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My 3rd and fourth stages....


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G17fan> I don't mean to be a hard ass but why ask for what else you can improve on when you are not implementing what has already been suggested? It was pointed out in January that you need to make ready with the gun high in the same position you would do it during a stage run. You were also told to get more aggressive while moving. You have still not deployed these two simple changes three months later. Why stack more things to change onto the list of things to improve if you can't even make two simple changes that have already been spoon fed to you? This sounds harsh, but really think about it. If you are not willing to change these two simple bad habits what chance do you think you have of changing other complex habits? :ph34r:

Cha lee.... whatever..... I have improved on loading higher by my face..... as far as moving.... Im a 6-1 guy and I am 265lbs.... how fast do you expext my ass to move.... I am having fun doing what I am doing and I dont plan on taking any world championship match so I will work at my speed. What you dont know is my scores and my placement within my division has improved since January.... There are 12 in my division on average and I usually place 3rd now.

With that said.... Pete Weber hip check......

Edited by G17fan
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.... I am having fun doing what I am doing ....

There's a lot to say for perspective and a positive attitude and your quote above indicates that you seem to have both going for you. You're having fun. Keep having fun. Others have identified your technical deficiencies. Continue to work on these but don't make it an obsession - or worse, a job.

I took a look at your Youtube channel and I could see some technical improvement from your very first videos to your most recent. Dramatic improvement might be an overstatement, but there is some difference in your load/reload. I suspect that you can do better.

On the load/reload thing: that horse is dead. I'm leaving it alone.

On the big guy thing: It may come down to genetics and your fast/slow twitch muscle composition. Some folks can dash and some can't. Those that can't have to make up for it, usually, by shooting better and smarter. Maybe that's your game. But I've seen guys your size (and bigger) absolutely motor so don't discount this part of your game - it's still important and you should continue to work on it.

Do you have a timer?

It's probably the most useful accessory that you can buy to measure, monitor and benchmark your skills and abilities. Try taking some video of your load/reload when you dry fire and put yourself on a par time (for a reload). If you do and apply what the other have been saying, I'd guess that you may see a marked improvement in those skills.

I think that range was Chabot? I still need to make it our there some Saturday.

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.... I am having fun doing what I am doing ....

There's a lot to say for perspective and a positive attitude and your quote above indicates that you seem to have both going for you. You're having fun. Keep having fun. Others have identified your technical deficiencies. Continue to work on these but don't make it an obsession - or worse, a job.

I took a look at your Youtube channel and I could see some technical improvement from your very first videos to your most recent. Dramatic improvement might be an overstatement, but there is some difference in your load/reload. I suspect that you can do better.

On the load/reload thing: that horse is dead. I'm leaving it alone.

On the big guy thing: It may come down to genetics and your fast/slow twitch muscle composition. Some folks can dash and some can't. Those that can't have to make up for it, usually, by shooting better and smarter. Maybe that's your game. But I've seen guys your size (and bigger) absolutely motor so don't discount this part of your game - it's still important and you should continue to work on it.

Do you have a timer?

It's probably the most useful accessory that you can buy to measure, monitor and benchmark your skills and abilities. Try taking some video of your load/reload when you dry fire and put yourself on a par time (for a reload). If you do and apply what the other have been saying, I'd guess that you may see a marked improvement in those skills.

I think that range was Chabot? I still need to make it our there some Saturday.

Thanks for taking the time to look at my videos.... It tells me that you really are looking at my progress... no matter how little it may be. As far as moving fast.... I am a big guy but I am also "afraid" of moving to fast and having an accident :surprise:..... trip/fall. I have been moving faster lately though.

Good point on a timer as I could spend more time dry firing, reloading and drawing and working on quick sight aquisition for the first shot.

Most of all I appreciate your positive response. This is not my job, career or a matter of life or death. I enjoy the sport and the competitive nature of things at the range with my friends. This is an awesome sport and I will improve the best I can within the time I can.....

