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Posts posted by HOGRIDER

  1. 43 minutes ago, Runswithwood1 said:

    That makes complete sense, my dealings are the atlas bows are generally longer than the bows I've worked with in the past. Sure wouldve been nice to know that helping a friend work on one a while back

    Generally longer has been my experience also.........


    Personally, I've always preferred the Atlas/Geppert or Cheely depending on the grip....If I had a Staccato, I would definitely go with the Red Dirt USA simply for ease of adjustment and custom shoe lengths.



  2. 15 hours ago, jimbullet said:

     It at this time but my sti dvc is factory and haven’t done anything to it except changing to an atlas trigger. 

    IMO, the Atlas' trigger bow is a different length than the OEM bow; and is not allowing enough pre-travel which can definitely cause follow.


    Use this to check pre-travel and other important safety checks.  Make sure the pre-travel tabs on the Atlas/Geppert are in the neutral position when checking.




    Another resource:





  3. 13 hours ago, Stafford said:

    I've read of the accuracy issues/concerns with the X5 Legion. Have those carried over to the Max? 

    For MY preferred level of accuracy, had to go with a KKM barrel.  I feel confident a Bar-Sto would also be up to task.




  4. 5 hours ago, RangerTrace said:

    I have virtually no issues with my Gen1.  If they came out with a dropper that was easier to set up, that would be nice.  I dread the day I have to take mine apart!!

    Recently had the toolhead off the Apex10, and decided to clean my dies, powder die, and Pro dropper assembly.  IMO, it was pretty easy to clean and reassemble since I left the lower threaded die locked in the toolhead and put the balls back in the upper holes after cleaning the inner and upper tube sections.  I have also simply ran an alcohol soaked patch through the lower dropper assembly after just removing the brass adapter and upper tube assembly with excellent results......


    Also, since installing the Range Panda RPG2 adjuster, I've not had an upside down bullet or bullet to fall off the case in over a 1K rounds!  


    Excellent results from my Gen1 edition.



  5. 13 hours ago, LHshooter said:

    I've ordered an MPA DS9 LOC pistol and am looking for race holster options. Reviewing previous posts I've found the DAA flex (more than I want to spend) and the Black Scorpion (only RH). Anyone know of other options? I won't be  receiving the  pistol until January so I have plenty of time to find something. 



    I sold the Flex and ended up with the Everglades MRH.  Expensive, but IMO, the best "race holster" out there.  And it works with about any standard 2011/1911DS platform.


    Saw a friend that has/uses two of the MRHs yesterday, and he was trying out a new Ghost Hydra P.  So far he was liking it 100%!


    Your LOC will work with a lot of holster options.  Red Hill Tactical has been my go to for other divisions.  Great products!






  6. @quiller I'll chime in and say I've been using the Apex 10 that comes with the 11" high speed feeder, for just under a year.  Once I fine tuned the case drop port, the funnel sensor, and installed the DAA Turbo Case Feeder Plate, it has not missed a beat loading 9mm.  Regardless of the feed speed I select.


    The DAA plate made a huge improvement in the overall operation and feeding.



  7. 1 minute ago, VeilAndrew said:

    Yeah, there was definitely a point when I was learning to load for my Shadow that I just cranked the bullet seating die because the gun didn't seem to care how short I loaded them. I remember at one point I found some 1.03"s LOL

    I followed my standard procedure for the S2O of determining Max OAL and finalized at that length.


    Just so happened the MAXX and LOC also yielded excellent accuracy and function at that length!




  8. 2 minutes ago, VeilAndrew said:

    I was used to loading short for my Shadow 2 @ 1.08" with JHPs. MPA didn't like that very much, seems to like the same exact projectile at 1.12". Not a huge problem.

    I also loaded PD 124 JHPs to 1.080" for the Shadow 2 Orange.  Kept the OAL for a Sig P320 MAXX.  Got the MPA LOC and decided to try that match load.  Reduced the powder charge just a bit; but worked perfectly and I'm over 1K rounds through it with this same OAL!


    Bench rested example:

    LOC Bench Test Final.png

  9. 5 minutes ago, redbarron06 said:

    Just double checked Apr 20+21.  Not sure what the rules are here yet so I wont risk getting in trouble posting a link to something like that but you can check it out on his web site.

    Thanks for the heads up!


    Hope to see you there!  



  10. 6 minutes ago, redbarron06 said:

    Do you shoot any matches in the central or central/western end of the state?  It would be great to get together at a match.  Im in the Clarksville area of TN so the other side of KY.

    Unfortunately, I haven't made it into TN.......yet...!  I would like to experience the ORSA outside of Knoxville; maybe next year!  



  11. 5 hours ago, 808matt said:

    I’m also interested to see how you’ve liked this pistol so far and how that match you mentioned went for you. 

    @808mattAs a Distinguished Senior that's been away from active USPSA competition for a LONG TIME, I'm now in my second year; and my first year of shooting a Red Dot on this awesome 2011 platform. 


