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Posts posted by gose

  1. Yes, and those contries voted in favour of changing those rules. All big rifle and SG countries voted against the rule change but we lost.

    All biggest regions voted against those changes but there is 1 vote for voting region which is not based on the membership quantity.

    All regions which has paid for 100 members have 1 vote.

    That will be the eventually downfall of IPSC, in my opinion. I don't think many realize that a region can have...say...20 total members...but PAY for a full membership, and they get a vote that carries the same weight as a region with hundreds (or thousands) of members.

    And, did the IPSC Executive Council (or some internal body) issue a voting guide again this time around?

    I honestly think that system is corrupt. (Note: I am not accusing anyone within the system of being corrupt. It is just a system that consolidates power. In other words, a bad system, IMO.)

    Since most US states have more USPSA shooters than some IPSC regions, can't we have each and every state join IPSC as a region? :sight::devil:

  2. Europe is just waking up and already 516 downloads of the interim results from my web-site... There is clearly an interest in this information, I do not know why it has not been posted by the match organizers. The stage results are useful for the competitors but overall results each day would have increased interest as we could see the lead changing day by day etc.

    We don't have the luxury of watching this sport on TV like Soccer World Cup etc. but with internet access there is no reason why we cannot upload videos several times a day and keep a running commentary on the day by day activities using a Twitter or RSS feed.

    Hopefully by 2014 we will have dragged this sport - kicking and screaming - into the 21st Century....

    Because it wasnt "prioritized"...

    And dont you dare question why they didnt prioritize it... unless you organized a perfect World Shoot yourself! ;)

  3. Just a friendly reminder, courtesy our pals at the ATF....

    Renting, or borrowing, any firearm as a non-resident is a felony, unless you have either:

    a) a valid US hunting license


    B) an approved Form 6 NIA.

    The Vegas ranges seem to get away with it since they have someone standing next to you the whole time and that person pretyt much does all the gun handling except pulling the trigger.

    Q: I’m a nonimmigrant alien who is coming to the United States for two weeks to go hunting. Can I rent a firearm in the United States to use on this trip? What if I want to go to a shooting range one day — can I rent a firearm there as well?

    As long as you possess a valid hunting license from a State within the United States, you may rent firearms to hunt and to use at a shooting range. If you do not have the hunting license, your possession of the firearms and ammunition will be unlawful. The hunting license does not have to be from the State where you will be possessing the guns and ammunition.

    [18 U.S.C. 922(a)(5) and (9), 922(g)(5)(B) and 922(y)]


  4. What is the current capacity restriction, if any, for USPSA SG Open Division?

    I think you know the answer already ;)

    However, there arent really that many USPSA or IPSC shotgun matches in the US, or even multi/3-gun-matches run under USPSA rules. The majority of 3-gun/multigun matches are run under IMA (or some version of IMA) rules where there's no limitation on rounds loaded in Open.

    Of course, the shotgun capacity limit in USPSA is not the only reason why IMA is a more popular ruleset, but its one of them.

  5. Travelling to the US with a gun is a hassle you cannot imagine. It is for sure easier if we are talking WS as it is the highest level. Its also possible if you shoot lets say Glock Production Division as you dont have to bring your weapon or amo you just use one from there. But try to bring your own and you would be surprised. Also planning your travel route is a nightmare as soon as you have to go through more than the state the match is in. If you qualify for the WS its maybe still worth doing but just going there for any L3 match.................

    <snipped some whining>

    Send in a Form 6 NIA to the ATF (doesnt even cost anything), wait a few weeks, get the form back.

    Lock up your gun in a hard case, or separate in two cases, depending on airline.

    Show customs your gun and papers.

    Enter the US.

    If nervous about state laws, keep the gun in your locked case until you get to a range.

    In my experience, traveling to the US with guns is way easier and hassle-free than traveling around, or entering Europe, with guns. (I lived and competed in Europe for quite a few years before moving to the US)

  6. Haven't we already agreed that the old leveling the playing field arguement is mute as the good shooters (Bryan 45) practice everything which why they always beat the average shooters?

    The trick is to make it a pain in the ass for all shooters, which can be difficult.

    This is exaclty my thinking but since it is so difficult i.e. a tall port is good for tall guys and a low port is good for short guys,etc, etc. So why not make the ports good for everyone rather than bad for everyone and let the shooter decide which type of shooting position he/she wants to take on the port/barricade.