It is Chabot. I will be there this Saturday, hopefully you can make it as it would be nice to meet you. :cheers:


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  • 10 months later...

Here are some recent stages...

Thoughts? I know my reloads are a little slow but I tend to feel that the mag doesn't seat well all the time...

Edited by G17fan
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I noticed some improvement in your Richmond video..

As far as reloading high goes, I agree with every one here except when moving to your weak side..

When moving to your weak side its good to reload low as it won't break the 180 like the face reload those..

So learn both if you can :)

As far as being afraid to move fast with the gun, we've all had to cruss that bridge..

You engrain safety and you let loose..

Peace :)

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Here are some recent stages...

Thoughts? I know my reloads are a little slow but I tend to feel that the mag doesn't seat well all the time...

I'm guessing you may be practicing your reloads (dry fire) with nearly empty mags? Past the mechanics of the reload, the whole mag seating feel thing is best practiced with a mag full of dummy rounds. The weight is different and the effort needed to seat the mag is different. You can practice this one away.

When I got my new limited gun recently, I did a whole month of dry fire reloads with only one or two dummies in each mag. Shot the first match and failed to seat the mag on two separate reloads. Oh yeah, I knew about practicing with a full mag of dummies, but proved that I was the dummy for not practicing what I already knew. :roflol:

Turning draw:

Get your hand on the gun and snap your head around as fast as you can. When you are safely facing down range, draw and engage. It could be that you're not comfortable with the turning draw and that's OK, but you can dry fire practice that too.


It's been said before in earlier replies, but there still seems to be a lack of urgency in your movement. I'm sure you're trying, but if your not naturally fleet of foot, then you'll need to make sure that all other parts of your game are optimized. That means everything from accuracy to stage planning and everything else in between. If you're happy with your present speed, focus on the other parts that you want to improve.

I'll make it out to Chabot one of these days...

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I don't buy the "I am a big guy and can't move fast" excuse. I am 6' 4" tall, 280lbs and obviously over weight. I usually can physically navigate through stages faster and more aggressively than most shooters. Is it because I am special? No. I am able to move quickly and aggressively through stages simply because I make a conscious effort to run or move with all my effort when its required. Ask yourself this. Can you recall a stage performance where you KNEW that you were running or moving aggressively with ALL of your effort? 99.9% of the time when I ask shooters this question the answer is a glaring "No" and a light bulb usually flicks on above their head.

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I don't buy the "I am a big guy and can't move fast" excuse. I am 6' 4" tall, 280lbs and obviously over weight. I usually can physically navigate through stages faster and more aggressively than most shooters. Is it because I am special? No. I am able to move quickly and aggressively through stages simply because I make a conscious effort to run or move with all my effort when its required. Ask yourself this. Can you recall a stage performance where you KNEW that you were running or moving aggressively with ALL of your effort? 99.9% of the time when I ask shooters this question the answer is a glaring "No" and a light bulb usually flicks on above their head.

It did for me. My goals at every match I shoot is to move with every bit of strength and speed I can muster. These guys have helped me fine tune that movement also!!!

you look like your lollygagging around the stage. you lolygag to the port wall you lollygag down the fault line you lollygag in the positions... know what that makes you... lollygager sir lol.... dont know why that quote came ot mind but it did.

move like your arse is on fire.

for example in yoru stage five video you should blasted to that corner with a wide aggressive stance. you should have been shifting your weight as soon as you fired your last shot and dropping that mag, and with just a shuffle mag change should have been done and your in postion for the next array. after your mag change you get into position then reposition before firing. leaving that array you should have blasted over to the next one gun up ready to engage the targets. last array mag change should have either beeen done or almost done before hitting your spot. and again you should be moving with more urgency.

I would suggest you pick up mike seeklanders competition handgun training program book. IT will help you fix all of these things. The book is amazing!

Edited by Mat Price
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