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Fear and Loathing on the Single Stack Trail


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I have always been primarily a limited shooter and I would like to think, a fairly decent competitor with the double stack gun.

I'm no top shooter by any stretch but I have my moments.

I dabble with single stack because I just love the classic look and feel of the old warhorse.

It's never been my forte but when I have shot in single stack only matches, or the occasional club match, the result has usually been respectable.

Until now.

I had a long layoff, but since coming back my limited game has only gotten stronger.

However, the single stack shooting has gone into the toilet.

First 1911 club match was last winter and all was well.

I shot the division again in the spring, just trying to remove the "unclassified" status from my profile.

Then something strange happened.

Suddenly I'm tanking stages and classifers like I forgot how to shoot.

My single stack classifers wouldn't get me into C class.

I am there, but by rule, not by percentage.

I went back to the limited gun for a few club matches and...... situation normal.

The classifiers were in the customary 68-78% range. A couple more decent ones and I break into A class.

Before this slump, I decided to run the skinny gun for the rest of the year and take it to the Florida Open next year.

So yesterday, I shot a club match in preparation for the upcoming Tennessee Sectional.

It was .......... an embarrassment.blush.gif

I can't explain why but it has just gotten ugly.

What has gone wrong, I'm not sure.unsure.gif

The only thing I am sure about is that I cannot, and will not let this stand.mad.gif

I refuse to stick this gun and this problem into the darkest corner of my safe and forget about it.

I will find the problem, I will fix the problem and I will master this gun.

Mark my words.


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Fired up the 650 this morning to crank out the match ammo for the Tn. Sectional.

The load is 7.1 gr. of N340 behind MG 200 JFP at 1.210 OAL.

It makes about 168 to 170 PF in my gun.

I guess you could call this my signature load for 45 acp.

A lot of guys prefer heavier bullets and faster powders and I understand why.

However, this load:

1, consistently renders 1" to 1.5" groups.

2. burns clean.

3. doesn't seem to be especially temp sensitive so I don't have to worry too much at the chrono

4. can't accidentally drop a double charge without overflowing the case.

5. Recoil is mild but the slide cycle is snappy

If your ammo gives you any 3 of the above, you've got a pretty good load.

If you can get all five you have a great load.

I just wish I had time for some extra drills before Tennessee.

Not possible, but I will get in some dry firing before the match.

I really needed a lot of work before this match, but it just isn't going to happen.

I made the decision to shoot single stack too late to prepare properly.

That's okay. This will be a benchmark.

A beginning point to work from.

Kind of like those "before and after" pictures that you see in the weight loss adds.wink.gif


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A lot of mikes in the last few matches.

I just need to watch the sights a little better.

For all intents and purposes, an 8 round gun is Virginia count on every array.

Miss and you run the gun dry and go to slide lock.

Stage break down is very unforgiving also.

When high round count stages are broken down into 8 round arrays, an unscheduled mag change can make the balance of the stage unrecoverable.

With high cap guns mistakes are easier to cope with.

Reloads are much less forgiving also.

The smaller magwell and straight line magazine forces you to be spot on.

When it goes right, it's smooth, but it is way easier to fumble a reload.

I think reloads, more than anything else, are my biggest issue.

I try to make my reloads on the move, but I end up walking through the stage instead of running because the mag change requires so much of my focus.

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I hear ya, SS is unforgiving in a lot of ways. One of the reasons I love it. I find I have to err more on the accuracy side then the speed side, just to ensure I get all my hits.

Standing reloads and unloaded starts SUCK! :surprise:

Good luck

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unloaded starts SUCK! :surprise:

True no matter what division you shoot. :ph34r:


I cry a little tear for the open and limited shooters who have to face a series of 8 shot arrays with only 19-30 rounds in their gun each time I face the prospect of 3 or 4 slidelock reloads in a row in single stack.


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At my last club match, I faced one of those memory stages that everybody hates.

30 rounds 6 shooting positions along a wall.

The plan was to shoot the first 2 positions without a reload, then reload while moving between each of the remaining ports.

This would require using all 5 of the mags I carry.

When the buzzer sounded I shot 4 rounds and launched myself toward the next port.

With my first step I hit the mag release and it all went downhill from there.

The mental dialog went something like this:

Oh crap. I wasn't supposed to reload this soon.

Maybe it would be good to put another mag in.

I was only supposed to shoot three times here but now I'm fully loaded.

Maybe I will take some more targets while I'm here.

Move and load.

Will I remember which ones I just shot?

This is where I was gonna shoot 8

Did I already shoot one of these?

Keep blasting.

Move and reload.

How many mags have I used?

I wonder if I have enough ammo to finish the stage.

I was only going to shoot 4 times from this port but I'm fully loaded again.

Which ones was I going to shoot from here?

I better shoot all the ones I can see.

If I do I'll have to reload again before I take the last 2 targets.

Do I have another mag on my belt?

Move and reload.

4 more shots

I'm done but I still have ammo.

I wonder how many FTEs I had.

Thank god that is over.


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The mental dialog went something like this:

Oh crap. I wasn't supposed to reload this soon.

Maybe it would be good to put another mag in.

I was only supposed to shoot three times here but now I'm fully loaded.

Maybe I will take some more targets while I'm here.

Move and load.

Will I remember which ones I just shot?

This is where I was gonna shoot 8

Did I already shoot one of these?

Keep blasting.

Move and reload.

How many mags have I used?

I wonder if I have enough ammo to finish the stage.

I was only going to shoot 4 times from this port but I'm fully loaded again.

Which ones was I going to shoot from here?

I better shoot all the ones I can see.

If I do I'll have to reload again before I take the last 2 targets.

Do I have another mag on my belt?

Move and reload.

4 more shots

I'm done but I still have ammo.

