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Posts posted by mda

  1. Good evening,

    Just wondering where can i purchase the video of the 2009 USPSA Nationals?

    Don't think there is any commercial video out yet. You should check out Saul Kirsch's web site since his company shot some video. Other wise there is a lot on youtube and on this forum, just have to search for it.


  2. Is the final and/or correct answer what Z32MadMan illustrated in his diagram? It seems to be the most popular, but there are other ideas suggested as well, which leads to a little confusion with those of us trying to figure this out.

    More or less yes. Most of us here would call this sequence a type 3 focus with a sharp focus on the front sight. On closer targets, kind of like the unfocused picture in the sequence, there is enough information to know you have a hit in the A zone. This would be a type 2 focus. You see the sight aligned and over the A zone. On really close targets you just need to see the slide and frame alined over the A zone. Type 1

    Last question, when you talked about tracking the front sight, are you literally tracking it recoil up and back down, or just waiting for it to get back to where it was. It seems like a fast object to literally track, so I assume the first.

    Waiting for the sight to return. You should "see"!

    BTW,Z32MadMan, your diagram was very well done, and exactly what I was after. The only thing that could make it better would be to superimpose the double images of the objects not in pure focus. Maybe if I have one of those sleepless nights, I will build upon what you have already done, all credit to you of course. :)

    You should not be seeing a double image.


  3. Try the following clubs in the area that have matches.


    Matches second Sunday of the month year round. Monday night practice November thru May indoors. located in South Dayton.


    Site of several state IDPA and USPSA matches.

    This club has USPSA, IDPA, NRA Action Pistol, 3-gun, Steel challange, but is about 90 miles from Dayton south of Columbus.


    Located east of Cincinati about 60 miles from dayton

    Not sure if Oxford club has a web site. Maybe still having IDPA but, unless someone steps up USPSA is done.

    There are a few more around Ohio but generaly these are within a 1-1.5 hours drive from Dayton.

    Come on out to Miamisburg when you get here and we'll get you going.


  4. On a new/used open gun I bought, I recently changed my arched mainspring housing for a flat one.

    When I took out the mainspring, I saw it was cut and about 3/8" shorter than a new 17lb ms.

    Other than easier to pull the slide back, what other reasons for cutting a mainspring?


    b B)

    Are you sure it was cut. It is common for a spring under compression to take a set less then the original length.

    As for a reason to cut the main spring is as you indicated. It will also lower the hammer sear pressure and trigger pull force.

  5. But mostly I cant understand why when the Nationals are announced each year ....... the complaining begins. :( Why? Especially HERE! Why do the moderators allow complaining about SHOOTING to continue, here at Brians House? Shouldnt we be glad we still get to own guns, and shoot here in America? :ph34r:


    Also they were correct about putting the farmers and thier familys out by having it in oct.

    If they want to go bad enough, they will find a way.

    I know a lot of people who would love to help put on an event like this and ranges that would love to have it but its not up to us is it.

    Then have them submit a request/plan to hold the Nationals. How do you think area matches happen? Some club decides to put on the match, submits the paper work and gets it approved. USPSA Nationals, IPSIC Nationals, SS Nationals no different.

    As far as Vegas. We're in a down economy. Vegas is hurting. There are thousands of unfilled hotel rooms and empty seats in restaraunts driving prices down cheaper than I've ever seen them here. The plane fares are cheaper from everywhere in the country to get here than to just about everywhere else. There are a ton more reasons to go to Vegas. No where and no time is going to make everyone happy. Hopefully this will make enough people happy to fill the matches.


  6. I've got a Fastfire II on a Glock, and overall it's been pretty good. It's bright enough to use outdoors, but it could be brighter. Where it really has issues is when shooting the local indoor match. It is dim in the range, and the dot is so dim it just flickers. It is very difficult to pick up.

    Is there anything that can be done to make this sucker brighter? Was there some thinner replacement battery that you could stack two of in the sight?

    Would not recommend increasing voltage by adding batteries. There is a light sensor on the front of the sight. Make sure it is clear and not covered by dirt. If you really want to brighten the dot, change out the light sensor with a fixed resistor that will give you the brightness you want. Just will not adjust with light conditions. You can't just take is out either as the circuit is designed for a certain amount to control current through the diode. To much and while it will be bright it will not last long.

    Thinking about it, you could also just insert a resistor in parallel with the light sensor which should make dot brighter and still be light adjustable.


  7. If you're using something like 303, 304, 316...like that....yield strength is pretty low. Like 20-30k psi. Try 17-4. Now you're up around 120k psi or so.

    Yep, 17-4 has a much higher yeild then the more common SS as mentioned above. Find some double aged and it's even higher. Use it reguraly at work for custom load cells.


  8. MBSC_12_13_09.DOC

    any one have some good small indoor stages that all go down range. I have room to set up 3 stages 1 will be el pres. I am looking for 2 more should be kinda small. mainly stand and shoot or move from one box to another type of things. thanks in advance guys!! be sure to put your names on them for proper credit!

    Here is the match I just ran on our indoor range (60'x30'). Run shooter through stage 1 & 2, switching no-shoots in middle array, clothes pins work to hold no shoots over scoring target. Then score both stages. Then shoot next two stages and score. Stage 5 is last. Had 15 shooters and completed in just less then 3 hours. The trick in setup is creating views using walls and target placement. I used 10" paper plates to simulate steel plates for the indoor use. hit scores 5 points past hole with white paster.



  9. This is where it would be very interesting to see what the mental motivation process is for the top shooters.

    Well, there is such a person and has been a an Olympic shooting coach for the past +25 years teaching this very topic. He tells you how he ran his mental motivation process and this is what he teaches to all his athletes.

