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Posts posted by mda

  1. If some one feels the urge to explain me the basic around hard chroming.

    1. How is it done? Just the basic. :)

    2. How tick is it typically? Does it affect the tolerances much?

    3. Can it be removed? (……and then blued again) and reapplied?

    4. Can a hard chromed gun be worked on? Stoned, drilled? If so, will the chrome flake?

    5. I have noticed that chromed guns are very different in “color” some has a glass bead blasted, kind of flat finish, others has a polished look. Is this done to the chrome itself, or is it different kind of chrome, or the chrome just looks different on different surfaces?

    6. And last, will a chromed gun be a lot more resistant to nicks and scratches and how “stainless” is it really?

    OK, you asked for the basics.

    1. prep/degrease parts, electro-plating process.

    2. 0.0005' to 0.001", depends, could help a sloppy fit, lock a tight fit.

    3.Yes, Yes, Yes.

    4. Yes, Yes, flake? Not if plated right.

    5.Yes, No, Yes. Hard Chrome will not hide a bad surface/scratches.

    6.Yes, Yes, better than orginal stainless steal parts.

    For details see Steve J's link.


  2. Planning.

    Can it really be this easy??

    Some other area directors and whoever plans some Nat. events need to take note!!



    Gary has done it for the last seven years in a row at least.

    We knew at a least 1 year in advance when and where the Area 5 match would be, and that it would be held at the same location two years in a row. Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois. Spreads it around the area to.

    WE ALL missed an opportunity last election.


  3. What is "minor and "major" I've seen the term used here.

    This is a referance to Power factor. In USPSA some divisions allow use of guns with different power factors and targets scoring zones have different values based on power factor.

    Power factor is caculated as:

    PF=bullet weight (in grains) X velocity (fps avg of 3) / 1000.

    Minor Power factor is 125 to 165

    Major Power factor is 165 and over.


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  5. Jody

    General thinking is Heavy bullet Fast powder for softer recoil, which is why some have told you Clays with a 230 gr. I personaly liked using 200 gr for 45 ACP with a slower powder; more of a push as opposed to a snappy feel, when I was shoots that cal a lot. They would be cheaper then the 230 gr with the cost of lead now.

    Do a search, you should find a bunch of load data, as well as, opinions.


  6. I gotta give Flex credit and tell ya'll he really means this stuff. I found a hole in one of his stages at the 2007 Ohio State match and drove a big ol' truck right through the middle of it. I absolutely trashed whatever intent there may have been for how the shooter should run the stage. Instead of getting pissed at me he smiled, shrugged his shoulders and promised to learn from it (if he was pissed, he never let on about it to me). Heck, he even let me drink some of his frosty cold adult beverages that night.


    Yes you did. But the guy that won that stage (and match) shot it like it was intended without gaming the drop turner activator at the end.


  7. Looks like Brad has shaken all the International Pistol cooties off and is shooting one hell of a match. Maybe, he can shake up a few things at the world shoot. Hopefully the AMU will leave him on the Action Shooting team.

    Spoke with Brad while watching the Super squad finish finial stage. When I asked if he moved to the Action Shooting Team. He said, "I am on loan for the World Shoot and then will be moving back to International Pistol".

    Junior Shooter Shane Coley DQ'ed on stage 18. Broke the 180 going to the last port when he slipped in the mud. Half way through the stage the rain started coming down. Was clear most of the morning. Chris Tilley had a NS on this stage due to the down pour.

    Have some Video of the SS on their final stage (stage 14) Mud pit, but do not have any way to download from the camera at this time. Must have been at least 4-6 inches of mud and water in the shooting area.

    There was a lot of jumping around in order to get the match completed before it starting raining, Some of the PM shooters did not get the notice to show at 10:30. RO's would basicly run anyone that showed on a stage they needed to shoot. Almost made it.

    When I left then range at 4:30 PM there was still 1 or 2 squad shooting, so results should be up soon.


  8. Fullauto

    If the powder is all burnt in the barrell there will be less gas to work the comp which is why you need to use a slower powder. When some of the powder burns in the comp it is still creating gas volume. This gas will push the barrel down and forward.

    This is just the oppiste of non-comped guns where you want all the powder burnt before the bullet leaves the barrel. IE. Fast powder heavy bullet.


  9. Basically, take the points scored on a stage minus any miss and penalty points and divide by the time it took to shoot the stage. This will give you a Hit Factor (HF). HF is just Points per second. For example, if you have a hit factor of 5 you are essentially shooting an “A” every second.

    The shooter that has the highest HF wins all the available points for that stage. All other shooters will earn a percentage of the stage points based on their HF compared to the highest HF on the stage.


    Stage is worth 100 points.

