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High School Reunion


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We have had a previous thread on looking back, but will say that it was SO GOOD to reconnect with old friends that you haven't seen for lots of years.

A little looking back, and remembrances of past times and friends can rejuvinate the soul. Wouldn't have missed it for the world. Great stuff... ;)

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TL - I'm going to my 20th high school reunion this weekend. I don't really want to go, but my wife and I went to school together and she wants to go.

We need to fly to get there and I could think of a lot better things to spend the money on. I hope you're right about it.

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I had some reservations as well. My 10th was disaster, guy tried to pick up my wife, a gal got drunk and threw up on me...I was out of the country on assignment for 20 and 30, so I don't know.

When you get as old as me, you just don't wory if you have hair or not, if you have the right kind of car or clothes, whatever...you can just relax, enjoy seeing people you haven't seen for years, reconnecting with old friends, laugh at yourselves and the things you did back then, remember those who have died and toast their memory, dance with your old girl friends with the blessings of your wife, eat good food, drink great wine, listen to the tunes that formed your teen years...for me, it just doesn't get much better than that.

Truly, life is too short to NOT enjoy something like that. Get past whatever reservations you might have, practice your dance steps, and show your wife why you love her more than life itself, brag about your kids (take lots of pics of them).

Remember, it is not about anyone personally, it is about an era, a time in your life when things were probably easier and maybe better, you were younger, thinner, better looking, had more hair, etc., but you were also arrogant, probably stupid about lots of things and still concerned about who and what you were. Now you are more settled, probably more content, more self assured, and have a better handle on who you are. I think maturity is the word I am searching for here... so act like it.

Use the time and trip to court your wife again, let her know she is still desirable to you and special in every way. (Gosh, I sound like Dear Abby) Dance with her, hold her a little tighter than usual, share whispered I Love You's with her. Make her your Queen for the trip and I promise it will pay big dividends not only for the trip and immediately thereafter, but for years.

Probably enough of that for now, but you get the message...have a great time; it worked for me...

Tightloop ;)

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I was lucky as an exchange student and ended up with a super host family, nice school and lots of friends for life. Not a day goes by where I don't think of that special time in my life. My 20th will come up in a 2 years and I'm not going to miss it (good excuse to bring the gun and meet do some shooting too). How do you know if/when/where you'll have a reunion to go to?

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I guess it depends on where you went to school. My high school was in Houston and we were lucky enough to have a real web site. However, I started checking thru a web site called Classmates.com. You have to pay to join it, but for me it was worth it. It took a little while to ramp up the contacts, but about 4 months into the project, I knew everyone who was going and could contact lots of them thru one or the other method. After you contact a couple or folks, you get so many leads on the rest of the group that it is kind of self perpetuating.

It depends a great deal on your personal attitude going into the thing, if you will have fun or not. We had a informal get together at a bar in town, I helped to host a preparty for a few folks, big deal party at the Marriott, dinner dancing, great music. Really lots of fun.

Guess it helped my fun factor that I snagged a date with probably the best looking woman that went to this thing. Who'da thunk it...an old shooting reject like me.

Like I told Cy in the previous post, practice your dance steps and if you are not married, try to snag a fun date for the event. Take your annual also...

Have fun and let me know how it went.. :D

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Ahh I had forgotten about classmates.. made my profile years ago, and I can see that most of my pals have made accounts. Just became gold member.

I'm crossing my fingers that there will be a 20 for me, I will happily make the trip over the big pond to once again see the people that made my year as an exchange student so wonderful and memorable.

Not single anymore but my dancesteps will be polished off anyway, u never know B):D

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My 10th was disaster, guy tried to pick up my wife ...

Don't forget to tell them all that after you beat the crap out of me, we made up and we've been buddies ever since. :)

I did not want to go to my 20th last summer, but I was coerced by some rather strong-willed female classmates. The term "force of nature" is applicable here. Anyway, although I was initially reluctant (and I dodged the 10th completely), I was very glad afterward that I attended. I would not have believed myself if I told me how much fun I would have before it happened, but it did, so I believe me when I tell me about it aftward.

In fact, the parties and get togethers lasted almost a week surrounding the actual even and I was there for all of it except the family picnic. The days after involved some quality time lounging around the pool with just a bunch of vintage hotties in their swimming attire and yours truly. Needless to say, I had the digicam with me.

Last month I attended my sister's 25th reunion with her because she did not want to go alone. Not many people showed, but almost all of them were chicks and again, I was in rhino hog heaven. One of them was one of the "older" girls after whom many of my classmates lusted from junior high onward and I got to spend some quality time with her. Even though she is way too skinny now, she's still a hottie and . . . affectionate. ;)

So ... after my positive experiences, I am very much in favor of school reunions.

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Rhino, Way to go - the reluctant parties often turn out to be the ones to remeber..

I had plans to go to my 10th, so well in advance I ordered my plane tickets (stockholm - Pueblo, CO) but since Murphy is a devoted friend they changed the date to be outside my travel window so I missed it.. I did have an awesome 6 week vacation in the states but no reunion.. So I WILL be at my 20th.

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....When you get as old as me, you just don't wory if you have hair or not, if you have the right kind of car or clothes, whatever...you can just relax, enjoy seeing people you haven't seen for years, reconnecting with old friends, laugh at yourselves and the things you did back then, remember those who have died and toast their memory, dance with your old girl friends with the blessings of your wife, eat good food, drink great wine, listen to the tunes that formed your teen years...for me, it just doesn't get much better than that. 

Truly, life is too short to NOT enjoy something like that.  Get past whatever reservations you might have, practice your dance steps, and show your wife why you love her more than life itself, brag about your kids (take lots of pics of them).

Remember, it is not about anyone personally, it is about an era, a time in your life when things were probably easier and maybe better, you were younger, thinner, better looking, had more hair, etc., but you were also arrogant, probably stupid about lots of things and still concerned about who and what you were.  Now you are more settled, probably more content, more self assured, and have a better handle on who you are.  I think maturity is the word I am searching for here... so act like it.

Use the time and trip to court your wife again, let her know she is still desirable to you and special in every way. (Gosh, I sound like Dear Abby)  Dance with her, hold her a little tighter than usual, share whispered I Love You's with her.  Make her your Queen for the trip and I promise it will pay big dividends not only for the trip and immediately thereafter, but for years......

Tightloop ;)


How True!!!


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I can echo in spades what Rhino said about it being more than a couple of days of structured get together. The "formal" get together was like that, but we ran pretty hard for old folks. Got into town Fri noonish, had two small parties before the standard gig at the Cadillac Bar. Closed down the bar, drove to Galveston, campfire on the beach, cold champagne and strawberries as the sun came up. More private parties on Sat from noon till about 8pm. Went to the big gig, danced the night away. Midnight pool party at my dates home for 5 couples. Sunrise omelets and mimosas. Nap from 9 to noon...Sorry couldn't hang w/o sleep any longer. Cocktail party from 5 to about 9. Grilled big steaks for 10 out by the pool. Great conversation and icy chanpagne till the wee hours, a bit of sleep, drive back to K'ville....next two days to recover...house guest tomorrow...

And I seriously contemplated not attending...if you don't go, you'll regret it...

Tloop :P:D

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I have been to my 10th, 20th and 30th.

All were pretty good.

The real kicker is some of us have know each other since we were in grade school.

That is a long time.

We had more than 60% of our class show up for at least one event at our 30th reunion.

I will probably go to my 40th if it happens.

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