    Lanny Basham - With Winning in Mind.

    Past Olympic and World Champion.


  10. -Cease trying to "aim at the target and release the shot", and start SHOOTING the target.

    Hope it helps.

    I am always working on my speed as well. What do you mean by this. thanks in advance.

    See the following links for more in depth disscussion on this topic. Basicly conscious shooting is much slower than sub-consious shooting, you are over thinking the processes. You body knows how to shoot A's it can do it better/faster if you get out of the way.




  11. If she already wears glasses have a pair made with the shooting eye distance correction + what ever you determine is best to see the front sight and still be able to see the target. +1 seem a little much to me. I have mine at only +0.5 any more and the targets were to fuzzy. Best way to determine the right correction it try a few different correnction level to see wich looks best for you. The eye doc should lens set and be able to do that for you.



    Upon start signal engage targets as they become visible

    from within the fault lines.

    Shooter must carry cans from table to table. Can on Table

    A must be carried to, placed on, and remain on Table B.

    Then, can on Table B, must be carried to, placed on, and

    remain on Table C…before the last shot is fired. No


    Drop-turner is a disappearing target, activated by popper.

    Got it.


    See. Kyle did learn from the shopping cart stage. Anyway the shooter that won the stage overall shot it like it was designed and pushed the shopping cart and shot the drop turner.

    Like many have said, USPSA is Freestyle shoot it as you think is best for you.

    Many GM's decided to carry the can so they all didn't think is was the best way. Jerry did and shot several targets on the move one handed and easly won the stage in revolver. Only one open shooter did not carry the can. Of the top 4 limited shooters 3 did and 1 didn't and was only 0.4 HF behind the stage winner. Now in production there was a advantage and this division had the most shooters that left the can behind ending up on top.

    To me stages are boring if there is only one way to shoot it. Good stage design should provide more than one way to shoot it and still be competitive.


  13. I was a RO on four stage.

    Not many decided to not take the can. Without checking the result I think less then 15 that did it this way. Some made it work with a much faster time, but you would have needed to save about 6 to 7 seconds. Those that saved that time usually did not bother to run all the way down and just stop half way and skipped the drop turner. They just had to make those long shots quickly and accurately.

    What I though was interesting was how many people shot the activator and waited for the drop turner which was very slow activate. You could easily shoot both poppers and then the drop turner.


    You were not the only one to carry the can and reload, but to me it seemed slower than a quick standing reload and then hauling ass up to the front table.

    Hope everyone had fun shooting the match and it was fun to watch all the different ways a stage can be run. Also great to see a good number of the top shooters in the county shoot the match before Sundays IPSC Nationals and World team qualification match.


  14. 11 DQ's on stage 11. RO was calling a DQ if you just started to break the gun from holster and trigger guard was not even exposed. Saftey voliations can not be abritrated or challanged. How can you have a the 180 be 90 deg from the backstop berm when there was not one on the first place?

    The only one to be over turned was due to arb'ing that the stage was not legal per rule 2.1.4 and for some reason the arb commettie reinstated the shooter but they would not reinstate any others that did the same thing early in the match.

    Several bad calls IMHO, as well as, several very experianced CRO's and RM's and RMI's that I spoke with.


  15. If you stay out of movement areas I'll generally be fine with downrange cameras.

    Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when I plan out my locations.

    Does anyone know if there is a place to check my zero on Friday (or Thursday evening) ?

    How about going to the shooting range that is receiving ammo for competitors. You should receive a free one time pass in your shooters bag. See this post link below.


    American Shooters

    3440 S. Arville Street

    Las Vegas, NV 89102

    Just North East of match hotel a few block.


  16. I'm mostly interested in pistol just to see if I actually like it once I become competent at it. I don't really see the need for a gun for home defense at this point. If I did I would probably get a .410 and load it with buckshot but that's just me. I haven't ruled out competition shooting but I don't think I should even think about it really until I know I'm using proper technique and am safe with a fire arm.

    Take a NRA basic pistol course. Will introduce you to the different types of pistols, basics of hold, sight picture, trigger pull and saftey. Course is usually two day (about 12 hours total) with most of frist day in class room and some range time the second day. Firearms are usually provided. From there you should be able to decied if you want go any further. See the link below for courses in Ohio.



  17. Wow. Sounds like my weekend. Nothing went right. DQ one match. Just a bone head move. Lisiten to the RO!! Next day, Gun jams several times, mag jams on another stage. Just poor hits overall.

    Guess I just got all the bad stuff out of the way so should be a good nationals.


  18. If he shot 2 of the sticks off a Coope Tunnel, besides him getting the penalties, I hope you have tall enough berms to catch those rounds.

    Shot them before entering the tunnel so they did not go over the berm. Tunnel was against a wall with a port in the middle that required you to shoot several targets from with in tunnel. On the exit of the tunnel were several low targets that you could either engage before, while in, or after exiting the tunnel.


  19. one of the reasons I heard was that it was the last 2 sticks so he gained an advantage. Because he could stand up sooner than everyone else. Which is not an advantage cause he would have had 20 points in penalties

    If that was the reason then a every shooter that bumps a stick/sticks off would get a reshoot because they could stand up sooner or have a "competitive advantage". Competitor caused the stick/sticks to fall by his action which is why the penalties are assessed in the first place.

    He should have taken the penilities, as with most reshoots it was no better when he shot it again.


  20. Tai Chi will limber and relax you.

    Which is basically what I am looking to do. Thanks. Are you aware of any books or DVDs that might give me an overview. I'm aware of the Carradine DVDs but don't exactly consider him to be an expert on the subject. It's too easy for anyone to hang out a shingle claiming to be an expert these days.

    Try some of the follow links for info. Yahoo or Google search will turn many more.




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