    As I mentioned in my post above, there were some changes I made to suit MY personal preferences on the LOC and it's running better than when I received it!  


    I can definitely see improvements in my match results; especially after my changes.  Hope to get at least another 3-4 matches in before the season ends; but I'm having a ball and for me that's most important!






  12. On 6/10/2023 at 10:48 PM, Bmb2578 said:

    Thank you for this, def made me feel much more confident in my order. I just ordered the MPA DS9 open as my first open gun to test the waters and currently waiting. I was curious if you have ran it in comp yet and if there is anything you dislike about it?

    @Bmb2578Not sure if your addressing your question directly to me;  but if so, I now have 5 local matches using the LOC and the fit/function is excellent!  Being a LONG TIME student of the 1911/2011 platform, of course there "were" some things I disliked; but I have rectified those issues and the pistol is definitely exceeding my expectations!


    IMO, if you have previous experience with custom competition 1911DS/2011 type pistols, you'll be in a better position to fully appreciate the Open you've ordered!  


    I too plan on having an Open pistol in the future!  😉


    Good luck with your pistol; and I'm sure shooters here will like hearing your experiences!




  13. 4 minutes ago, redbarron06 said:

    For those folks that have actually received one I have a couple of questions.  


    Are the safeties the traditional angle or are they like the Atlas or Wilson high grip safeties?


    Also is it a standard spring plug or is it one of those with the key on top that fits under the barrel?


    The 2 upgrades I have been thinking about right out of the box are a tool-less guide rod and the Atlas high angle shielded safety.

    For my LOC I ordered the Double Tap Ambi Shielded safety.  IMO, it has the standard competition angle that fits my hand/thumb perfectly.  I do ride the safety.........


    AFAIK, the LOC comes with a one piece guide rod and plug that takes an "L" shaped paper clip for takedown.  I immediately replaced it with the Dawson 5" tool-less guide rod; and it has functioned flawlessly!


    Pics with my latest match load results.....it's definitely a shooter!



  14. 50 minutes ago, hlsccsfa said:


    How big is the gap between the 2 grip inserts when you shoot S2 on a ransom rest? Tried ransom rest once with my S2 OR, but couldn't get such a good group out of it. Suspect that I overtightened the grip inserts...

    When I first had access to a Ransom Rest, I tried to research all I could to understand it and get the setup right.  Even talked with Michael (Ransom) at length; and one of the first things he pointed out was to NOT overtighten the grip inserts!  Two finger tightening process on A, B, and C.  Also emphasized to start with 20-25 rounds of junk/over the counter ammo through the pistol to "settle" it in prior to actual testing of my loads.


    One thing I had to do on the S2 Orange was remove the LOK grips, and test with the stock OEM grip panels to get good even purchase on the frame.  Always attempted to get the front and rear gaps as even as possible.


    Lots of good info in the RR Operation Manual and of course on YouTube.





  15. 2 hours ago, shred said:

    Long time ago I was idly thinking of using an optical mouse sensor (they are tiny XY movement-detector cameras) to detect the primer rod movement, but it's not that much of an annoyance to me.

    I posed the question of offering an alarm activated Primer Orientation Sensor for manual operation loaders using the M7 Apex 10.  A very seasoned commercial(?) operator suggested adding a Pattern Match Camera that would completely satisfy the need.


    Any electronics veterans that could elaborate on this; and if it's even a reasonable cost consideration?


    Sounds expensive to me!



  16. 1 hour ago, shred said:

    There's no hole underneath the 1050 shellplate you could put a sensor into where it could see or poke the primer pocket.  IDK about the 1100.



    27 minutes ago, hlsccsfa said:

    1100 was not that different from 1050. I don't plan to use a primer loader so flipped primer won't be an issue to me. The only issue with my 1100 is that there is a small chance (less than 1 in 100) that the primer slide doesn't pick up a primer. Unlike 650/750 you can clearly feel when there is no primer, there is no way to detect it by the feel of the handle on 1050/1100 when seating the primer, except by staring at the primer slide 100% of the time...

    There was that option to remote the primer pocket on the RL1100............IDK about the 1050......



  17. 16 hours ago, hlsccsfa said:

    I have a RL1100 that runs smoothly and I am planning to upgrade it with a MK 7 auto drive in the near future. I checked on Mark 7 website and found out that there is no priming sensor for the 1100/1050 auto drive. It is a huge bummer. It is available for the auto drive for Mark 7's own 10-station presses. Just wondering why... maybe the design of 1100/1050 makes it impossible to have such a senor?

    Moved from an RL1100 to the MK7 Apex 10; and in addition to the 10 station advantages, was the offer of using Primer Orientation Sensor once I automate.


    Like you suspected, the MK7 was designed to allow the simple addition of the POS with automation.  Sadly, the RL1100 has no design feature that I'm aware of that would activate some sort of alarm to alert the manual operator; or stop automation.  Definitely not a fault of Mark 7!


    And since, IMO, primer issues/failures are the number one complaint with all the major progressive presses, having a type of primer orientation sensor right after the priming station would be such a great option!  





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