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Posts posted by SinistralRifleman

  1. I like the idea of Federalism...the US Government has a structure that all the states have to follow, but the states can have their own laws based on the local values/beliefs/opinions of their residents. There isn't one cookie cutter set of laws that would work with the concerns of all areas of the country appropriately.

    ...I see action shooting the same way. States have varying guns laws for one. Range Facilities and Equipment available can vary quite a bit. Experience levels/backgrounds of competitors are also all over the chart. The basic mission statement of gun clubs often differs. So no, I don't think one set of rules can fit every competition. Maybe one universal set of Safety rules, beyond that it gets harder.

  2. It looks the right size for use with the Aimpoint on the Weaver Rail. Steave at SJC cautioned me that the brass could potentially not clear as he hadn't tested it himself, so I might have to be the test case.

    Either way, it just looks cool....reminds me of the guns they used in Space Above and Beyond.

  3. FYI: Here is a reply from Tony at Tromix about getting on the wait list for a conversion.

    "I am no longer adding guys to the wait list. It is full into 2010."



    I think that says it all right there... Is there anyone else out there working on Saigas?

    Just put a dot sight on it and a polychoke and you're good to go as far as competition is concerned.

    Kreb's Also does conversions....and there are others.

  4. The higher the round count stage, the bigger the advantage.

    I have started just loading my mags accordingly for mixxed load stages much of the time. There was a stage at the local match this past weekend that was 2 slug, 18 shot. I started with one slug +9 shot, and a second mag of one slug and 9 shot. I had the third fastest time on the stage against other open shotgunners. I got 2nd in Open at the state shotgun match last fall with the Saiga-12 too...this is one case of technology making up for my mediocre shooting skill :ph34r:

  5. I felt like 90% of the movie was wasted tape and we weren't seeing anything of consequence.

    If they do a sequel it needs to be helmet cam footage from a soldier's perspective, or a combination of that and gun cam footage from the tanks and aircraft.

  6. Is this match being put on by Cavalry Arms and just hosted by TJ...????? :mellow:

    Please note it is called the Tiger Valley 3 Gun Challenge. TJ is putting it on. All payments for the match go to Tiger Valley. TJ is the match director. He has the final say on any issues/questions.

    We're simply being the match sponsor for this match as we are for others. We'll help RO if he needs it. Running a big match is a lot of work we simply do not have time for. I posted the match announcement all over the net because I am online a lot more than TJ is.

  7. Tiger Valley 3 Gun Challenge 4-25 to 4-27 Waco, TX

    TJ Pilling, is the owner of Tiger Valley and the match director for the Tiger Valley 3 Gun Challenge. He asked that I post this information on all the boards as soon as possible to get people signed up.

    Tiger Valley is putting on a 3 Gun Match April 25th-27th at their range in Waco TX.

    Tiger Valley has a lot of unique props they incorporate into challenging stages.

    Trooper Class will be recognized at this match. 2008 Trooper Rules here: http://www.cavalryarms.com/competition/trooperrules.html

    Match Fee is $150. Match application is here: http://www.cavalryarms.com/competition/200...Application.doc (until posted on Tiger Valley’s site.)

    Entries limited to 80 Shooters.

    ·Top shooter in each class will receive a prize, all other prizes will be awarded by Random Drawing.

    ·International Multi-Gun Rules with Total Time Scoring

    ·Minimum ammo: 250 rifle, 150 pistol, shotgun 50 rounds bird shot, and 5 rounds slugs

    ·Sign in starts at 8:00 the 25th. Shooting Starts at 8:30.

    ·Lunch is available on the range all 3 days for $5.00 per meal.

    ·Long Range Side match on Sunday 600-1,000 yard shooting $25.00 entry with cash pay out.

    ·Vendor Product Demos on Sunday

    Match Details and Rules to be posted on www.tigervalley.com

  8. I remember someone saying the reason why everyone shoots ARs in 3 gun and in IPSC, is because of the 94 AW ban and the AR was the only reasonably priced alternative. Assuming that were true, if there was no AW ban and all semi-automatic rifles were of similar price, what would we be shooting instead.

    1) There are no foreign guns that are as ergonomic, accurate, and versatile as the AR15 platform. Foreign special forces units still use M4s/M16s when their countries main service rifle is something

    The importation ban protecting domestic manufacturers that was enacted as part of the gun control act of 1968 is what keeps foreign rifles out. They can however set up factories here, and produce them for the American public (which buys more guns every year than any foreign military). The fact remains that the American firearms industry benefits from more direct end user intelligent feedback than European firearms companies, because Americans can own and shoot guns. We have people here who are shooters that design things, as opposed to engineers that may never even have fired a rifle before.

    2) *Alternate History Harry Turtledove Mode on*

    The Assault Weapons Ban is never enacted.

    There is no run on buying semi-automatic military style rifles

    Military style rifles remain off the radar for most of the gun owning public. Nothing makes people want something more than being told they can't have it...this doesn't happen.

    More AR15s are not sold from 1994-2004 than the previous 30 years combined.

    AR15.com either doesn't happen, or remains a relatively small site of dedicated hobbyists.

    Fewer rifles sales result in fewer small companies getting involved in the business. Fewer new products are developed as a result. Some innovation continues to come from action shooting, but the end result is more specialized and less commonly used. The big AR companies keep putting out standard AR configurations in relatively the same number with similar gradual growth. The GWOT would still drive innovation, but high end accessories would be harder to come by as KAC and the other big players would be the only ones making them.

    ...so the people doing 3 Gun would be using Free Floated accurrized AR15s, that would likely be more expensive or harder to get due to market factors, not laws.

  9. They need to do another Aliens movie with the Colonial Marines...if they do another AvP movie it needs to be with the Colonial Marines. Colonial Marines are what the fans want. The Aliens franchise sucked because they tried to do too much with Ripley after Aliens.

    I don't know if you guys ever played Aliens vs Predator 2 on the PC, but the plot line to that and interactive story from 3 different perspectives rivaled any of the movies. The Dark Horse comics have always been better plot lines than what Hollywood has done with the franchises too.

  10. My co-worker Matt is in the Army Reserve and his unit is getting ready to deploy sometime within the next year. He recently did a handgun class for his unit that was classroom only, and some of the people wanted to do a class with range time. Matt requested that I help him out with putting on a class. We decided to primarily focus on rifle techniques, as that is what their primary fighting weapon would be.

    Subjects we covered were;

    Basic Gun Safety

    Basic Weapon Manipulation

    Ready Positions

    Sighting in and Sight Off-set


    Shooting stances

    Shooting on the Move

    Transitioning Shoulders and why

    Basic Handgun Marksmanship and Transitions.

    Mindset Including;

    1) Situational Awareness

    2) Will to prevail

    3) Overcoming adversity

    4) Thinking outside the box


    Continuing Shooting Education and Training yourself



    The reservists were easy to teach and picked up what we taught them fast. They were motivated and eager to learn. After the class they all commented that the training was both an eye opener in shooting techniques and mindset, and the only real training they got on a regular basis was how to qualify annually. It was a great experience sharing what I've learned with these guys. They're hooked on training now, and I expect them to seek out more professional training on their own.

    We have a lot of great shooters on this forum, pass on what you know whenever you have the opportunity.

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