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Introducing PractiScore

Brian N.

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PS i still dont have working nook 1.2.1 firmware, so no changes to keyboard issue. As a workaround use "hackers keyboard" app.

I think you need a new MicroSD card. I've rooted this way 9 times now and never had a problem once. I can send you one or even lend you a Nook with 1.2.1 rooted on it if it would help.

Hackers Keyboard is not very fun to install. You need the old version of the keyboard found here: Hackers Keyboard 1.6. Then you need a different file explorer that give root access to the device - I used a free version of "RootExplorer" but there are several. The hard part is that you usually can not get the .apk file of the root explorer and with out you can't install the explorer. Lots of hurdles to overcome. Probably better to just use the current usable but inconvenient keyboard than jump through all the hoops that you have to to get Hackers Keyboard installed.

Edited by ctay
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PS i still dont have working nook 1.2.1 firmware, so no changes to keyboard issue. As a workaround use "hackers keyboard" app.

I think you need a new MicroSD card. I've rooted this way 9 times now and never had a problem once. I can send you one or even lend you a Nook with 1.2.1 rooted on it if it would help.

Hackers Keyboard is not very fun to install. You need the old version of the keyboard found here: Hackers Keyboard 1.6. Then you need a different file explorer that give root access to the device - I used a free version of "RootExplorer" but there are several. The hard part is that you usually can not get the .apk file of the root explorer and with out you can't install the explorer. Lots of hurdles to overcome. Probably better to just use the current usable but inconvenient keyboard than jump through all the hoops that you have to to get Hackers Keyboard installed.

That's the kind of propeller head stuff that we have to steer clear of at all costs, else no one will ever adopt this system en masse. The rooting packages need to be updated to do that for you, or apply fixes to get the same keyboard in time entry that makes itself available on the competitor registration screen. I mean really! If you can get right keyboard in registration, how hard is it to get the same keyboard in time entry?

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Registration speed is something I'd like to address in the near term.

An idea we are considering is QR code registration. Using the PractiScore website, a shooter can make QR code cards with their regisration info. One for divisions they shoot. PractiScore looks at it, registers them.

Additionally, we may put that in PractiScore, so they can have it on their phone, and just have the registering device look at their phone screen.


Ken N.

P.S. On Decimal points... we will add automatic decimal on last 2 digits in the next release, both for speed of entry and to handle amazingly odd devices with no decimal point.

P.P.S. Sponsorships have ended for PractiScore, and while I'm sure they would go again, I think they've done plenty and I'm reluctant to ask for more.

So we are thinking of adding a "donate" button. Appropriate? And what amount would you suggest?

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Call it the "PractiScore Business card". I like it. Only problem is that it will only work on devices that have a camera. We only use Nook's so it wouldn't help us. The Nook is almost tailor made for PratiScore - Cheap, works well in sunlight, long battery life, hard buttons - it has them all. With the graphical root it is fairly simple to root and install PractiScore.

On the donate button I don't think a couple bucks is too much, especially if it is optional. I would definitely recommend trying to find another sponsor first - huge opportunity for someone to get their name in front of tons of shooters at every match.

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I'd kick in cash if needed. It's a good app.

Fixed decimal time field would we good, no great!

I'd rather see a preregistration function on the Practiscore web page that would let me down load shooters just before the match. QR codes may work for some but I don't think it would help locally but you never can tell. Only a few local shooters have put Practiscore on their phone to get results real time. Not sure how many would use a QR code function on their phone.

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CTay - I don't recommend registering on a Nook. Heck, maybe I'll send you an iPad mini so I don't lose sleep over this... (-:

Rob - I'm testing a pre-register website for my clubs weekend matches now. Working the kinks out. It will roll out next month sometime.

It's actually the system I'm using for Area 1, but toned down a bit for simplicity.

Ken N.

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Rob - I'm testing a pre-register website for my clubs weekend matches now. Working the kinks out. It will roll out next month sometime.

It's actually the system I'm using for Area 1, but toned down a bit for simplicity.

Ken N.

That's super duper triple chocolate AWSOME! :goof:

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Not only do the Nooks not have a camera, but some of us do not have internet access at the range. How would we pre-register with Practiscore using QR codes and get the registration to the Nooks before the match?

The way I have to do it now is the week prior to a match...keep a running excel spreadsheet on a laptop with registered shooters, then at the match, file transfer a CSV registration file to a master Nook, then sync to all remaining Nooks.

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Someone said they've only had a few shooters put PS on their phones to get results real time. Hell, we have enough shooters walking around now syncing their scores into their own devices (yes, I know we could do something about that and would really need to at a major match), that you look around and everyone's doing that instead of pasting targets and resetting steel!

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Mark - the Qr codes are done by shooters at home and brought to the range. Or you make them up and give them. Same with the pre-registration. I'm running registration now for a match on Saturday.

