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Slide Glide


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I found the Slide Glide stuff at Brownells, so I figured I'd give it a try. I bought the lite stuff because here in Idaho we dont always have the warmest temperatures, and I was buying it for my sidearm I wear hunting. Of course, I needed something extremely reliable (ZERO FAILURES) because my life my very well be on the line if I have to use my sidearm. So I applied the Slide Glide to my Kimber Tactical Custom II (my go-to gun when I'm hunting), which is compensated, and I shot it when it was about 35 degrees out. No problems there, and it felt a lot smoother than it did before with regular gun oil. Just to make sure of its reliability, I put it in my freezer overnight (way colder than what we normally see here), and I shot it the next morning. I put three mags through it, not a single jam, just smooth operation. I can see where other guns could have trouble though, the rounds were ejecting noticeably slower due to the slower slide operation, maybe a lighter recoil round or a gun with a heavier recoil spring could have trouble feeding and ejecting. This stuff is officially my favorite lube; if it can handle subzero temperatures in the tightest fitting (compensated!) gun I have, AND smooth up the action better than gun oil, then I have to have it, so I bought a tub :)

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Just curious....has anyone used slide glide on the bolt carrier group for an AR ? I have an AR10 in 300RSAUM and if the bcg gets even a little dry, I have feeding and/or eject issues?

I have. It works fine up to a point. It seemed to hold all the crap the gun spits back into itself. I had trouble with it faster than I would have with a lighter lube. Mind you, this was a couple thousand rounds so if it's for a hunt or something it would be no problem. I use it on an AK that I haven't cleaned in about 2000 rounds now. Seems just fine in there.

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