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My first log:

Went to the range today. It was in the mid 30's. It was very wet and muddy. So, I decided to put up six small poppers. There is too much ice and snow to set up a real stage. I shot about 300 rounds. I stood 15 yards away. I was able to shoot them in less than 6 seconds. I learned that if I try and go to fast I actually did worst than if I went a little slower an smoother? I got bored after about 100 rounds, so, I moved the poppers apart and would shoot two on the left and move and reload and shoot the three poppers on the right. I didn't do this for too long. My magazines got so muddy I was having a hard time getting the dirt out. I ended the outing by getting out my revovler, and trying to do the Jerry M manuver. It's the one on the history channel were he shoots 6 rounds reloads and shoots 6 rounds in about 3 seconds. Well, the best I could do it was in 7 seconds. Wow, Jerry's fast!

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Did you go down to Osceola? If so, do you think that we will be able to shoot this upcoming Sunday? Keep up the good work...


My next shoot I think I'll practice some area 5 standards. Weak hand and strong hand.

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Shot 300 rounds of 22lr with my berreta neos today. I think it was good practice? I put up 7 paper targets. I tried to move forward and backward and side to side while shooting. Not much recoll. Then, I shot my Glock. About 200 rounds. I practiced drawing, shooting, reloading and shooting again. Think it was a good practice.

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Dry fired today for 30 minutes. I'm trying to get ready for Area 5. My biggest fear is that I'm going to DQ. I'm not worried that I'm going to drop my gun or violate the safe gun area or something like that. My biggest worry is that I will sweap my hand in front of my gun. We don't practice it enough at the range I usually shoot at. The one time that we did go through a door I came very close to sweaping my gun with the hand I was opening the door with. I think I will practice going through a door. I've watched some youtube videos and I seen that they have you open a window by pushing on with your hand. I might have to practice that too. I keep checking the Area 5 web site to see the stages and see if they have a door or window to open. But they havn't posted them yet. I'm hoping they post them soon so I can be ready.

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Dry fired today for about 15 minutes.

My long term goal is to become a GM in production. I don't know if thats an unrealistic goal or not. Do I have the talent? How many GM's are there? How hard is it? How long does it take for most people? How much training do you need to do? I might have to try and research that and make a realistic time line goal.

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First USPSA match today. It was great to get out and shoot a real match. I felt really slow and clumbersome. I don't know if it was the weather (in the 30's) it was suppose to be sunny and in the 50's,but I felt like I hadn't shot for a long time. I did try and get out and practice, and I dry fired all winter. Scores are not posted yet, but I don't think I did all that well.

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Hey, I did better than I thought! :surprise: I came in first in my division (limited),and fourth overall. The first stage I came in last and it was the easyest stage! There was only four stages. I setup the second stage, but it was cold and I don't think the guys wanted to be out there for very long. I would of liked to shoot more, but what are you going to do? Not a bad day after all. One things for sure, I just need to practice a lot more!!!!!!!!!!!

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Was able to seek away and shoot this morning. I shot about 300 rounds. I practiced strong hand , weak hand, draw fire reload fire, and draw fire move draw fire. It felt like a good practice. It's hard to tell if it's helping or not. I'm trying to resist buying another gun, and put all my money into ammo. It's just that all these guns keep calling my name and saying buy me Craig. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was a beautiful day for shooting. Any way there was four stages. The first one was simple and straight forward. Had to shoot two pepper poppers before leaving the starting box. Then shoot the paper targets. I though I did well. No major problems. No malfuctions or jams.

The second stage was much more challenging. The fault lines were very close to the barrels obstructing the line of sight of a pepper popper and a paper target. You had to lean over the fault line in order to see them on both sides. I though my plan went well. No problems just wish I could go faster.

The third stage which I though I did well was divide up into three basic parts. Had to start in the middle and work your way either left or right and come back the other way. No problems or malfunctions just wish I could go faster.

The fourth stage which I set up didn't go very well. I had a jam in my gun. Which never has happen. The round did not feed into the chamber. My plan for the stage went well, but my malfunction really slowed down my time. I was very disappionted. Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a great time. It was a lot of fun.


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Got the results back form todays match. I won my divsion, but I can in seventh overall. Shit, I wanted to do better than that. I shouldn't be to disappointed with my overall score since everyone that beat me was shooting an open or limited gun. It was a fun day. I wish I could beat everyone, but that's the way it goes. It's my competative nature to want to win.


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Shot a steel match today. Two of the stages were long distance shooting, and two were short distance. Of course, I felt like I was a turtle on the long distance stages, but I think I shot about the same as everybody else. The weather was prefect.

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Went to the range today. Shot about 300 rounds. Just practiced drawing, shooting, and reloading.

Trying to deceide if I should buy a new gun or put all my money into bullets? A new gun would be nice, but I'm not going to get any better if I don't practice. What to do??????????


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O.K. I've been following Ben Stoeger for awhile now, and I've deciede to have him as my mentor. I'm not going to buy a new gun, because I dont think that it will make me a better shooter. He shoots one gun a beretta 92 (very well I might add). So, I'm going to pour all my money into ammo and see if I'm any better next year.

Anybody have any thoughs? Anybody tried this? Think it will work?


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