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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. A lefty, huh? Sounds to me like it's time to visit www.griffinshooting.com! The speed reload video demonstrates that lefties are at no disadvantage whatsoever. In addition to IDPA, be sure to keep your eyes open for USPSA and ICORE matches in your area. Good luck!
  2. Interesting to notice that none of those guys is shooting from a classic Weaver. Maybe it's the angle, but Chapman's stance doesn't look much like the Chapman stance that he always taught--on the other hand, it looks like Bill Rogers is using a Chapman stance (as is Tommy Campbell wielding "Supergun" in the other thread). Brian is using a more traditional locked-elbows police isosceles. Of everybody depicted, John Shaw seems to be using the stance that is closest to the modern isosceles that is in favor today.
  3. Nice job, brother! Glad to hear they got it right. You definitely earned it!
  4. That's about all the photos I have. I got caught up in the fun and forgot to get my camera out until the match was almost over!
  5. I don't know of any personal videos that were taken, but I saw the guys from Shooting USA roaming around with their cameras! Sure looked to me like they were building a feature on the MCC for the TV show! So if you don't subscribe to the Outdoor Channel already, this would be a good time to get signed up.
  6. Nope. All of my original competition revolvers had the hammer nose. I dry-fired them all rather extensively back in the day, when I had time for that sort of thing, with absolutely no sign of trouble. I have seen a couple broken hammer noses on other people's guns, but only a couple. I've seen a picture of a bent one on the internet. I don't worry about it a bit.
  7. And thank you, Sam, for everything you and your crew did to make the match such a great success! The stages were excellent, the ROs were friendly, the match was run efficiently, and we found plenty of good stuff to eat and drink in the evenings. Really, what more can you ask for than that? Sam and I had an absolute blast again this year, and we'll never willingly miss this match!
  8. Remember that little kid that used to tag along to matches with me? Yeah, well.........
  9. Jon "Snertley" Galde and Cliff Walsh discussing stage strategy.
  10. Here's Cliff shoting the Polish Plate Rack. (One of my favorite stages, I might add!)
  11. Yes -- everybody had a great time at the MCC! Here's a group pic of some members of Squad 16.
  12. I've been thinking about this.....and it occurs to me that while it is important to create incentive for the "average Joe" shooters, it's also important to maintain an incentive for those who have worked hard to reach the upper levels, y'know? For every person who is excited to receive a prize gun through a random process, there is a shooter high up on the list who can't help but feel a little disappointed. I personally believe that the major prizes, or at least the majority of major prizes, should be reserved for those who performed the best in the competition. But....as someone who has competed for 23 years, and also helped organize a few bigger matches along the way, I understand both sides of the issue, and I fully realize there is no easy answer.
  13. The whole question of prize distribution is always a tricky one, isn't it? I'm still trying to decide how I feel about the way the prizes were done at Memphis.
  14. Roger, if you run a search on this sub-forum for the term "610" you should find all kinds of threads on this topic. The general answer is that most of us find the 625 a little quicker on the reloads, but those who are already loading for .40 can benefit from some economies of scale by using a 610. The 5" 625 is still the best off-the-rack choice for USPSA, but you will be limited to a 4" gun if you want to shoot IDPA also. The 5" 610s are really good also, but terribly hard to find these days.
  15. After careful calculation, I have managed to determine the luckiest shooter at the Memphis match........any guesses who that might be, Stanley??
  16. I really don't think it matters. If it makes you feel better, break the edges. Just be careful not to alter the fundamental geometry of the extractor points if you want the gun to carry up correctly (assuming it's a newer gun without the locator pins).
  17. Hard to say how it will all pencil out. Too early to tell for sure. Some of the mentioned shooters (me included!) may have other classifiers that will post at the same time as the Memphis classifiers and possibly neutralize some of the impact. So no congratulations or beer-chugging emoticons just yet, please.
  18. Yes, definitely send that one to Mark!
  19. Thanks Bob! That was one of my favorite stages!
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