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tungsten guide rod help


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Hello all i was curious if the 3.2 ounce tungsten guide rod for canyon creek will be production legal the gun has adjustable and fiberoptic dawson sights, and extended magazine release and grip tape i know you can be 2 ounces over is anyone else using this rod in production.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello all i was curious if the 3.2 ounce tungsten guide rod for canyon creek will be production legal the gun has adjustable and fiberoptic dawson sights, and extended magazine release and grip tape i know you can be 2 ounces over is anyone else using this rod in production.

I'm new to USPSA, but I don't think it would be legal because tungsten may add too much weight to the front of your pistol and could be considered as a "compensator". I hope I helped.

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I just shot the Ohio match on Saturday with a guy that had an XDm 9mm and he was .4 ounces under with a tungsten guide rod. He could not remember which one he has though.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just put a solid guide rod from Springer Precision in my XDM 9mm. It made a very real difference. Shot some steel using it and my sons gun (same gun, set up the same, but without the solid guide rod)and the difference is very noticeable. I ran it with a 16lb spring and for me the combo felt very nice. I haven't weighed my gun, but from what I've read and been told, it will still meet the weight limit for production.

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