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Posts posted by bluedevil008

  1. Ok, so I just replaced the recoil spring, hammer spring, and trigger spring with TTI springs.  I believe it had TTI springs but I haven't replaced them since I purchased the gun.  One of my buddies suggested the recoil spring was the culprit of the issue for me, and lucky enough I was planning on replacing it anyway. 


    So, before, I was able to artificially create the problem by holding the bolt back and slowly releasing, and it would occasionally catch.  I cannot seem to replicate the issue anymore.  If it happens again, I will true a Benelli recoil spring as there is currently a reduced power recoil spring in.  


    How many rounds are through your gun, and do you know what recoil spring is in it?  I would recommend replacing the carrier spring and recoil spring if it has seen some use.  If not, I would refer back to the shell catch and keep searching for solutions to that.

  2. I have a TTI M2, and I occasionally have this issue.  It will happen when shooting the gun as well.  I am 99% sure it is an issue with the shell catch.  The problem is exacerbated by running shorter mag tube springs, but even with an uncut spring it occasionally happens.  I found another thread titled "M2 jams" where some people mentioned this being an issue and the fix was the modify the shell catch just slightly and then repolish it, but the pictures had expired so it's hard to see what they were talking about. 


    Currently doing some research on this and will let you know what I find.  

  3. Because the only difference between production and that division would be shortening the barrel length.


    Bottom Line: USPSA is a game, if you want to be super competitive, you are likely not going to use exactly what you carry.  There is no way to create a division that adequately confines the equipment to only carry-like guns because that field is ever-changing.  Anyone who likes firearms a lot is going to modify their firearms, so the division needs to have some leniency there, so now, once again, we are just talking about production with 4" barrels.


    By the way, I have used my home defense/winter carry gun as my carry optics gun before, which is a 4.25" M&P Core with extended magazines. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Jake Di Vita said:

    There is a distinct smell of snake oil in my nose. I briefly read through the first three papers they have under the science section and did not see anything that looked like evidence that this thing makes you learn better or faster. We're talking measured increases of a half of a percent, which I'm not even sure is fair to attribute to the equipment. I didn't see them talk about how controlled the experiment was (IE are all athletes using the same methodology for the duration of the test), this is obviously a tiny sample size, and there are just differences from person to person that will impact how they react to training stimuli. A couple P values show that there COULD be something statistically significant in SOME of the measurements, but the research is far too young to draw any reliable conclusions that there is a real benefit.


    On a side note, seeing the picture of Coley doing a 255 snatch is legit. 


    If you want to have a good finish at nationals, the tried and true method of hard and consistent work is where it's at.

    Yeah that's what I've heard as well.  Any gains have been statistically insignificant.  The hundreds of reviews on Amazon are quite mixed, though the negative ones somewhat appear to come from people who have less structured routines.


    Plus I'm not sure I need another reason to make my training routine more complicated, i.e. adding a 20 minute priming session before I get my reps in.

  5. Wondering if anyone on the forum is using this system?  I see JJ, Max, and Shane using it, but for us non-full time folks, is anyone using it and happy with the results?  I'm wondering if the time I devote to shooting each day (probably an average of 20-30 minutes dry-firing) will be enough to notice any results on this thing.  It's expensive, yes, but I've got stuff lying around that I can pawn off to fund it.  And ultimately, I want to finish really well at Nationals this year, so anything I can do that doesn't massively alter the other requirements I have in my life, I'm willing to look into.



  6. On 3/1/2018 at 9:48 PM, Garmil said:

    What is that 2.5 moa dpp at 100 yards on max? 10-20 moa?


    It's 2.5 MOA at 5 yards and 2.5 MOA at 100 yards, the dot size doesn't change.  Brightness may change what you initially perceive as size, but it is in fact the same size.


    BTW, 2.5 MOA at 5 yards = roughly .13-ish inches at 5 yards, and would be about .2.6-ish inches at 100 yards.

  7. The political situation is not conducive to growing 3-gun right now unfortunately.  TV Networks shut them down, and/or charged too much, then social media made it nearly impossible to promote shooting sports, and to top it all off, they have not ran their business well.   I first heard 3 gun nation was going to fold three years ago now... they're still going but it's hard to argue they are going strong.  Clubs are abandoning 3GN affiliation left and right and their major match attendance is suffering tremendously.  

  8. Exciting news!  Industry support has been INSANE so far.  Take a look at all of the companies that have come on board to help outfit the RO's, support the match, and provide an incredible prize table!  Thank you so much.  




    MGM Targets

    Taran Tactical

    Featureless Arms


    Seekins Precision

    UM Tactical

    Dillon Precision

    Turner's Outdoorsman

    Warne Scopes

    Strike Industries

    Polymer 80

    Vortex Optics

    Rocky Mountain Reloading

    Cordova Coolers

    Black Rifle Coffee Company


    Thordsen Customs

    5.11 Tactical 

    Roth Concepts Innovations

    Grunt Works

    Steel Target Paint

  9. Atlas just released their line of tuned magazines.  Prices aren't too bad, equivalent to MBX prices.  The tuned mag that came with my gun gives me more warm and fuzzies over the MBX, though they do run well.  The one MBX magazine that had some issues is getting replaced by MBX free of charge.  Great service!


    Point is... it's a good option.

  10. I ran a DAA Racer for 3+ years in limited.  Just switched to a race master and am now not happy with the holster.  In super dusty environments it stopped functioning.  I'm contacting them this week about what to do.

