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Posts posted by 38superman

  1. Hard to tell much from video but it looked like the gun went into slide lock several times.

    I couldn't tell if this was a failure to feed or something activating the slide stop with rounds still in the magazine.

    Premature slide lock could be the bullet pushing up on the slide stop lever from the inside.

    Check this by removing the barrel and slide then replace the slide stop into the frame.

    Insert a loaded magazine and see if the bullet is rubbing against the slide stop.

    If so, there are several options:

    Remove some material from the slide lock.

    Seat bullets deeper.

    Try a bullet with a different profile.

    Modify the detent in the slide stop so that it requires move force to engage it.


  2. Roger, Mark, Woogie and all who helped put this match together, I would just like to say great job.

    The Alabama Sectional just seems to get bigger and better every year.

    Thanks, to the sponsor and the RO's also.

    It was a very smooth match and moved well.

    One more thing.

    Bill Noyes, YOU ROCK.

    Man, you must have scoring down to a science.


  3. Merlin, ZHunter, Nemo, et. al.

    After many days on the road, I finally made it home.

    I finally managed to get myself, my 1911's and my camera in the same place and time.

    Therefore, here is my official application to the Single Stack Elitist Snob Club.

    If admitted, I promise to set a new standard for snobbery.

    Seen pictured below from top to bottom are:

    My black stainless Springfield 45.

    I bought this gun within weeks of joining USPSA and shot L10 with it through my first year.

    The next is a recently aquired Stainless Springer in 9mm.

    This gun will be groomed for SS minor and possibly some carry.

    The last is a keepsake.

    It is a stock stainless Series 80 Colt.

    It was given to me upon the passing of my brother-in-law, Dennis "Double D" Dickerson.

    While I cannot claim participation in a SS match (yet), please note that the .45 has seen plenty of competition.

    It won my class for me in L10 at my first ever major, the 2004 Nationals.

    This was long before SS was even a provisional division.

    post-6467-1205167804.jpg post-6467-1205167822.jpg post-6467-1205167848.jpg

    Thus I humbly request that you take out Excalibur and indoctrinate me as a proud member of the Single Stack Elitist Snobs. :bow:


  4. Congrats to all the winners! Looked like a very cool match (yes, pun intended!) I was planning on shooting this match, but the "kind" people at IRS thought I had too much money and they wanted some more back, so that changed my plans.

    Tony, I would like to see some more pics if possible and did you get a chance to do another video?

    I took my camera equip. along but I really didn't think I would bother with it since I was shooting the match that day.

    We had some wait time toward the end of the day so I went ahead and set it up.

    I would normally photograph everybody, but because I was lazy, I only got two squads on two stages.

    I will probably set up a photo thread in the gallery when I get a chance.

    The last video I did was 2007 Tennessee Match which got very good reviews.

    Everyone that bought it raved about it.

    I am debating whether I will do any more videos.

    Unless you just want to do it purely as a hobby it's hardly worth the effort.

    That's probably my fault since I didn't do much in the way of marketing it.

    However, it's tough to sell enough copies to make it worth the 100's of hours it takes to produce a professional quality video.

    The last one took all my spare time from September to Christmas.


  5. There shouldn't be much of a practical difference in performance.

    Try them both and if your gun does better with one or the other, fine, use them.

    I suspect that the CMJ might push velocities a bit higher.

    This is because the base of the bullet will deform less under pressure and provide a more solid stable surface for the burning gases to push against.

    That however, is only a theory on my part and I have no data to back it up.

    I do prefer the CMJ for the simple reason that I expect handling them while reloading will result in less contamination and lead exposure.

    Not really a major issue with me since I use latex gloves while reloading anyway.

    Just my thoughts.


  6. I'm sorry to hear about your wife and daughter.

    Your family is going to have deal with some crappy days ahead.

    Been there, still there.

    Just try to remember that cancer can be treated and it can be beaten.

    Have faith.


  7. Jostein,

    Congratulations on your new Bedell. I have seen many fine examples of Dan's work and I'm sure you will be pleased.

    There's no need to itemize your costs, It was just a poor attempt at humor.

    You just have to understand that it's an election year in the U.S.

    We have no shortage of politicians telling us how bad things are, but they have a plan to fix it.

    Fortunately, all they need to set things right is my vote. :yawn:

    I haven't put off any gun purchases just yet.

    Fortunately for me I buy what I want, not what I can afford. ;)

  8. Well, i just joined the line too.... i was told it may take upto 5 months.

    How can all you guys afford new custom guns?

    Were in a recession and fast sinking into the abyss.

    Don't you watch the news? :lol:

    I saw a political debate the other night and discovered the sky is falling. :surprise:

  9. "Threw us under the bus" might not be the best choice of words, but I don't know what to make of the situation.

    I am on Viht's promotional mailings list, and that list comes with contact info.

    I called the number and spoke to their representative directly.

    She could give me absolutely no reason to explain the shortages.

    N105 seems to be readily available in Europe but not here.

    She said "I can only tell you that importers are being told to expect some in a few months".

    No one (that I can access) seems to really know the nature of the problem.

    If they do know, they aren't saying.

    N105 is the biggest availability problem but it seems there have been spot shortages of other powders as well.

    I use several Viht powders but am developing alternative loads so that when my stocks on those powders are used up I have other options.

    I love their products, but if they cannot or will not service the US market, what choice do I have but to find more reliable suppliers?


  10. I can't speak for anyone else but I don't know that I'll go back to N105.

    It takes time and costs money to do load development.

    I can't hitch my wagon to companies that may or may not be there with product when I need it.

    As far as I'm concerned, I was forced to find another supplier for powder to feed my open gun.

    Now that I've done it, why go back to a company that threw us under the bus?


  11. This is very closely related to what my daughter still refers to as the "Daddy Talk".

    When she became engaged, I felt the need to have an understanding with my future son-in-law.

    It went something like this:

    "I only have one child and she is very precious to me"

    "Yes sir"

    "If you treat her with respect, you and I will be the best of friends"

    "Yes sir, I will"

    "Good, because if you should ever abuse her it will make me, ....... unhappy."

    "How unhappy?"

    "Have you ever seen the Texas Chain Saw massacre?"


    "I will duct tape you to a tree and cut it down."

    "Thats pretty unhappy"

    "I'm not kidding"

    "No, I didn't think so"


  12. Not asleep...... sick.

    Came down with the Flu about a week ago.

    As of last monday, death would have been an improvement.

    Never in my life have I felt this bad.

    Nemo,.... you gave my number away???? :(

    Oh well, no love for the 38superman.

    Welcome to the party "Slabbie Shooter"

    If I catch you shooting a Glock I get my number back. :devil:


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