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Bill Gates knows what you need


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Back in the good old days, when I first started using Windows, you would put the mouse over the text you wanted to highlight, drag it and release. It would highlight exactly what you selected. Now windows tries to decide what you wanted highlighted and "helps" by selecting the whole word, sentence, etc.

I'm so sick of MS (and other huge software coorporations) taking away useful features, and adding a bunch of useless stuff that hasn't been fully debugged.

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Check out Damnyouautocorrect.com. It's about when people are texting and the computer puts word in there that they didn't type. If you don't watch it closely and delete what it said, you can send some pretty weird messages.

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Back in the good old days, when I first started using Windows, you would put the mouse over the text you wanted to highlight, drag it and release. It would highlight exactly what you selected. Now windows tries to decide what you wanted highlighted and "helps" by selecting the whole word, sentence, etc.

Windows, or Word? In Word, you can turn that off.

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After years of listening to MS telling me about "better" ideas I finally got it thru my thick head,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and bought a MAC. Now I do what I want to do.

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