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Would you DQ her?


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To my eye her finger is quite clearly inside the trigger guard. Of course as others have stated, one frame doesn't tell the whole story.

But my point in posting in this thread is to say that I have not once, ever, seen anyone DQ'd for finger-in-the-guard. I can recall in detail two occasions when I should have done so as the RO, and have witnessed dozens, perhaps hundreds, of occasions when another RO either missed it or let it slide.

Perhaps it's a regional thing... is this strictly enforced anywhere else?

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As an RO I am giving the shooter the benefit of the doubt.

As a shooter I do my best to leave no doubt.

This. I haven't DQ'd anyone for it, but I've gone up to shooters after and quietly requested they have their finger more clearly out of the guard so I don't even have to think about it next time. Most take the hint.

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Don't DQ her.

Put her in an elimination challenge with a gun that she possibly couldn't comfortably hold into her shoulder AND reach the trigger. I'm thinking a Thompson...

Seriously though, as everyone said, 1 picture doesn't do it justice. It could or couldn't be in the trigger guard, but you need more info before you can find a reason to DQ her. If this is in the middle of a sprint, and her finger is in the trigger guard, then yes. But is she stopping/starting? Bringing up the gun for a shot? Need more before the proper ruling can be decided..

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To my eye her finger is quite clearly inside the trigger guard. Of course as others have stated, one frame doesn't tell the whole story.

But my point in posting in this thread is to say that I have not once, ever, seen anyone DQ'd for finger-in-the-guard. I can recall in detail two occasions when I should have done so as the RO, and have witnessed dozens, perhaps hundreds, of occasions when another RO either missed it or let it slide.

Perhaps it's a regional thing... is this strictly enforced anywhere else?

Thats a good question, Ive only seen someone DQ'd for finger in the trigger guard once and it was during a reload. If we enforce it more I think you would see less AD's.

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