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Posts posted by Fireant

  1. Thanks, but I adjusted the crimp to where I could not push down on the case and make the round shorter to start with. I ended up backing it down to 1.2 and using some WST powder. It does smoke, but wow what soft load. I was asked several times Sat. if that load was making major. I had just chronoed the day before so I knew I was at 170pf. After 400 rounds the barrel is still squeaky clean. I might just have to deal with some smoke.

  2. It's not hard really, I have gone over 15 loadings with some springs before a problem, but not all of them. So, on my 31 round bigstick I keep a record on how many times I load it. When I hit 10 I change it out. Pretty easy really. Since I have done this they are 100% with 32 in the gun.

  3. I use clear nail polish. I have for about a year. It has done the trick.

    Boz; we are using different compounds to basicaly gum up the threads a little. The screw is still easily removed, but it won't shoot loose.

    I also put that on my C-More screws... to keep them from working loose, both on the mount and the C-More itself. When you want to remove it I just take a blade and scratch around the screws which breaks the polish.

    Works well...


    Yeah, but then you have to explain why you have nail ploish in your range bag= not a good thing with the people I shoot with. I can just imagine the issues that would cause. I have a hard enough time being able to quiet the peanut gallery when I make ready as it is.

  4. I have 2 of the 31 round Hsmith mags. I load them with 30 when I get to the match and set them in my bag. When/if I need 31 for a stage I put the 31st round in and make a note it was used. I change the springs in these 2 mags after 10 uses. That is normally every 6 months. My first big stick like this I used for every stage I shot for 4 months leading up to the nationals and then for every stage but one at the nationals with no problems at all. then the spring failed on me and it took a couple of matches for me to realize what the problem was. $80 a year for springs is a small price to keep my high dollar open blaster running.

  5. Wait a minute here, the gun is considered loaded until the range is clear call is made. If I drop my gun at the same point that this guy holstered I'm DQ'd, so if I holster a handgun in single action mode with the safety off I should still be DQ'd the rule is very clear. We have a set beginning and a set end of the COF and when the gun is considered safe and when it is considered loaded.

  6. After reading the closed post about cheating the chrono, I went and read the entire appendix C in depth. I had always just skimmed this section because well it's just the chrono. It got me to thinking about all the "stuff" I have seen over the years at the chrono station. I think cheating is more wide spread than we think, and I'm not positive those doing it really know they are cheating. Although I realize some know exactly what they are doing.

    I have seen the chrono man tell a shooter to go oil his barrel to try and get him that last bit before firing the last bullet, I have seen some well known shooters (yes that is plural meaning a bunch of them) oil their barrels before the chrono when they see the chrono used might be reading a good bit lower than others. We have all been to the match where a lot of shooters come out saying "man, my ammo chronoed 5 PF higher at area__ just last weekend" My point here is if some chrono CRO's don't realize oil in the barrel is not supposed to be allowed, should we change the chrono procedure? Should section 48 of appendix C2 be a mandatory part of the chrono station? I'm thinking yes on this.

    I've also seen people at major matches that do not have a scale declare say 124gr as the weight of their bullets( for open major), go minor, then say oh wait a minute so and so loaded this ammo and they used a 130 gr bullet. I think every level 2 and above match should have a chrono AND a scale, hell take some money from the prize table and buy some and a back up. Put the used scales/chrono back on the prize at the end even. I know we like to think that shooters have a higher level of integrity, but every offender I have seen has been a shooter I looked up to and respected (notice that is past tense). This really makes me wonder if the old adage of if you’re not cheating, then you are not trying hard enough, is truer in our game than we like to think.

  7. Anyhow, the decision to move me was made by the District Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Education. They're brothers. Getting an idea as to how things work 'round these parts?

    I wish I could tell you it's an issolated event, but I'd be lying. It happens in most districts. You are just not always aware of it until it involves you. It still blows.

  8. This type of thing really drives me insane here. If I even have 11 items I refuse to go to that lane even if they tell me to. I was riding a twenty something guy one day really hard over his 60+ items in the 10 item lane. He then went back to the meat department and picked up a few more items while he was holding up the line. So, I really let it rip on him. As I was going out to my truck after getting checked out, guess what he was loading his weekly groceries in?...............................................................that's right a local PD cruiser. Naturally I had to turn it up one more notch this time. I really thought he would call for back up and haul me in. Then the funniest part is the next week he shows up at my school as the new DARE officer. I would not cut him any slack for any reason either. He never made it through the term.

  9. JT,

    I agree with you, I'll try to stop an unsafe action before it happens. I've told many shooters to engage the safety before they holster over the years. This guy was shooting production and I was waiting for him to decock the gun, the score keeper asked me a question and boom his gun was holstered before I could say anything. Way too many people want to hurry the wrong parts in this game. Slow down when you make ready(doing it fast does not cut your stage score) and then slow down for the ULSC. Go fast when the timer is running and slow when it is not.

  10. As I always say our sport requires a bit of common sense. Unfortunately we all fall short on that occasionally :devil:

    Yep, and never get slack on safety violations. A GM gave me flack for DQ'ing a new shooter for this and said it was my fault it happened. Bull! I did not make him load at super sonic speed and slap that bad boy in the holster with no safety applied. I had to give the there is no gray area on safety speech and ask him how he thought the guy would rather learn his lesson: with a match DQ and maybe never do it again or with a little slap on the wrist and then put a hole in his foot next month(or the RO's)?

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