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Give me some Ideas for Stages from the Early Days of IPSC


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On a radio interview I heard Brian Enos say that the stages have really changed since the 1980's, and that modern day shooters would have a hard time with the old school stages. Can someone give me an example of some of the old school stuff? What did it look like? I'd like to make some stages along those lines and see what the competitors can do...

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Well--you could put in some obstacles.

I really don't remember ever having a 3 ft high obstacle to climb over,

or a 6 ft one with "scaling aids". :blink:

But then I've only been playing this game for 9 years or so.

2.2.2 Obstacles – Courses of fire may include the use of barriers or major

obstacles to be surmounted by competitors. Obstacles used in this way

must not exceed a height of 6.5 feet. Obstacles over 3 feet in height

must be supplied with scaling aids to assist competitors and must be

constructed to provide for the competitor’s safety in the following


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Here's a few from the Nationals. http://www.k8nd.com/documents/sbnatls1.PDF Hope this link works. :unsure:

Remember that people were shooting 8 or 9 round .45's and 10 or 11 round .38 Supers, all with iron sights. Notice lots of shooting boxes that aren't allowed now.

When I started in 1981, timers were not common. In fact, I'm not sure they had been invented yet. ;)

We shot a lot of fixed time standards using a stop watch and whistle. :) They were usually 42 or 48 rounds with several starts. The question before you shot the match was: do I need 7 or 8 mags. :roflol:

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I'm a young and sprite 36 years old, but the slew of Super Senoirs wouldn't appreciate me setting up anything that would be too physically demanding. I have set up a running stage on relatively flat ground that was pretty harmless, They only mildly complained about that one. The sourcebook gave me a flavor. 50 yard Virginia Count, eh? Definitly different.

What else do y'all have?

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Here's a few from the Nationals. http://www.k8nd.com/...ts/sbnatls1.PDF Hope this link works. :unsure:

Remember that people were shooting 8 or 9 round .45's and 10 or 11 round .38 Supers, all with iron sights. Notice lots of shooting boxes that aren't allowed now.

When I started in 1981, timers were not common. In fact, I'm not sure they had been invented yet. ;)

We shot a lot of fixed time standards using a stop watch and whistle. :) They were usually 42 or 48 rounds with several starts. The question before you shot the match was: do I need 7 or 8 mags. :roflol:


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Area 3 had a stage this year called, Don't Leave Without Your Gun Bag, your gun and ammo was in the bag (you couldn't put it in

the mag holders). This was on a table, you are in a chair, at the buzzer my hands went down in the bag, picked it up ran forward,

dropped bag, gun and magazine comes out, by this time I am loading running up about 8 steps, shoot the first aray, run back down

down the steps grab a mag out of the bag run to the right up another set of 8 steps, shoot another aray, came back down, grabbed

another mag , reloaded grabbed the bag ran about 8 steps, dropped bag, shot another aray, grabbed mag out of bag, make reload, picked bag up ran to

wall dropped bag over wall onto a trap door to activate a turner, turner did not move, shot the aray anyway. GUESS WHAT, the turner

did not work, I had a reshoot. Now I am next to the last shooter, by the time I reload it is time for me to shoot again. Now for a

Super Senior I am in pretty good shape, but by the time I got back to the wall again, in that hot humid weather I was sucking

so much air I didn' need to drop the bag to make the turnner work. So make sure everything works.

BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, THAT WAS A FUN STAGE TO SHOOT and I had a great time. I haven't been shooting that long but Area 3 was great.

So Super Seniors suck it up and get in shape and have fun. We just need enough Super Seniors shoot to compete against each other.

You young guys you build the stages the way you want.

Edited by Bouttime
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