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Posts posted by SinistralRifleman

  1. I did a search and only saw a thread from last year and no one had really been using them yet...

    So who's still using them and how are they holding up? Also, what country are they manufactured in?

  2. And just for clarity...The Gun Control Act of 1968 established the "sporting purposes" language, and defined destructive devices as any gun with a bore over 1/2" except for shotguns suitable for sporting purposes. There is no list of features or criteria, the Secretary can arbitrarily declare any shotgun to be non-sporting and thus a DD.

    The US Government (well the parts that regulate this stuff anyway) does not consider USPSA, IPSC, 3 Gun, etc to be a legitimate sporting purpose. All of our sports are considered to be "combat games" to them. The only way we'll ever see it considered a "sporting purpose" is if the games are incorporated into the Olympics...then maybe, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  3. I would put money on the Saiga being ruled a DD soon. Especially since there are now 20 round drums available. Essentially it is the same as the USAS 12

    Shotguns can only be declared DD by manufacturer and model #. The Saiga-12 is imported in a sporting (hunting configuration)...where as those others that were declared DDs were never made in anything close to a sporting configuration. The manufacturer/importer can't be responsible for accessories that others make after the fact. Not saying it's impossible, just less likely.

  4. I don't understand the complex rules, can I run my Saiga 12 in Trooper Class?

    There are absolutely no restrictions on what you can use in Trooper Class!


    1. Trooper Class shooters may use firearms from any of the other specified classes. A Trooper class shooter may use all iron-sighted guns, or open class guns, however they must be able to transport any firearms (and spares) without assistance from stage to stage by themselves.

    2. There is no limit on magazine capacity, bipods, scopes, etc in Trooper Class.

  5. For smaller round count matches with Trooper Class I use a Spec Ops Brand the Pack. For Ironman I use the Kifaru EMR.

    I use the Cavalry Arms double long gun case with shoulder strap to carry both my guns.

    The vest I use is a custom Rig by Coyote Tactical. The back piece is a modified camelback carrier, and I have multiple front panels for different weapons systems. I typically use the Saiga-12 front pannel for 3 Gun matches.

    I use a SOB battle belt with Diamondback Tactical Suspenders for comfort, and duty belt keepers to tie it into my pants belt. On the belt itself I have a dump pouch large enough to accomodate all my mag types, a drop down leg rig with AR and Glock mag pouches, and I normally use a Safariland 6004 holster inside a SOB Vapor Holster Chasis.

    2007 Ironman Rig:





    2007 Fort Benning Rig (I wore Armor):


  6. The Free Market will sort all this stuff out. Matches are a product. If you don't like what a particular club/organization/MD is selling spend your money elsewhere. Or take the initiative and get something started that is to your liking. If there is a match that you've been attending and decide to stop because the rules aren't to your liking make sure they know why.

    Funny, the parallels I see in this debate and various political issues I actively work on. An organization can't solve your problems, it's up to individuals to take action and effect change themselves.

    I wanted a new division created at some of the matches I go to...so I made it happen

    There wasn't a rifle only competition locally...so I made it happen (only once a year, but still)

    anyone with the time/motivation can do the same kind of things...

  7. Being one of the top dogs takes some natural talent most people don't have. They also have a significant amount of time invested in training to use the gear they have to optimum efficiency, so you're right until someone beats them they're not going to see the need to switch to a radically different platform.

    So to me it's a circular argument...the guns aren't good because none of the top dogs are using them, none of the top dogs are using them because no one skilled enough to beat them is using one.

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