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Posts posted by bluedevil008

  1. I like two of the main motivations:  be more inclusive and assist with ease of setup.


    Pete is working hard to help MD make better matches.  By making smaller targets (other target styles still allowed), you can bring them closer, and therefore shorten reset time.  Also,  by giving people option to shoot matches, we lower the barriers to entry a little bit, which is a great thing for everyone.

  2. I don't suspect this is the case, but if you're focus is on 3-gun and you don't care about being overly competitive in USPSA, there are plenty of benefits to 9mm.  I know several solid 3-gunners that use a 9mm 2011, and just shoot Ltd Minor with it.  As for the resale, there is a market for custom 9mm 2011's... the 3-gunners, so don't let the resale argument sway you.


    On the other hand, I shot .40 minor in 3-gun for a year and did just fine, the recoil impulse is actually preferably in my opinion, but the extra round capacity and cost was enough for me to switch to 9mm in 3-gun.


    I vote .40, but I don't think you'll regret going 9mm as much as everyone else says.

  3. 2 hours ago, NoSteel said:

    All of the information provided should be taken as a whole to help you in your decision..  Best advice I can give if you REALLY want the Titan and also run the ammo you indicated,. Call Atlas and talk to Adam...  He'll answer any questions you have straight up and give you any help you need in making the best decision for you.  In the end if you do go the way you indicated,. You'll have a high quality handgun you'll enjoy shooting / owning....  

    Very true.  Call up Atlas and speak with Adam.  


    Atlanta Arms makes fantastic ammo, and their premium stuff is definitely more accurate than my handloads.  If I was very wealthy, I'd shoot factory all day too.  Btw, I have a Titan on the way. Typically I shoot coated .40 in practice and shot Atlanta Arms factory in majors.  Next year, I'll be switching bullets and shooting my loads in matches, since it is just too expensive to shoot factory for me.

  4. 13 hours ago, Steelix said:


    Great to hear, I know I talked to him for over a half hour before pulling the trigger on ordering a Chaos. I was surprised when answered the phone and tooked the time to talk after the shop was closed. 


    I've had a similar experience in the several times I've talked to him.  He always seems genuinely interested in talking about guns, the sport, and life!

  5. On 11/2/2017 at 12:55 PM, wtturn said:

    This is literally the only time I've ever seen anyone criticize or complain about the half day format.

    Half day is vastly superior to any other format for the average section match (9-12 stages).

    Why would I want to spend sunup to sundown on the range of I don't have to? Full day means you're worn out for your last few stages. Half day means you're able to get in your groove and stay fresh for all stages.

    Half day means I can avoid a night in a hotel.

    Half day means you can watch other notable guys shoot the stages before or after your relay.

    Half day is enlightenment.


    I, too am a big fan of half-day format.  On-off is a lot of wasteful time.  BUT Fort Benning is an example of how full-day on-off can work well.  Squads started at 0730 and 0830 and the vast majority of everyone was done shooting by 2pm each day.  Now, granted I don't think this is doable at most matches because Fort Benning had lots of voluntolds helping reset, so 11 person squads could blow through a stage in 45-50 minutes, mostly unheard for a 3-gun match.


  6. 5 minutes ago, Benning said:

    The Fort Benning Multi-Gun Challenge will be held 15-18 Nov 2018.  15th is Check in, zero day and time to look at the stages. 


    I will be there!


    Everyone please go thank the sponsors and spend your money with them, and let them know you are sending business their way because they support great matches.  Hopefully next year's table will be as good or better, but we have to do our job.  Thanks to the hard work of Benning MWR for organizing those sponsors.

  7. On 11/27/2017 at 6:52 AM, Gooldylocks said:

    With the holes, it may not cycle minor unless you put a lighter spring in it. The gun should be very very soft and most likely very flat as well.

    However, since you are already reloading, it wouldn't be difficult to order a jug of slow powder (HS6, Silh, AA7, etc) and a case of light bullets and just load major. Load in batches for either gun, then just reset the dies when you want to switch.


    I would recommend getting a second set of magazines, but I would imagine that your existing 9mm magazines will work in the meantime.  Just know that different guns may like slightly different dimensions on the feed lips.  I have several 9mm magazines that I've been using for 3-gun, and I am working on getting more to keep with my Chaos that is being built, but as you know they are expensive!   Trying to get to the point where I have a set of 6 for 3-gun, maybe 3 practice magazines, and a separate set of 6 for my Chaos.  It'll probably take me awhile to get there though. 


    Regarding the loads, I plan on using factory ammo for practice in my Chaos.  The ammo that I get is very hot minor loads. I have a friend that uses the same ammo in his matches.  So yes you could use other 9mm loads, you just may need to swap the recoil spring.

  8. On 10/22/2017 at 3:30 PM, BoyGlock said:

    My very first outing with my new 1301 in open, 200 round major match yesterday, had a hiccup in my second to the last stage, last 3 targets, felt like a misfire, pulled on the bolt handle to eject but the round stayed in the chamber, another round released from the mag to feed resulted to a double feed, thougt I was toast, fortunately the second round ejected when i pulled the handle again, released it and continued to finish the stage. Added 4-5 sec in time. First jam. Hope its just a fluke. Gun is under 500 rounds total. All reloads 1oz 7.5 birdshot, 1,150 fps. Still Im quite pleased with its performance. 

