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Setting goals?


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You should have a goal for each session, but you really need multiple layers of goals to drive improvement.

A very basic version of my WRITTEN goals is as such:

1.I want to make M without practicing any classifiers.

2.To do that I have to be accurate, so my goal is to always shoot 95% A's in practice and in matches.

3.To do that I have learn to see my sights lift for every shot during practice so it will translate to A's during matches.

One of the benefits of having layers of goals is that when you have moments of failure, which are inevitable, you are still progressing towards your grand goal.

I would suggest you read Mike Seeklander's book for a more in depth look into goal setting among other great info on regimented training.

Edited by DoubleA
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I concur with Double A. You have to have something to shoot for (no pun intended). Ultimately, I want to be the guy everybody is chasing. In the meantime, though, I look for measurable improvement each time I go out to the range. I try to find something that I am doing better at each match. As you improve, things will fall into place on their on accord. I usually set my goal to be at the top of my class at any of the matches in which I shoot. I think that makes the goals challenging enough without putting excessive pressure that would be detrimental to your progress.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this is an awesome topic... I have been thinking about goals quite a bit. My challenge is that I've been out of the sport for a while and as you know, the skills of our sport are perishable if not used regularly. I need to start reading some books... everything I know that has gotten me to current class is for the most part, self-taught. I'm at a point now where I need an outside influence to help me achieve M class.

One thing I have to contribute (my 2 cents) is the introduction of physical fitness into your practical shooting routine... something to think about. During this deployment, I have gone hard core into working out and have gotten some solid results. I'm hoping the added strength and stamina will help my shooting get to the next level. It could only help.


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