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The First Robin

Patrick Sweeney

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I spotted the first Robin outside my office window yesterday afternoon. Along with the swarms of Cardinals and nuthatches that never leave, and the Finches who abandon this near-arctic wasteland for only a month, I love 'em.

It reminds me to drag out and clean off the hummingbird feeders, in my so-far vain attempt at convincing them to move in.

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That reminds me of my days growing up in Ohio, where to me the return of the Robins signaled the coming of spring. The weather was usually still so crappy then that you kinda felt a sigh of hope.

Now out here in AZ, it's quite different. Every few winters I may see a group of Robins in the neighborhood.... But this year I didn't see any. And I only saw one lone Junco; usually I see them in happy little groups.

Had quite a few great winter raptor sightings, including one Coopers Hawk that came swooping right past me, about three feet off the ground, on my porch. And I get the hummers year round - it's a real hummingbird mecca here in AZ. I keep three feeders going full time.


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Spring is DEFINITELY here - wooohooooo, let the shooting season begin!

I've got all my windows open today, nice breeze, good strong sunshine, AHHH, nothing like letting the stale air out! (I do miss Kalibanfornia weather, but that's ALL I MISS!)

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Low humidity in Houston, who you trying to kid? That means 80%...

Come to Kerrville with true low humidity, yesterday 25% and 82degrees.

Spring is truly here...

Yes, Kath, the robins are good, so are Cedar Waxwings, but they are 20% smaller than robins, takes a lot of them. Makes me want to go pick some Poke Salad greens.

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One of my favorite times to sit on the porch is just before dusk, to watch the hummers dog fight it out for the last sugar buzz of the evening. It can be spectacular.

Here's a male Anna's on rotational patrol.


He's absolutely hilarious, riding in circles on the wind chime, tirelessly scouring the area for intruders.

And since you mentioned finches, here's a few Lesser Goldfinches,

finches.jpg;) waiting their turn on the thistle feeders on a cold, rainy, winter day.


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I also had robins in the yard here in St. Paul, MN this week. The best part is the snow has all melted! I fed the finches all winter and seen quite a few Cedar Waxwings. Sping is here and it is wonderful. :)

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