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Posts posted by KGentry

  1. This is a very interesting thread - SOB#1 really does deserve the top wood for the match as master - I think as USPSA members and active shooters that we really make it known that we want the rules at any match to be enforced.

    Is not why we have them? Allot of people work very hard to put on the matches - local and Major - it really kicks them in the pants to have a couple of rule violations over looked or avoided by MD's which forces shooters to raise issues.

    Edit - added "to"

  2. Tick has a real problem here, mostly starting with OLDER SHOOTERS, who have been around a while and don't like the way they preceive things going. USPSA rules are starting to be enforced, and it take "some of the fun" out of things for some people. Few, if any of his problem folks have taken a leadership role in the last five years or more, but kibitz from the sideline. Few would be a loss to the club, and new member retention would go up.


    I saw this very thing happen a local match I went to last weekend. The MD was upset over shooters on a squad calling him over and pointing out that the entire stage was not legal and their were non legal targets. An argument ensued with another club member and people almost went home - after more shooters got involved it was calmed down and the parties parted ways and finished the match. It is imperative that we enforce USPSA rules for all the matches as much as we can in a reasonable way and when there is an argument, get as many people involved to talk it out first. If there is more problems, even with a match director, get them off the range for the day.

  3. I'm with you, Joe, but don't try it.

    I set up a stage for Area 6 two years ago that 'favored' taller shooters in one spot, and a couple of the Little Folk threatened to arbitrate and have the stage thrown out. I don't know it they would have won the arb, but the mess it would have caused just wasn't worth it. We modified the stage to ensure it wouldn't get tossed. :(

    You should have made them put their $100 bucks up. If they could reasonably shot the course in a safe manner - they would loose their Green!!

  4. Something is very strange on this classifier - the calc says you need an exact 1#.00HF (you can put # in) to make 100% - How did that happen? Are they just coming up with a # and saying ok - that is how fast the best should shoot it? Or should they have a top GM shoot it and say - that is a good starting point?

    I made an edit to comply with the no posting of high hit factors rule

  5. Here in the valley it's hard to find time to practice, with all the matches to be shot.... :D

    I know the feeling of not being able to practice since here in San Antonio we have 4 USPSA matches and 2 Steel Challenge matches per month! With 3 more USPSA matches within a 2 hour drive.

  6. I am just waiting for the day we finally show Governments who is really in charge and replace people who waste our money like this. It is really about time we start standing up and slap them in the face! Ever try to get a polite person at the DMV?

  7. I am 3 weeks out of back surgury ( two lowest vertibre fused ) so I am working on the stand and shoot stuff. Did a bunch of plate rack runs yesterday at 12 yards. Best time was 1.98, average was around 2.13 slowest was 2.35. This was all with a limited gun. First shot was usually around .77 although I did get a .68 about mid way through. I am a M class pistol shooter, and I know you guys are going to think that I am embelishing the results a bit, but these were the actual times, and the timer is working perfectly, and I didn't even use spreaders, just good old 12ga. ounce and an 1/8th # 7 1/2s from Federal :roflol: Why would I want to use a pistol?? KurtM

    hahahahaha - Man that was great!!!

    How did the back surgery come out?

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