    The only real way I can think of to make a shooting position either as hard or as easy for every shooter is to make everyone either shoot off hand, shoot prone, or shoot off of a vertical pole.

    If youre going to try to design every stage so they're identical for all shooters no matter their height, weight, age, leftie/rightie, etc etc youre fighting an uphill battle

    Yes, try to avoid the extremes, but making it equal for everyone will most likely just result in the majority getting bland stages.

    I'd much rather have one low and one tall port and struggle on one, or both, than two easy ports in the middle.

  7. I try really hard not to use paypal. It's great for the buyer. Not so good for the seller.

    I also had that 21 day hold e-mail.

    I stopped using paypal some time ago, with all the hassles with paypal my checks and credit cards no longer look so bad.

  8. So I have been reading on here lately - looking at possibly getting the Czechmate for my open pistol. Questions I have:

    1) What are you using for powder and are you getting consistant 9major loads out of it?

    2) What mag basepads are you using to get extra rounds in the big stick? I see the ones on CZ-Custom say "Will not add round capacity to the 9mm mags"

    Thanks a bunch!!!

    I use a 9mm Tac Sport for my 3-gunning and I have Angus' basepads on my mags and I dont fully agree with the statement that they dont add capacity ;)

    The problem with the 9mm mags is that they are the same width as the .40 mags and have indentations on each side to guide the narrower follower. However, those indentations dont extend all the way down to the bottom of the mag, which means that if you load the mags so the follower ends up below the indentations, its very likely that it will hang up and not feed any rounds.

    I can safely load 21 in all my mags and they reload smoothly and insert much easier than with the factory base, I can go to 22 but it starts to get iffy and if I load 23 I pretty much have a 50/50 shot at the follower getting hung.

    The factory mags barely fit 20 and are somewhat hard to insert loaded to max, so with the basepads you get at least one extra round and a mag that inserts easier, def worth it according to me.

    ETA: Oops, didnt see that "big stick" part of the question. :blush:

  9. want to see just how screwed up a single set of rules can get, go look a the "new" rules IPSC just voted on for SG and Rifle. After you read them then come back and complain about a single governing body, and ruleset.

    no more loading your SG from a vest, no 3x3 or 4x4 SG loaders, no more unlimited open SG capacity, it is things like these that caused the individual MD's to make their own rules.


    That's certainly true. IPSC shows the true dangers of one overarching body. What a mess. That being said, I still favor some sort of consistency, especially with equipment rules (as opposed to scoring) in the 3 gun world.

    It's not the overarching body that's the problem, its a system where regions and people that dont really have an interest, or partake, in a particular item/event still get to decide the rules and future for those that are involved and have an interest.

    As long as the overarching body consists of 3-gunners that do 3-gunning, I'm not too worried.

  10. Buy MKE.

    They are being discontinued and the price will spike soon.

    I'd get a 9mm AR if I were you. Plenty more accessories, cheap magazines, and you can actually find parts...

    The prices on MKEs have already gone up quite a bit, but still a long way to go to the 89/94 prices.

  11. My options so far are: rebuild a TS, rebuild an SP01, buy a Czechmate...

    The Czechmate seems to be the most expensive, followed by the TS rebuild, Since I'll mostly shoot minor anyway, it might be enough to just port a TS, which will probably be cheaper than going the full conversion. Or I go for an SP01 build, which seems to be a proven way, but I kinda want an Open TS.

    Too many choices...

    I'd probably be more inclined to get a Czechmate if I could get it without the scope and mount, since I would replace those anyway.

  12. If you want hassle-free, you buy an SP89/HK94 and pay the premium.

    Stay away from Velocity arms (not even a roller locked design) and Bobcat/SW/Cohaire (or whatever TB calls his company today).

    The Vectors are nice, if you get a good one, but might need some tuning.

    The MKEs are supposed to be pretty good.

  13. I apologize for topic-drift.

    Just took a couple of measurements with my Shadow and MecGar +2 magazine inserted. Could someone who has factory 18-round mags take similar measurements? Thanks.

    1. Front Strap: bottom of magwell to bottom of magzine is approximately 0.8" or 20.3 mm (there is a small gap)

    2. Front Strap: If I push the mag all the way in, then the measurement is ~0.73" or 18.6mm

    The factory base pads are 13.6mm, add maybe 1mm gap and youre looking at ~14.6mm, 15mm tops

  14. For a Benelli to be "Race Ready", it needs a longer tube, a welded up carrier if you load weak hand, and a bit better front sight

    It doesnt need the welded carrier either. Ive had too many problems with welded carriers so I just use a stock one now. And yes I do load weak hand.

