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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Posts posted by 38superman

  1. I have shot the SSC for several years now, and every stage I've seen at the match has been set up to be shot with 8+1. With the current crew designing the match, there will never be any meaningful advantage to shooting 10+1 at minor P.F. at the SSC--they will always make sure it's friendly to the traditional .45 1911.

    Last year I surveyed through a whole bunch of old match booklets from various major matches around the country, and if became pretty clear to me that 8+1 major is usually the way to go in Single Stack division. However, there will always be the occasional match where the 10+1 minor option becomes entirely viable, and perhaps advantageous. It's all dependent on course design, stage round count, and how the reloads break down within the stage. From the beginning, I've predicted that we will sometimes see shooters bring both major and minor guns/gear to the match, and decide which gun to shoot after viewing the stages.


    Although I have never been to the SSC, I'm sure it is set up to be 8 round friendly.

    If I were going to shoot it, I would definately show up with a .45

    The same is probably true for SS only matches anywhere.

    I think we are in agreement that there are some matches that are nothing but hose fests.

    If you shoot a match that is not sanctioned by USPSA, they may not be too concerned about 8 round arrays

    There are bound to be situations where it might be to your advantage to give up a few points for more ammo.

    I really may come down to a game day decision.

    Now comes another interesting question.

    If you are going to shoot minor, what choice of caliber?

    9mm would seem to be the obvious choice for any number of reasons.

    Does anyone expect to shoot .38 super? If so, why?


  2. No, bad photos are my fault, I'm a little jumpy. I'm expecting some repercussions any moment now :surprise::surprise:

    Have no fear Brian.

    You are no longer boz1911.

    You are now......... Transgundered.

    You are an SOB and beyond reproach.

    And that ladies and gentlemen is my 1000th post. :cheers:

    Looks like 999 to me

    No wonder you guys need so many bullets, ya can't count

    It said 999 before the post.

    No matter, if it wasn't it soon will be.

    See.... this is #1001 and it still says 999

    I rest my case.

    By the way Jay, I can count past 8. :goof:

  3. No, bad photos are my fault, I'm a little jumpy. I'm expecting some repercussions any moment now :surprise::surprise:

    Have no fear Brian.

    You are no longer boz1911.

    You are now......... Transgundered.

    You are an SOB and beyond reproach.

    And that ladies and gentlemen is my 1000th post. :cheers:

  4. Oh my.

    Boz, when ZH sees this you're going to get a lot more that 5 days probation.

    You may as well camp out and make this your new home.

    Welcome to the SOB's. (pending approval of course). :cheers:

    See post #1 for requirements. B)

  5. You too, Brutus, my son!

    William Shakespeare

    Ides of March

    15 March 44BC

    Julius Caesar's murder


    It is highly unlikely that Julius spoke these words, and if, he would have used the Greek terminology, which was the preferred language of the Roman elite. In that case he would have said "Kai su, teknon" - "you too, my child"

    No, was not google.....

    I'm impressed.

    Now translate it into Klingon.

  6. Before the shots per position was dropped to 8, shooting minor with 10 rounds was a no-brainer.

    With the rules change, I'm shooting major. If you're going to win the match you won't be taking extra shots anyway.

    That's true Matt.

    But you're also not going to win the match shooting a load of Charlies and Deltas.

    That takes us back to the regular old argument of major vs. minor. You're not going to shoot the minor gun fast enough to overcome the benefit major scoring gives you on movers and partials. I agree there is probably more advantage to shooting minor in SS vs. Limited, but I still think most will be shooting major.

    You're probably right but I think I'm going to give it a go anyway.

    As a B shooter I'm not much of a threat to win matches (yet).

    I think it will be a good exercise for me to start focusing more on that A zone.

  7. I checked the "box" in the rules addendum and it says 8 15/16" x 6" x 1 5/8"

    I haven't measured my gun but the specs from the manufacturer say it is 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" with a 9 round mag.

    That extra half inch should allow for an extra round of 9mm if the basepad isn't too thick.

    One of the main issues with me is that 10 rounds lets me come to the line with 4 mags on my belt.

    That will get me through a 32+ round field course.

    With 8 rounders I need a fifth mag.

    With the rule about magazines being positioned behind the hip bone, it is a real stretch to reach back that far.

  8. All right.

    At the urging of DrawandDuck, I have decided to get off the fence and apply for admission.

    If being a Snob Open Bully is good enough for Gentleman Jim, its good enough for me.

    Here is documentation of my credentials.


    That's my baby.

    The first major I shot with it was Area 6 where I placed 3rd in class.

    With this blaster, Texas stars tremble at my approach.

    Near or far, steel gets hammered.

  9. I just recently bought a 9mm Springfield Armory Loaded 1911 in stainless.

    I am toying with the idea of shooting in SS minor.

    Okay, I can hear you guys out there already.

    Minor is not the way to go.

    However, the idea of two extra rounds and light recoil appeals to me.

    Also, cheap ammo = more practice.

