vision" and response to recoil when switching back. Thsi is also one of the reasons I tend to not shoot steel matches during the USPSA season anymore cause i get to confused going from powder puff steel loads to full house 9 major loads.

ok to the match video

Stage 1

ok on the buzzer you stance is all wrong. your standing upright and then it was like you coulnd't decide which foot to push off on. With start position like that where you are not forced on to x's or a specific spot get into a good position to explode into the first potions. I get in a narrow stance with my right foot slight back cause that the leg I am going to launch forward with.

Be mindful about crowding barrels and walls. your way up on that barrel and it makes for an awkward exit.

move fast between positions to give your more time to stop stabilize and acquire your sights. At your level you should really be moving and working on hitting positions as fast as you can but taking time to set your shooting platform and go through the firing cycle. ok yeah the plate rack was ugly but thats ok. shooting steel like that is very difficult. cause you dont have reference point to place your misses. This is why i told you on the other thread to start shooting paper plates. keep that up you will be shooting them in no time. the trick to shooting steel is perfect sight alignment and proper trigger control.

Stage 2

your draw and pivot looked great where you forced into that position to shoot all the targets ?

the move into the second position looked good also. your set up was to upright. get a lower wider stance when leaning around or off balance so you can lean and bend at the waist keeping your center of gravity over your shooting base. The hits on steel were perfect thats how you should have shot the rack. Get into the habit now of doing your mag changes up in your face box. your doing them to low. To work this, when you do your mag change drills do them with a box on a table that forces you to keep them up and not drop them low. shooting through the port your all kinds of weird. this is because you crowded the port again and wasn't able to move at the waist. set up a bit away from the port in a way that you can still see all the targets but still allows you to move your entire upper body and transition aggressively between targets.

ok stage 3

you haven't worked on these skills yet. But i will comment on them. when you run forward get the gun up in front of you again up your face box. notice how you hit your stop point then bring your gun up? keep the gun up a few steps before you hit your spot have then gripped read to shoot as soon as you establish your shooting stance and have a perfect sight picture. something I notice in this stage is, look at your gun see how it is nose down. I dont know if it is the angle at witch you where shooting or not but BE SURE your not shooting over your front sight. In other words be sure your front sight is in the rear notch the same shooting at any angle. watch your strong hand thumb, your chewing up your grip. its as if your your loosing your grip between shots then reestablishing it, keep it solid all the time.I can watch your thumb and tell when you are going to squeeze the trigger. you are loosing your grip it looks like on the trigger reset.

Stage 4

rack it twice then drop the mag. you will never clear a jam like that with the mag in the gun. Check your power factor also. watch your weak hand see it flapping between shots I sometimes due this as a response to mental confusion.

Stage 5 looked good you must have done well with that stage cause your grip looked good and you seemed comfortable.

stage 6

when I have to do the 180 side to side shoot I pick i side shoot it and then do a clock dril pivot to the next. so in your case on that stage i would have shot gun side first, then used the pivot to set up left and get in to position to explode to the port. be very careful going prone like that. i ran the video back a few times to watch, but i think i saw a big nono the RO missed. watch the muzzle in relation to your drop arm. also go ahead and clear on the ground the get and show the RO clear and holster.


overall not bad. your progressing well! keep it up. I would spend a little more time in phase 1 before moving into phase 2

Edited by Mat Price
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thanks for the detailed critique! Your comments about no refernce shooting the plate rack now make your suggestions to use paper plates in practice make perfect sense!

Yeah, I had a lot of issues with the frist stage. For some reason my head was just not in it. Agreed my starting position was terrible. Understnd your comment about me crowding the barrel but there was 1 paper target which you could only see by getting up against the barrel and looking almost to the left 180 so i felt I had no option but to get up close to it ...

It's finally dawned on me that I should be doing exactly what you said, move a s fast as possible between targets & then really slow down to execute the proper firing cycle. I had thoughtb earlier that I should do everything slow until my accuracy reasons 90% As but that just means I'm training myself to be slow. As Mike says "move fast, shoot in control". This is one of my new focus points in matches from now on.

stage 2: we were allowed to start anywhere in the shooting box so I choose that position as teh quickest way to get those first 3 targets. Yes, i really need to focus on fixing my upright, bend at the waist shooting stance. It's another focus area I've identified to work on. Agreed, I'm going my mag cahnges too low whcih is costing me extra time. Yes, i also have a tendency to get too far into a shooting window to shoot it.

stage 3: good catch on gun position while moving. while it's true I'm not doing those drills yet i did them during his class so it's not like I know I shouldn't be doing that. however, since I'm not yet doing that kind of tarining I'll need to be extra aware of dropping my gun whne running. Interestingly enough when I'm forced to move up range I'm very good at keeping the gun up near my face tio avoid a 180 break. I was shooting dowen at some of the samll PPs but I'll keep in mind about not shooting over my sights as well.

If it were not for the video I wouild never have known I was 'resetting my grip ' between shots ...

stage 4. First time I had that kind of malfunction & I was a little slow to realize I needed to remove the mag to clear it ...

stage 5: yes, my best stage of the match with my best finish. everything felt good, even hitting the lg PPs with first rd hits ...

In the freeze frame you have attached I believe at that precise moment my muzzel was in front of my left arm but maybe not. However, just a few frames later when I'm almost on the ground it does look like my muzzle may have been pointed at my forearm. hard to tell from the angle of the video but it was certainly close ... too close. Great catch, thx.

