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Soft cover


Recommended Posts Unless otherwise specified in the written stage briefing, all such

barriers, walls, vision barriers and snow fence barriers will be

considered to go from the ground to the height as constructed.

Does soft cover equal vision barrier? If I can see through it is at a barrier? If so can I shoot under it?

Just a thought, figured someone could possibly have an opinion............:devil:

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I'm not sure the question is clear?

Whether you can see through it or not...I don't think that matters one way or the other as soft cover.

I have shot under soft cover...at a texas star. I believe the stage was designed with that in mind. (4ft sheet of black plastic stretched across the top of an opening between walls. Go low, and see the star, or choose to shoot some plates through the soft cover)

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Being able to see through something doesn't make it soft cover.

The safe bet is to assume hard cover unless the stage briefing says otherwise.

Only asking about soft cover. Does declared soft cover start at the ground (even if it starts 3 feet up) and therefore acts just like hardcover? Or can I shoot under it? Perhaps that's clearer.

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I can;'t answer that one Boz. I might have to see it.

Around here, we run our regular walls all the way to the ground.

I recall the one of the first out of state matches that I shot that had the walls a few feet off the deck (COPS match in MO)... The first thing I was asking was if I could shoot under the walls. I thought I knew the answer, but I didn't want to miss out and have other shooters doing it later.

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Being able to see through something doesn't make it soft cover.

The safe bet is to assume hard cover unless the stage briefing says otherwise.

Only asking about soft cover. Does declared soft cover start at the ground (even if it starts 3 feet up) and therefore acts just like hardcover? Or can I shoot under it? Perhaps that's clearer.

Generally, when I've seen soft cover used, it's been placed very close to the targets, thereby limiting the shooter's ability to shoot over/under or around it.....

In some other cases, we've placed it a couple of feet out, and allowed competitors to just about run up to it, if they wanted to shoot over it; or of course targets could be engaged from further away by shooting through the cover -- shooter's choice.....

Soft cover set up as walls normally are -- I'm thinking that one's a loser....

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I would say you can unless the soft cover is in the form of one of the items in

A translucent wall declared as soft cover would extend to the ground. Streamers hanging from a wire above the target would not (unless they actually did).

Being able to see through something doesn't make it soft cover.

The safe bet is to assume hard cover unless the stage briefing says otherwise.

Only asking about soft cover. Does declared soft cover start at the ground (even if it starts 3 feet up) and therefore acts just like hardcover? Or can I shoot under it? Perhaps that's clearer.

Edited by Gary Johnson
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I would say you can unless the soft cover is in the form of one of the items in

A translucent wall declared as soft cover would extend to the ground. Streamers hanging from a wire above the target would not (unless they actually did).

Does it matter if it "extends to the ground" even if the reality doesn't? It is soft cover---they can shoot through it. So if it "extends to the ground" but doesn't in actuality, they can still duck down and shoot in the clear no matter what. :)

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Good point. I'm gonna have to think on this a little more.

I would say you can unless the soft cover is in the form of one of the items in

A translucent wall declared as soft cover would extend to the ground. Streamers hanging from a wire above the target would not (unless they actually did).

Does it matter if it "extends to the ground" even if the reality doesn't? It is soft cover---they can shoot through it. So if it "extends to the ground" but doesn't in actuality, they can still duck down and shoot in the clear no matter what. :)

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Actually it does matter if the soft cover goes to the ground or not. It can determine whether it's a legal target or not. I'll whip something up in sketchup to illustrate:

post-10187-014958100 1304545827_thumb.pn

If the light blue soft cover went all the way to the ground, T2 would not be legal because all scoring zones must be available for targets hidden by soft cover.

Edited by Skydiver
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