It won't get everybody,but enough to help.

I understand the shooters registering and creating a QR code, but how would you get the QR code info into a Nook Simple Touch, especially without internet access?

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> Qr code into Nook

You wouldn't. But I wouldn't register on a Nook, too slow, and the keyboard too flakey. Fine for scoring, but I wouldn't register on it unless as last resort. No internet needed to read Qr codes, just a camera. So you could have a smart phone used just for that purpose, somebody has one in their pocket.

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Someone said they've only had a few shooters put PS on their phones to get results real time. Hell, we have enough shooters walking around now syncing their scores into their own devices (yes, I know we could do something about that and would really need to at a major match), that you look around and everyone's doing that instead of pasting targets and resetting steel!

That was me. We're a pretty small IDPA operation, normally 20-25 shooters so we only run two squads. Whne I say real time, mean right after shooting is done and I've sync'd the two devices. Durning the match I keep the network off to: 1) save battery on my phone which is runing as hotspot, 2) keep shooters from trying to sync after every stage. Out of the typical 20-24 shooters I might get 3 or 4 wanting to sync after the match. But we've only runing electronic scoring for 3 months and it seems more are wanting to sync every month, so...

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> Qr code into Nook

You wouldn't. But I wouldn't register on a Nook, too slow, and the keyboard too flakey. Fine for scoring, but I wouldn't register on it unless as last resort. No internet needed to read Qr codes, just a camera. So you could have a smart phone used just for that purpose, somebody has one in their pocket.

Maybe I used wrong wording...was wondering how you plan to get the QR code INFO or the data into something (CSV) that will go into the Nook...i.e the registration. I understand obtaining the QR code with a phone, but how to you plan to "append" into a CSV file on the phone to create an electronic registration file.

Neat stuff, just trying to grasp how to do it to make life easier and without a laptop...if it's possible.

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> Qr code into Nook

You wouldn't. But I wouldn't register on a Nook, too slow, and the keyboard too flakey. Fine for scoring, but I wouldn't register on it unless as last resort. No internet needed to read Qr codes, just a camera. So you could have a smart phone used just for that purpose, somebody has one in their pocket.

Maybe I used wrong wording...was wondering how you plan to get the QR code INFO or the data into something (CSV) that will go into the Nook...i.e the registration. I understand obtaining the QR code with a phone, but how to you plan to "append" into a CSV file on the phone to create an electronic registration file.

Neat stuff, just trying to grasp how to do it to make life easier and without a laptop...if it's possible.

I think what has been suggested is sync the match to a phone, use the phone to read the QR codes and register into the match file, then sync back to the scoring tablets with the new shooters.

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Rob - yes exactly. You can register on any number of devices. So, you could bring your spreadsheet in, as a starter. Then add hand-typed registrations on, say an iPad mini, and do a QR code registration on a smart phone. Sync them all to a device, then sync that to your scoring devices, and you are good to go.

Ken N.

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I have trouble logginb in to the Practiscore website. I sent off a request for PW and username so I could eihter make sure I am right or make a chage and after 3 days, no response. I can't create a new account as my email ia already in the system.


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....use the phone to read the QR codes and register into the match file, ...

This is where Ken lost me...there has to be an application/program that reads the QR Code and puts the information into the Practiscore registration file. I got the rest, just wondering how the system would work...but if Ken is working up an app to go along with Practiscore, then I'm back.

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....use the phone to read the QR codes and register into the match file, ...

This is where Ken lost me...there has to be an application/program that reads the QR Code and puts the information into the Practiscore registration file. I got the rest, just wondering how the system would work...but if Ken is working up an app to go along with Practiscore, then I'm back.

If it were up to me (of course it's not) there would be a "QR" button on the shooter registration screen the you would push which would activate the camera and then read the code, close the camera, and populate the registration fields. Maybe?

Edited by Rob Tompkins
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This is where Ken lost me...there has to be an application/program that reads the QR Code and puts the information into the Practiscore registration file. I got the rest, just wondering how the system would work...but if Ken is working up an app to go along with Practiscore, then I'm back.

My prototype for Android is using 3rd party QRcode scanner app. So, you use that app to scan QRcode provided by competitor and it simply opens competitor editing screen in PractiScore already populated with all competitor data read from QRcode. We can also add a button to start QRcode scanner right from PS. It saves some taping on the touch screen when registering walk-in competitors.

The main logistical issue here is to create those QRcodes for walk-in competitors. Competitors planning to walk in could use web site to create and print them at home. For frequent competitors, MD could pre-print QRcodes and hand them over at the match.

We could also provide simple app to create those QRcodes right on Android and iPhone devices... Such app also can be used to enter competitor data and beam it to the master device used for registration over NFC or WiFi.

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