I have been debating whether I should just move on to Phase II or do some remedial training & continue with Phase I. Mike has been giving me comments to teh match videos when he can so I'll get his oponion as well but I suspect he'll tell me the same thing. It will slow my progress on movement skills but it's too important to get teh fundamentals right I believe ...

thx again for the great critque. This Saturday is our monthly 3-gun match & with the modified scoring system we use (a target is considcered neutralized by hitting anywhere on the A or C. A 'D" gets you a 3 sec penalty) I can really focus on moving fast through the stages since accuracy req't are so much less ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finished Phase I and will be starting Phase II after taking this week off to review & get recharged. Here's my results for Phase I drills. The first number is my HF for the drill on day one & the 2nd number is my HF for the last training session (each set of drills in a training session was repeated 4 times).

Drill/ initial HF/ final HF

Extended press & prep/ 6.34/ 6.55

Horizontal press & prep/ 3.60/ 3.94

Static draw, varied target area/ 2.22/ 3.49

Static reload, varied target area/ 1.35/ 3.20

Pivoting draw R, varied target area/ 2.65/ 3.92

Pivoting draw L, varied target area/ 2.61/ 4.37

Moving draw R, varied target area/ 2.12/ 3.14

Moving draw L, varied target area/ 3.16/ 3.27

Strong & support hand transfer/ 1.89/ 2.75

Draw, reload & transfer/ 2.72/ 2.99

Multi-port 2.66/ 3.75

6-shot speed drill (Bill drill) best HF: 8.85

10 yd plate rack, standing draw best time: 5.79 secs

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yeah, I'm looking forward to those, they were a lot of fun to shoot during his class. when i sopke with him last week he thought there was more to be gained my moving into to phase II than continuing to work on phase I. The attached doc is my summary of the things I need to work on coming out of phase I so they will be an emphasis during this next phase. Everyone learns at different rates and as long as I continue to improve the program is working ... Our Jul club match is an all classifier match so I've targeted that as my next short term match goal. I've figured out a way to adjust my schedule so that I can do live fire 3x on week 1, 2x on week 2, 3x on week 3, etc. During [phase 1 I was only able to get to the range once a week and than twice a week toward the end so I'm hoping this chnage will help as well. Phase 2 will take me jsut over 7 weeks if I don't miss any sessions so that should put me in go shaspe for the classifier match on the 2nd week of Jul

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“x” denotes where training for this skill should be addressed

LF DF Match

1. Trigger control: not pressing smoothly after prepping the trigger x

2. Grip: resetting grip during firing when stationary & engaging multiple targets x

3. Stance: need to bend the knees vice bending at the waist x x

4. Movement: dropping the gun when moving into & out of a new position x

5. Shot calling x x

6. Not consistently selecting stage markers during walk-throughs x

7. Pre-shoot routine not consistent x

8. Don’t always continually visualize prior to my turn to shoot x

9. Not consistently moving left hand to index point one during the draw x x

10. Not always looking at magwell during reload x x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, just completed my first full week of Phase II (one A, B & C session). This clip is from session B and includes 2 drills: short movement into position & long movement into position. There are about 4-5 reps of each drill.

tomorrow I'll post a clip of a session C drill: the strong & weak hand X-drill as well as the shooting & moving multi-directional drill from session B

Critques always welcome ...

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I have been real busy at work so I havn't had time to update. I have lost 20 lbs! and my times have gotten much faster!

going out tomorrow to run some phase 2 b session drills will post video!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys I just spent the weekend training with Seeklander for his YCHTP class and it was phenomenal. Mike really is a great instructor and we all got a ton out of the class. I put up a post about it as well as a bunch of photos if you all are interested. There are too many to try to post here so I'm just going to link to my post.

Mike Seeklander Your Competition Handgun Training Program – Day 1

I'll add day two when I get it finished.

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I developed a bad habit because I'm shooting mostly 22 in practice that during a match I'm trying to go as fast as I can with a 22 which is causing many problems. Therefore, for the time being, while I'm still recording the times for each drill rep I only focus on my raw score to see how close I'm coming to my objective of 90% As, no Ds or Ms. This is forcing me to slow down to get the hits which i hope will cross over in a match. next match is 9 June so we'll see. i had my match score to 87% As with only 3 Ms but the last 2 matches i dropped to 67% & 47%. Part of the 47% was zero points on 2 stages where my gun jammed & i was unable to clear it & finish the stage. the number of penalities for not engaging targets ensured zero points. However, it was mostly due to going way too fast so i need to focus on accuracy & not time ...

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Hmmm .... Hadn't thought of that! However, I'll be returning to shooting mostly 9 mm in training now that I'll be getting my ammo down 10 cents/rd vice the 18 cents/rd I had been paying ...

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ok yall sorry i have been out of pocket so much. I have been working alot of overtime trying to pay for what was going to be a custom build and then my sti trubore slide cracked almost in half!!!!! So with double tap coming the match i have been training so hard for I tried to come up with something



so I picked up a used 38 super top that was fit to another frame. see this thread for toils and turmoil i have been through with this top end.


so I never felt good enough about it to make the trip to double tap (13 hour drive) but i did manage to get it to run 100% in one match.


so here is the ride the Jeff Abernathy is building for me.


only on an STI slide and trubor popple hole platform since i am broke lol

basically this gun


but I did shoot a really good match yesterday. with my poor hop-a-long .38 sc gun

here is the video.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My guns are finished and heading back to me to me. Should have fresh pistols Tuesday and will restart phase 3. I can tell you I did make A class open last month!

Will have lots of updates again soon

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