I wonder how many FTEs I had.

Thank god that is over.



If I had a nickle for ever time I've had that dialogue.....

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unloaded starts SUCK! :surprise:

True no matter what division you shoot. :ph34r:


I cry a little tear for the open and limited shooters who have to face a series of 8 shot arrays with only 19-30 rounds in their gun each time I face the prospect of 3 or 4 slidelock reloads in a row in single stack.


Go get em Barry!! :roflol:

I keep 6 on the belt, the last one is my Barney and oh crap mag.

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Well, I had a little set back yesterday.

I felt a larger magwell would be a great benefit to my reloads, so I ordered a mainspring housing, Ice magwell and some new basepads from Dawson.

The magwell was a snap to install and really looks good on the gun but it really didn't fit my frame very well.

When the retaining bolt is tightened down the front of the magwell pulls away from the frame of the gun.

The mags don't drop freely either.

Nothing serious, just needs to be custom fit to the gun.

It's clear what has to be done but I don't have the proper tools.

I was hoping to have it in place for the match, but it just isn't a drop in proposition.

I will send it to a smith when I get back from Tenn. for a proper fit up


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Well, I had a little set back yesterday.

I felt a larger magwell would be a great benefit to my reloads, so I ordered a mainspring housing, Ice magwell and some new basepads from Dawson.

The magwell was a snap to install and really looks good on the gun but it really didn't fit my frame very well.

When the retaining bolt is tightened down the front of the magwell pulls away from the frame of the gun.

The mags don't drop freely either.

Nothing serious, just needs to be custom fit to the gun.

It's clear what has to be done but I don't have the proper tools.

I was hoping to have it in place for the match, but it just isn't a drop in proposition.

I will send it to a smith when I get back from Tenn. for a proper fit up


At least you're not going to a match where reloads will be a major factor...rolleyes.gif

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By now the Tennessee Sectional is over.

It ended early for me on Stage 5 with a torn calf muscle.

A bit of bad luck there.

Anyway, I wanted a snapshot of my single stack skill set as a benchmark and I think I got that.

As a limited shooter I was all about shooting the stage a fast as I could run and take aim.

I am the classic spray and pray shooter.

No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get past that.

Now I have no choice.

That just doesn't work in SS.

(Probably doesn't work that well in limited either)

I approached the match with one overriding strategy.


Watch the front sight, shoot A's and let the clock take care of itself.

It seemed to be working pretty well.

Based on the 4 stages I completed, I was on a pace to finish in 7th place Overall.

With a GM and 4 Masters in attendance, that's not a bad start for a SS newbie.

Granted, with 6 stages left to shoot, anything could happen but I felt pretty good about how things were going.

Now I have to let the leg heal. No running.

That means several weeks of stand and shoot drills.

Perhaps the injury was a blessing in disguise....... I need those drills.

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This is what your foot looks like after a torn calf muscle.

The internal bleeding from the muscle seeps down to your foot and turns it purple.

Note the swelling still present one week after the injury occurred.



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Wish you a speedy recovery. Now you have time to practice seated table starts and reloads. If you can bear weight on it, practice reloads until you can empty your belt without a hitch.

My accuracy has never been better, first it was my 7 month dabble in Production, then back into SS. It's not that you can't miss, you can't even make up more than one D on an 8 round array. Accuracy must be there, more importantly you must trust your sights.

Stage breakdown is my favorite part of SS. Even though stage 9 caught me out at TN I really enjoyed all of the stages. I was the first shooter on 9 and couldn't wrap my head around it in just 5 minutes. I need at least 20 minutes prep time on a stage like that. I failed to look at it on friday. My fault, and one that won't happen again.

Sorry to hear you weren't able to finish the match. Is it something you will have repaired or do you just suck it up until it doesn't hurt anymore?

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I thought I could just suck it up and deal with it.

It seemed to be getting better, but today it's pretty sore.

I came home early from work to soak it and then ice it down.

I hope to go out to the range next weekend and do my favorite drill.

I basically set up two targets about 3' apart at 7 yards distance.

I draw and and double tap both targets, reload, engage, reload, engage until I have gone through four magazines and 16 rounds.

This drill lets me practice draws, splits, transitions, and reloads.

I have done it with my limited gun in 7 seconds and change.

Thats shooting and reloading flat out with not much emphasis on hits,.... just how fast can I do it.

I'm gonna work on it with the SS and watch that front sight until I can do it with all A's and nice, smooth reloads.

BTW Congratulations to Shaun on winning the SS division at Tennessee.cheers.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

The SS odyssey is on hold for now.

I decided that since my leg needed time to heal, now would be the perfect time to send my 1911 to the gunsmith for a makeover.

My faithful Springer is now in the hands of Rich Dettelhouser for some functional and cosmetic upgrades.

I hope it doesn't take too long. I can't wait to see how it looks when I get it back.

While the gun is on vacation, I have been on a mission to load as much 45 ammo as possible.

I want to be ready for some drills when the blaster finds it's way home.

In the mean time....

I have taken my 14 year old nephew into training for his first USPSA match.

The young man is beyond enthusiastic.

I have taken him to 2 club matches and he had a great time watching the proceedings.

I cobbled together some gear and let him run through a stage after the match.

I now have obtained proper gear and have set him up to run production with my XD-40.

Yesterday was his first real training session.

We spent 6 hours on the range working on fundamentals, safety and range commands.

Christopher has talent, there is no doubt about it.

With a little coaching, he was cutting the X out of a bullseye target at 10 yards.

Not too shabby for a kid that never shot a gun of any kind, before this summer.

If he sticks with it, he could become a real terror in the junior ranks.

We'll see.

I'm finding that teaching this kid the ropes is about as much fun as I've had at the range in a while.

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