  11. Just put another 16-1700 through the gun this past weekend.  So I'm now at ~2500 rounds through on the original shokbuff and DPP battery, which has been used in a decent amount of dry fire over the last month.  I wanted to see how far I could push those things before failure, but I'll go ahead and replace them now despite them showing no signs of wear. 


    I shot a 3-day handgun course at TPC and here's some notes on the gun:


    The gun got suuuuper dirty, between the very dirty ammo and the fine dust that I was in literally all day.  The first day there was about an hour or two of tornadic-like fine dust being blown around in the afternoon, and since we were doing lots of shooting, the gun was not covered for a lot of that time.  It did get to the point where it stopped functioning reliably, just too much dust and grime in there.  It only took a couple wipes and a few drops of oil to get it running again.  Ran well on the second day with a little less dusty conditions with the exception of one stovepipe towards the end.  I am guessing that the slower slide speed due to grime caused a weak ejection. On the third day I had one failure to go into battery, but as soon as I moved the gun to rack the slide, it went back into battery.   I did clean between each day, but not that thoroughly, there was still a lot of fine dust in there.  Now it needs a detail strip.


    Considering the conditions, I am extremely happy.  It was so dirty that guys running polymer guns were having issues as well.  Not to mention this is a highly tuned race machine.  In a match environment, it would have been covered for all but 2 minutes while shooting, and there wouldn't be 600-700 rounds through it each day, and I'd probably have cleaned it a little during breaks.   I now have a lot of confidence in the reliability of the gun.  I ran all of my new magazines that will make up my competition magazines to vet them properly which consisted of the: 140mm Atlas-tuned included SVI/TTI, 1 MBX 140mm, 2 MBX 155mm, and 1 MBX 170mm.   The MBX 140 gave me several issues.  I had a round get underneath the follower while shooting which caused the magazine to not feed, and I also had a couple double feeds with that magazine.  I will be reaching out to MBX about getting it replaced or fixed.  The others all ran great, including a stock STI 140mm new gen that is part of my practice mag set.

  12. It was covered the entire day when not shooting.  Can't afford to take the holster apart every time and bring around compressed air with me at a match.  I need something that's going to be 100% reliable with much less maintenance, I don't that's too high of an expectation for a holster. I'll reach out to DAA and see what they have to say.

  13. I was out shooting all day in a windy, very fine dusty environment.  Towards the end of the day, the holsters stops functioning properly.  Once I put the gun in, it is extremely difficult to pull it back out.  An instructor mentioned this is an issue with this holster.  Is there anything I can do to help prevent this?  Oil anywhere specifically or things like that?

  14. I ran old STI tubes + TTI guts for years and finally had my first magazine stop functioning reliably in November.  I would imagine tuning it properly could get it running well again but I just moved it to my practice mag set and now buy MBX.


    So, run old STI tubes + TTI guts.  Grams works well too from what I've heard, just make sure you stick with same brand throughout the magazine.

  15. My copy just arrived and I'll be reading this in a couple weeks after this academic quarter ends.


    My own personal take on the process vs results argument would be that tracking progress allows us to see whether the process is working, and gain confidence in it.  It is different than focusing on results, which would be receiving our emotions and fulfillment on whether or not we hit a certain goal.

  16. 17 hours ago, spencerattix said:

    From one Jarhead to another (3rd MAW 1983-87), if you want a 2011 get one. I've tried to do other things, Glock, M&P, blah, blah, blah. If I counted all the money I've put in non-2011s I could have bought an edge and a few mags. With that being said the tac sports are really nice and competitive. If I had it to do over again I would have got the tac sport or a 6" eagle. I know it ain't easy buying nice stuff on an enlisted man's pay but, heck, you only live once. Semper Fi, brother.


    It's expensive enough on an officer's salary!  haha Sticking to a meal plan, not paying for cable, things like that can make stretching money a bit easier as already mentioned.  Buy used, but do your research as these things last forever unless you're shooting 40K+ rounds a year all on the same gun.

  17. It seems like I have several of the 1st gen "new style"  (I bought them in the buy 2 get 1 deal last summer).  I have kept them stock, because I run MBX magazines in matches, and have heard that once you start messing with the guts, that's when the issues get compounded.  So far they have ran 100%, they are my practice and dry-fire magazines though.

  18. 35 minutes ago, Gooldylocks said:

    I have no input on the 155 mags since I don't have any, but I read a bunch of people in this thread saying they use "1X and 2Y on my belt."

    I would highly recommend to everyone to have 3 magazines on your belt, here's why. I always want to have an "oh shit" mag available. Let's say for instance you have a big field course, 27+ rounds, with an unloaded start. You are going to lose one of your pouches to your starting magazine, so if you only have 2 pouches on your belt rhen you are down to just the one magazine you have to have for the reload. If one of your mags fails for some reason, or you blow the reload, or you accidentally hit the mag release, you are completely up a creek. With 3 pouches, you still have one that you can go to in that scenario.

    Another situation could be stages that require two reloads, though that is honestly much more rare. If it is a two reload stage however, you again still have the one backup mag.


    I always run my back mag pouches more tightly than my front two.  They always stay nice and tight, and then I adjust the first two to be looser if there's minimal movement.  An extra magazine over what your plan is is required, but I think two is just extra weight on your belt that you don't need. Sometimes I'll run two extra if I'm worried about a weird movement, prop, or position losing a magazine.

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