    I want to see a picture of your left thumb.

    I load weak hand with a standard lifter as well and I dont think I've ever had my thumb get stuck...

    Maybe we California boys just have girlier thumbs? :)

  15. Are these changes IPSC only or USPSA also? Thanks:

    Both I guess at least officially.

    No, IPSC rule changes dont automatically transfer to USPSA, fortunately.

    Yep the rift is getting wider and wider. One does not want with the other and vice versa.

    However, as far as I know USPSA did not object (however I was not there) so I guess it will be valid for both and I also guess it will be valid internationaly.

    No, whether the US objected or not doesnt matter, USPSA has its own procedures to add, or change, its rules.

  16. Highlight a few shooters every episode with a short interview and some clips of some badass runs from that event.

    I respectfully disagree. Though this might be good for the sponsors and bring in money to both the shooters and the show, the one main complaint Ive heard from non-shooters and non-3-gunners about the show is that there isnt enough shooting.

    It might be interesting to us, but watching top shooters talk about how nice or good other top shooters are is not what people want to see (at least not the ones I've talked to) and the show is supposed to bring in new shooters, right?

    People also need to (and want to) understand what theyre seeing, or should look for, (comments as shooters are shown navigating stages would be one thing that could be added) as things like flippers, shotgun no-shoots etc, steel in natural terrain might be really hard to see if you dont know what you're looking for. In some of the stages shown on tv it simply looks like the competitors burn half a mag into the bushes...

  17. sorry nothing yet..we've been setting up sight cuts on a couple of Shadow slides ( Tripp and Heinie ) and turning out some trigger jobs.

    I am hoping he can get to this as I am kind of getting anxious to play with something new.

    After talking to a couple of different companies it sounds like getting a comp on a TS will get kinda pricey..

    Maybe just porting it will be enough, since I'll mostly shoot minor anyway.

  18. I'd like to know when the new 3-gun ready shotguns are supposed to come out as well. I'm not in a rush to buy anything and have a much smaller budget... I've heard after SHOT sometime, but when will they actually be available? After that or before that??? I guess only time will tell

    You gonna get a $2900 Benelli now? I have a decent M1 that I'll sell for way less than that :P

  19. I would like to get into 3 gun and currently am only lacking a shotgun. I have a Saiga 12 but don't want to shoot open. Anyway, I'd like to buy something by Jan 2012. I hear Mossberg and Benelli are both coming out with shotguns tailored to this sport. Does anyone know when they might hit the stores? If I can't get one by Jan 2012, then I'm thinking of just getting a Benelli Vinci, M2 or SLP. My budget is around $2k so that gives me a good range of who to send the gun to for reliability/tuning. It'd be a lot easier if I can get the same performance out of the box but I don't want to wait too long.

    The Custom shop (Salient) Benellis are listed at $2900, so $2k wont even get you close.

    I'd call Benny instead.

  20. Just me rambling..

    TS, SP01 Shadow or 75SA would be good choices you have a thicker slide side to side so it will not get too thin when mating things up.

    Will need to get hold of a 6" barrel or cut your slide to be able to thread your barrel.

    Have you talked with Jimmy Vidanes in California, believe he was the builder of one the comp guns that was posted here or Eric Zinn, he works with Angus.

    For the moment I have a TS 9mm top end, that is in the shop waiting for my gunsmith to cut and see what can he can build for a open top end. :D

    Any updates/pictures of this?

    I've been thinking of building one of my Tac Sports into an open gun as well, but not sure if its worth the money or if I just get a Czechmate instead.

  21. Placing the top of the penalty target anywhere near the upper A is an invitation to a competitive equity arb.

    Depending on height some competitors will be able to shoot over the penalty target making 100% of the upper A zone available. For them the target does not disappear.

    Others not as tall may only get 95% of the upper A. For them, under current rules, that target disappears.

    Best practice is to leave the entire upper A/B available.

    We have a winner. When inspecting a stage for safety issues, shoot-throughs, and other problems, I usually make two passes -- one at my normal height, and one with knees bent, approximating the height of our shortest competitors....

    You need to get some stilts and do three passes ;)

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