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Need Some Insite

Justin Lewis

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Ok, im very new to shooting hand guns and dont own one at this moment. Im not totaly new to shooting i was formaly in the Military so have some experience but not with hand guns. I really like the way the glock 30 and 36 looks. Once i make my decision on which one i will purchase i will get certified so i properly know how to shoot safe and know as much about my weapon as i can then i will get my Concealed weapon permit.

Which one is a better choice i look at the Stats on the two and they seem ver similar in size and weight and everything except the mag. size the 30 holds 9 or 10 and the 36 holds 6. anyways i wanted to get some advice on which one would you recomend.

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If your hand is big enough to get proper trigger reach on the G30 then I would lean toward it. I also like the 9 round magazines with Pearce finger extensions over the clunkier factory 10 round mags. US made factory practice ammo is $10-12/50 rounds for 230gr FMJ.

If both of them are too large then the next logical step is the G23 in .40SW. Pre-ban magazines hold 13 rounds of .40SW. US made factory practice ammo is $9-10/50 rounds for 180gr FMJ.

My personal favorite is the G19 in 9mm. Practice ammo is about 1/2 the price of .45 so you can afford to shoot a lot more. Recoil is less so students tend to have an easier time handling the gun and learning marksmanship. Pre-ban magazines hold 15 rounds of 9mm. US made factory practice ammo is $5-6/50 rounds for 115gr FMJ.

The key to concealed carry comfort is getting a good sturdy belt made for carrying a gun - standard belts just don't work. A quality holster that completely covers the trigger guard is also important.

Good Luck!

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thanks, I have been reading alot of good things about the g30 and i like the idea of 10 rounds vs the 6. My hands are some what skinny but long not real fat or anything just Normal i guess. From my middle finger to my palm messures 8.25 inches so i guess that is normal. I might go by the range and take a look at the two side by side to see in person the difrences.

I dont think i will wear this on a belt or anthing i just want to have it when i drive to go camping and on trips. I drive to places that i never have been before and sometimes it think it shure would be handy to have a weapon from the looks of the surounding of the places that i stop to get gas (etc..). and that i also have had 2 people try to car jack me but i just drug them throught the parking lot slinging them to the ground at a mere 30mph Anyways enough story telling on my part.

I like the looks of the 30 and 36 the way there short and small which is the look im going for but untill i see them in person its real hard to get a real feel for what they look like on the net, because all the pictures i have been able to find are not all that great and in low res and no close ups.

Thanks for your input


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You might want to consider the Glock 23 instead. The is very little difference in 9mm, .40 and .45 performance when using modern self defense ammo. I use 147 gr Ranger Talon and the 180 gr RT. Both of these rounds are very soft shooting. I have owned a G30 but just did not like the chunky grip. The G23 with 14 rds or the G19 with 16 rds are both very effective.

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It all depends on what you want to do with your pistol. The Glocks 30 and 36 are sub-compact 45's, more suitable for concealed carry and maybe IDPA and GSSF. I had a G36 for concealed carry but the thinner grip frame was not as comfortable for me to shoot, so I switched to the 30. Since I already had a 21, getting used to extra girth was not a problem and I can even use the 21 mags in the 30. For IWB carry the 30 is bit too fat but nothing that cannot be managed. Bottomline, the 30 is a sweet-shootin' lil' 45.

If what you're looking for is an all-around home defense/plinking/competition/glove compartment Glock you may want to take a look at the G34 & 35 (competition/tactical), the G17 & 22 (service size) or the G19 & 23 (compacts). Like Vincent said you'll get good performance from modern ammo either in 9mm or .40S&W. If you ever get into this game of ours (IPSC), and you should, my suggestion would be the G35. You could play basically in any division you want with that same pistol and still use it for non-concealed carry social purposes.

If you definitely got to have a .45 you could try the G21. It's easier to shoot than the 30 and 36 but it is a BIG pistola.

Confused yet? :wacko:

If you can, try 'em all and get the one that "talks" to you.

Let us know.



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Like everyone else has said, it just depends on what you want the gun for. I have a 36 which I carry concealed occasionally. I find it just small enough to be comfortable, but not so small that it is hard to shoot. I have used it in a few IDPA matches for practice, and have found it both fun, and easy to shoot. You can get mag. extensions to up the capacity to 7 or 8, which is what I have done for the extra mag. I carry. This also makes the gun a little easier to shoot.

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Thanks everyone, I went to one of my well known gun dealers to hold the G30 and the G36 but wouldnt you know no one would even say anything to me. Not even a "are you finding everything ok" they just over looked me and helped everyone else. but what they didnt know was that i had 1200 dollars in cash to buy them both. I planned on just getting one but they were running a special on the G36 that was listed for 449 with the extended mag and night sights. It was NEW and that was a deal that i just couldnt pass up to have for the wife or the house. And on top of that i was going to go ahead and get the G30 as well with some shooting glasses. and no one would even say hi or anything. So i called them up when i got home 30 min later and said that i was in your store and told them the same story and told them they might want to work on there sales tech/ customer service stratigy and that i will be paying a higher price for the same weapons and i wont feel one bit bad for paying a higher price because they had excelent customer service. for all you Oklahoma city folks it was H & H gun range. I scould see this if i was some teenager or somthing but im 25 years old ex military and now a DOD civilian that dresses clean cut. I guess i have to dress thugish to get help cause i counted 3 people the walked in 5-15 min after i did and they all got helped but didnt buy a single thing. just the normal "just looking " responce.

If you from Oklahoma City i highly recomend Gun World in Del City off sunnylane. Great customer service.

Sorry for my all drawn out reply it really pissed me off that i drove 30+ min to buy the items and no help.

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Good for you! As a small business owner I like to hear that customers appreciate good customer service, even if it means paying a little more. If you need help down the road, a store that at least acknowledges your existance will make a big difference, and the added cost seem trivial. Hope you enjoy both Glocks! ;)

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When it comes to Glocks, my advice to newbies is to firstly decide upon the calibre, then decide upon the frame size. The frame size largely depends on how you want to carry your Glock, because the holster position and your body size have a big impact on concealability. For competition, I use a G21 (45ACP) in IPSC Production Division, but I prefer to use 9mm for carry (with premier quality factory ammo) - a G19 for strong side carry and/or a G26 in an ankle holster, depending on how I'm dressed and where I'm going.

In all cases except for the G36, the magazines from larger frame models fit the smaller frame models so, for defensive purposes, you can load a "standard" magazine into your gun, but your backup mag(s) can be higher capacity. I don't sell Glocks to the USA, but you can get all the specs by calibre here (smallest to largest, left to right).

Hope this helps.

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