    Shooter A scored 80 point on the stage and shot it in 10 seconds. 80 points / 10 sec =8.00 HF

    Shooter B scored 90 point on the stage and shot it in 20 seconds. 90 points / 20 sec = 4.50 HF

    Shooter C scored 95 points on the stage and shot it in 12.5 seconds. 95 points / 12.5 sec = 7.6 HF

    So shooter A shot the highest HF on the stage so wins all 100 stage point.

    Shooter B's HF was 56.25% of the highest HF. 4.5 / 8 x 100% = 56.25%

    He will earn 56.25% of the available stage points 100 x 56.25% = 56.25 points

    Shooter C's HF was 95% of highest HF. 7.6 / 8 x 100 = 95%

    He will earn 95% of the available stage points 100 x 95% = 95 points

    Add each shooter stage points together at the end of match and the person with the highest point wins.


  10. Just follow the lee die setup instructions. Like Dillon1050 said use dillon locking nuts or remove o-ring or flip as lee dies will seat deeper in the tool head than in a lee press. Use lee dies for both 40 s&w and 38 super in a 550 no problem.


  11. Ok, tell me again the trick on covering the CMore and what it does? I find myself still tending to shoot by looking at the dot and not the target..... and I'm trying to figure out a better plan. I'd like to beat my wife on a stage or two now and then, just for ego's sake. :lol:


    If you cover the front of the lens on the C-more (or any dot sight) your dominate eye can no longer see the target but will still see the dot. The non-dominate eye can see the target but not the dot. If you are using both eyes, with a sight focus on the target (opposite of iron sights, which should be focused on the front sight), your persistence of vision will see the dot superimposed on the target. Great way to force you to use a target focus with a dot gun becasue if you use a sight focus you will loose the target.


  12. Well, Physics does say the recoil energy will not be the same. The Free Recoil Energy will be less with the heavy slower bullet. Power factor is not a calculation of energy, but of momentum. Energy = 1/2 mass x velocity squared. So for the same mass, as the velocity doubles the energy increases four times.

    There is a web site http://handloads.com/calc/recoil.asp where you can calculate the Free Recoil Energy of different loads and bullet weights using the same weight gun.

    Did you try using the calculater in the link you supplied? 2 different bullets weights, same power factor, same powder charge weight, same gun weight, SAME RECOIL.

    Recoil is a function of bullet momentum, modified slightly by the weight of the powder charge.

    Yes I did. You can not use the same powder and charge weight for both bullets and get the same power factor. Check out a loading data books and see. To acheieve the same power factor you will need more powder with the lighter bullet, this will give more recoil energy. Yes, the bullet momentum will be equal to the recoil momentum, But the Kinetic Energy will not be.

  13. 1. Light bullet (125gr) at 1000fps PF 125


    2. Heavy Bullet (158) at 790fps PF 125

    Physics say the recoil (energy) is the same.

    What do you say.??

    Well, Physics does say the recoil energy will not be the same. The Free Recoil Energy will be less with the heavy slower bullet. Power factor is not a calculation of energy, but of momentum. Energy = 1/2 mass x velocity squared. So for the same mass, as the velocity doubles the energy increases four times.

    There is a web site http://handloads.com/calc/recoil.asp where you can calculate the Free Recoil Energy of different loads and bullet weights using the same weight gun.

  14. A few years ago my lead level was high, (30+ vs less than 9 as recommended) so I was given some tips to reduce my levels

    Clean my reloading area frequently

    Always wash my hands after reloading

    Move my tumbler out of my loading area

    Seperate brass from media outside

    Limit my indoor range shooting and when ido use lead free primers and plated bullets

    Run an air purifier in my loading room

    So... anyone else out there have any ideas

    Less then 10 is the level for childern under 15 years and expected in adults that are never exposed to lead. OSHA considers levels under 20 ok in adults that work in areas that expose them to lead. Treatment to remove lead from the body is usually required if level are over 36. There is a large amount of information on the internet if you do a search.

    Of course every person is different a level that will not affect one person might be to much for others.


  15. Well concidering where you will be moving from it will be like there are no restrictions at all.

    I am from ohio so not real sure on all the details but the laws are very similar. No mag limit capacity restrictions, no Gun registration for the state, althrough some cities have registration laws, but Ft Wayne most likely not.

    The Ball family lives in that area so maybe Dave or Jane will chime in with details. Like you said lots of matches within 100 miles.


  16. That leads me to another question. I've never shot a match with a chrono stage, so I'm ignorant. Who pics the ammo to chrono, the shooter or the RO? Could an unsavory type cheat, and sneak some major PF in for chrony?

    Depends on the match officials, Usually chrono will be collected at the your first stage of the match. But if you read the rules, match officials can pull and chrono rnds at any time during the match, even after you have already passed the chrono stage. Yes, some will try to cheat and this is why the ammo can be pull at any time if match RO's feel something is a miss. When I have run Chrono, I will some times pull mags off a shooters belt instead of just just accepting what they give me.


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