    It will also be nice not having to lug 30 lbs of ammo in my range bag.

    I also think it will help my shooting in other divisions.

    I have never been able to break myself of the habit of shooting at the whole target instead of the A zone.

    Shooting minor will force me to start aiming better and calling my shots.

    The only thing lacking is a fiber optic front sight.

    I just need to fit the sight and pick up some 10 round mags.

    Availability of 10 rd mags is something of a problem.

    There aren't too many folks making them.

    It has been stated that a 10 rounder might not fit in the "box".

    That seems kinda weird to me.

    Why would USPSA explicitly state that 10 round mags are okay and then require you to put them in a box that won't fit them?

    Looking forward to taking it to the range.

    This gun actually feels a little heavier than my 45 springer.

    I'm betting the recoil is next to nothing.


  10. I just recently bought a 9mm Springfield Armory Loaded 1911 in stainless.

    I had no idea these guns were so sought after.

    Feeling a lot better about my purchase now.


  11. No, we weren't talking about the same thing.

    I was trying to fit it on the inside of the hanger.

    I see what you did and it's the same solution Boo was discussing.

    I think I'm going to try to improvise some sort of screw through the outer belt.

    If I can't make it work I'll see if I can live with your velcro solution.

  12. I think you guys are talking about putting velcro on the mag pouch such that it locks up on the inner belt.

    That might help but I'm not sure that would tighten it up as much as I would like

    The only other way I see to do it is some sort of fastener that penetrates the belt and tensions the belt loop/hanger.


    Mine have the plastic wedges too, but they sit inside the pouch and only act as spacers for different size magazines.

    The screw that goes through them tightens the pouch to the pouch hanger.

    This is the adjustment that allows you to set the angle of the magazine.

    What I'm talking about its the fit of the mag pouch frame to the outer belt.

    It's much too loose and there is no mechanism to address it.

    At least none that I can see.

    I just don't see why we have to improvise a solution.

    CR Speed makes the pouches and the belt.

    Why haven't they already addressed this?


  13. I have a problem with 4 CR Speed pouches that are mounted on a CR Speed belt.

    I can't seem to find a way to secure them to the belt.

    The belt loop provides a relatively tight fit to the belt, but not tight enough.

    The opening is a fixed size and provides no means for additional tension.

    The mag pouches can slide and move around way too easily.

    The only adjustment is the screw that allows the mag to pivot on the belt loop and the screw that adjusts the tension on the magazine.

    I tried to fit a small patch of velcro with an adhesive back between the belt loop and the belt, but just couldn't make it work.

    I am really uncomfortable with this much movement of my magazine pouches.

    If I can't find a way to deal with it, I will just sell them and go with some other type.


  14. I have attended the last three Fla Opens and this was the first one I've missed.

    The biggest reason was money.

    The economy is sluggish and I have had only part time work for the last three months.

    I normally drive to the match and with fuel costs, it's no small consideration.

    I hate that I missed it and the changes that were made sound like definate improvements.

    I don't think the low turn out had that much to do with the format.

    More likely it was factors that were well beyond Frank's control.

    I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of matches see lower attendance this year.

  15. That gun must be awful hot. And you guys call me "Mongoose Face". Geez.

    That's because you were the first, and now the official captain of "TEAM MONGOOSE".

    I suggest a team logo to be placed somewhere on your shooting attire.


    "Cobras tremble at his approach"


  16. Tightloop,

    I am really sorry you are having to deal with this.

    I know exactly where you are coming from.

    Cancer has decimated my family over the years.

    It is truly a shame that such a devastating disease is so common.

    Stay strong and give as much support as you can.

    It does matter.


  17. here are a few pictures of some random shooters, if anyone knows them see if they want the pictures and I can send them.

    I don't know contact info - but the first two are Kaci Cochran, the 3rd is Jamieson Ross from Canada, 4th is Bill Munier. I don't know who the last one is... ;)

    The last guy is Mike Thomas from North Tennessee Practical Shooters.

    The only question is, why is he shooting an open gun?


    The dark side claims another Jedi. :ph34r:

  18. I have a hard time switching back and forth between glocks and 1911s. I can adjust to the different trigger pulls soon enough but the trouble seems to be the difference in grip angle. After switching it takes a while to get on target quickly due to the difference. My question is, would an arched mainspring housing help the 1911 come closer to the angle of the Glock. The flat housing is way too different. Any other suggestions? Thanks.

    Here's my suggestion.

    Double Action 1911 a.k.a. Para LDA

    I have a 9mm Hi Cap that I can load down to 10 rounds to play in production or load 18 +1 for carry.

    Think about it.

  19. Tony, don't misunderstand my thread. It's in the "What I like" forum, and it's about threads that are about shooting ;)

    I get it.

    I like the shooting discussions too.

    It's just that every now and then I see someone posting that bemoans the "non-shooting" content of the forum.

    I never understood that because it's all valuable to me.

    Didn't intend to overreact.

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