    Never heard of that happening.  3k through mine, only issues were self-induced, broken tube spring or caked gas piston.

  9. On 11/16/2017 at 9:48 AM, Woodsk said:

    I run a strike eagle 1-6, and it is a very popular scope in 3-gun. However the PST gen2 is a better scope. under 300 yards I really don't think it will buy it much but once you have to go past that the better glass will make a difference.


    Do you see the top guys in 3-gun running a strike eagle, no. But that doesn't mean it will not work for you. 


    I ran a Strike Eagle on top of my JP for 2016.  Like running a F1 car with the cheapest fuel.  It worked and I pulled out some solid finishes at major matches, 23rd at Multigun nationals, 5th at Ga State, Top 10 at Missouri 3-gun, etc.  That said, I would not recommend it if you're budget allows.  Granted if you're shooting a stock bushmaster rifle, $2K glass on top is a bit over the top as well. 

  10. Absolutely fantastic match!  It is on my must-attend list for 2018.  The stages were fun, interesting, and a very nice variety.  No memories stages, only a few decisions to be made, but still enough movement and positions to keep it interesting.  MWR and AMU were great and everything was well thought out: from the shooters bags, match books, the cleanliness of the range, to the food, and prize table.  The RO's inexperience in action shooting did show every once and awhile, but Daniel, Joel, Tyler, Kyle, etc. were all on top of any issues super fast.  Would have enjoyed some further rifle targets, but you gotta make do with what you have.  Best overall match I have shot in years so I will take extra care to thank all of the sponsors and every helper to ensure they put it on again next year.


    I'll also note, I'm not a big fan of on-off format for matches where there are actual activities (Benning has infantry museum, downtown Columbus) but with the stage resetters, we were done shooting by 2pm everyday!

  11. Posting on behalf of the Match Director, Bill Paganelli.  

    Feel free to ask questions here and I will pass them on, or go to the FB Event page here:




    2018 California Multigun Championship Presented by Turner's Outdoorsman

    27-29 July, California Shooting Arcade

    Sloughhouse, California

    10 stages, max range of 200 yards for Rifle divisions. For PCC there will be an alternate target array.
    1/2 day format, Friday-Sunday (finished after Sunday AM shooting)
    United Mutli Gun League Divisions available plus California compliant categories.
    3, 5, 7 rule in effect for smaller divisions.
    Range Master: Mike Sexton
    Stage design by Pro stage designers Bryan Corry and Pete Rensing
    Registration opens Nov 15


    Match Fees:

    Early Bird = $225
    After Feb 1st = $250
    After March 1st = $275
    After July 1st = $300
    Pay at the door = $350 with email to Match Director prior to start of match. Bill@californiashootingarcade.com
    FAST PASS Option $125 over your match fee for the 1st 5 shooters
    FAST PASS Option for the next 5 shooters $150 over your match fee.
    The "FAST PASS" allows for you to shoot the match in any order you like. No waiting to shoot. You would report to the stage CRO and ask to shoot next.
    Full match Refund for cancellation before April 16th
    Cancellation fee of $50 for withdrawal from match after April 16th.
    After July 1st NO REFUND


    Side Matches:
    600 yard Long Range side match - Competitors can use any firearm for this side match.
    Shotgun Challenge Side match. Incredible prizes for the side matches
    3 AC Tents to help keep you cool
    Prize Table by order of finish, need not be present to win.


    Round count ***TBD***

    There will be a Vendor area.
    Food truck food for lunch
    Cold drinking Water on every stage
    3 Cooling tents if you get too hot

    General match, with the following divisions:
    Open, Limited, Heavy Metal, 2x4, Tactical Optics

  12. Any updates to these?  In general I have not been hearing great things outside of this thread.  I have a few waiting for me that I ordered through the Buy 2 Get 1 promo, but haven't used them yet.  I am planning on making them practice mags, but if there's not high hopes, they'll be dry-fire only.

  13. After 2.5K or so, and in really cold whether, it stopped cycling.  The gas piston had too much carbon covering up the gas ports.  Took it out, scraped it off, and good as new.  I would check that every 1K or so going forward.  That's the only issue I've had.  The gun is great!

  14. 3mm are made for the SVI tubes, 4mm for STI.  Adam talks specifically how the 3mm should be paired with SVI tubes, so it's safe to assume it's a 3mm. Either way, that's what you want so that you can fit the gauge. 


    By the times I get my Titan I'll be shooting old-STI tubes with TTI guts, MBX mags, and whatever comes with the gun.  If it works, it works.  Going forward I'll be getting MBX exclusively and doing my own tuning if necessary. 

  15. I love to add cone boxes and agility ladders to my sprint workouts. 


    Set up a box where cones are 5-10 yards apart from each other.  Starting at one corner, run forward, then side step to the next one, backstep to the next one and side step back to the original, then explode forward for 15 yards or so.  You can change the size, directions as needed.  


    Agility ladder is straight forward, tons of drills you can do on it.

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