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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Chuck, Hop: I suspect (but do not know for sure) that the strength of titanium is needed for the cylinder on this model, given the paper-thin metal between the chambers and the cylinder stop notches. Let me ask you this--you guys who don't like the titanium stuff--have you experienced or witnessed any actual problems with them, or just have a "thing" about preferring steel? As I indicated earlier, I've shot many different S&W wheelguns in competition over the years, and I really like my 646. I'd say for IPSC/IDPA, a 4" 610 or 625 would probably be better (or maybe a cut-down 25-2!), but for a pure IDPA (and occasional concealed carry) gun, the 646 might be the ultimate. Then again--how's that expression go?--it's not the arrow, it's the Indian....
  2. I found one just like the gun pictured above for $419 at the local Sportsman's Warehouse store, but I believe it was discounted heavily as a clearance item. They had two left, and a friend bought the other. Might be worth checking the various stores to see if they have any more (www.sportsmanswarehouse.com). My understanding is that this was a special run of 900 guns, to use up parts left over from the original Performance Center 646 project. I really like this gun for IDPA, and have been hanging in there with the best local auto shooters on stages that are reasonably "revolver neutral." Reloads are not quite as fast as a good 25-2 or 625, but close. I shoot a 135-gr. Rainier coated bullet at about 128 p.f., and it's very comfortable (although it doesn't seem all that incredibly accurate). Miculek grips, Blade-Tech tec-lok holster and moonclip holders. (To be extra tactical, I even carry it concealed to the match loaded with Fed. Hydra-Shoks.) Moonclips are available from Brownells. The gun does have a titanium cylinder, but mine has caused no problems. I've heard the original run of Performance Center 646s were problematic in that area. (They were also much more expensive.) I chamfered the cylinder a little to quicken things up, again with no problems. I did an action job on the gun, and everything smoothed up real nice. I have not shot IPSC major power loads through my gun, as I have a 25-2 I use for IPSC, but I have heard that the recoil generated by major loads in the 646 is just at the edge of getting a little uncomfortable for some people. Neat gun. I recommend you give it a try. Mike
  3. The rulebook says no projectiles under 750 fps. It also says the stop plate is calibrated daily to reliably activate at 120 p.f., but there is also a back-up timer in case the stop plate doesn't activate. Others have told me there is no problem triggering the stop plate mechanism, even with a much lower power factor. I need to know for sure as I work up my final loads for the match. I shoot a stock revolver so I don't need to worry about slide functioning, and would prefer to use somewhat lower-powered ammo if possible, since I have no compensator or porting to reduce recoil (such as it may be). This is of particular importance to my 11-year-old, who is somewhat recoil sensitive. Please advise. Mike
  4. OK, I know that the special Browning Buckmark event ("The Zone") is shot from the ISI ready position, but what is the starting position for the regular rimfire main event shot on Thursday of the Steel Challenge? Surrender position from the leather, right?
  5. Based on what I see on the online club stats, Doc, you are the wheelman to beat around these parts when it comes to the IPSC game these days. I'll admit I'm still feeling a little rusty from my 9-year "retirement." Then again, there's nothing quite like a good challenge to shake out the rust and cobwebs from the old brain and trigger finger!
  6. ...and the moonclips are the best part!!
  7. Dan, just happened to catch your name on the IRC results--very nice job! I'd love to shoot that match someday myself....
  8. Yeah, I have a suggestion--take your drill bit (might have to use one a little smaller than 1/8"), lop off the chuck end with a dremel cut-off wheel, and make yourself an internal trigger stop out of it to replace the stock one. Make it a little longer than the pin that rides inside your rebound slide, and then file it down gradually so it stops the trigger travel just after the hammer drops in DA mode (unless you want to retain the ability to thumb-cock, and then set it to stop trigger movement just after the hammer falls in SA mode). Go slow, take the time to get it exactly right, round off the sharp corners so they don't catch on the inside of the rebound spring, and you'll never have to worry about it again for the life of the gun. Nothing to come loose, or come apart. Nothing to alter the exterior appearance of the gun. No violation of IPSC revolver rules--after all, you're just refitting a part that the factory didn't bother to fit properly... Mike
  9. Doc, Lighter bullets will lower the point of impact (all other things being equal). For a carry gun, the various 165-gr. and 185-gr. JHPs are pretty good choices...
  10. What's the prospect of this match being held next year? (...rumors...) Does anyone know the dates yet? Is it always the third weekend in June?
  11. Shred--thanks for taking the time to write that up--very helpful stuff. I can't resist the chance to shoot that rimfire event, so we'll be arriving Wed. Sam's first day of school is Monday, so we will have to take off Sunday afternoon. We'll have to figure out something if either of us finishes "in the money."
  12. My 11-year-old son Sam and I are getting ready to send in our entry forms for our first ever Steel Challenge. We are both planning to compete in the Iron Sight Revolver Division (with Sam eligible for Pre-Teen and Junior status, of course). We have been shooting the SC format at a local club the past several months, and have been really enjoying it (and doing fairly decently--for a kid and an old pin-shooter who recently came out of "retirement"), but we have some general procedural questions for those in the know: 1. We are probably going to fly in Thursday afternoon and just shoot the main event match on Fri. and/or Sat. Will we need equipment for any other side events those days? I'm a little confused by the official "rules" posted on the ISI website--there seem to be several cut/paste errors with last year's dates being used, etc. 2. We are planning to fly back out on Sunday afternoon. How long does the shoot-off and prize ceremony typically take? When will everything be completed on Sunday? 3. What is the "match hotel" and where is it located? Any ballpark idea on the nightly hotel rate? Is that where we should stay, or are there better options? 4. We figured we would bring our guns in our checked luggage, but were not sure how to handle the ammo situation. Can we bring enough ammo on the plane, or will we need to ship our ammo in advance to the hotel or directly to the range? In addition to the questions listed above, Sam and I would really appreciate any general advice that might be useful for a first-time Steel Challenge shooter, particularly one who is (a) flying in for the match, and ( has an 11-year-old for a shooting partner! :-) Thanks, Mike Carmoney
  13. It won't be on the clock....I would just like to quit holding up the proceedings while I top off the gun between strings...
  14. Thanks Doc! I'll try to contact Buckeye and see if these things are still being made.
  15. I keep hearing from knowledgeable sources that these were once available, but perhaps now out of production. I can't remember the name of the company.... I really need about 5 speedloaders so I'm not so dang slow while reloading my 617 between runs at our local Steel Challenge shoots. I'm beginning to even annoy myself. Anyone have any information on this? Mike
  16. Patrick, nice to see your familiar name on here! I was looking through some of my old match stuff and realized that the last Second Chance I attended was '94. Hard to believe it has been that long! Occasionally I hear rumors that SC may return, but so far nothing has materialized. Man, the whole pinshooting game seems to have really fallen apart, other than the gool ol' diehards from Topton... Regarding the IPSC hammer/trigger thing, I engaged in an email exchange with John, and finally received pretty much the same answer you got, so I printed off the last email and decided I'm leaving well enough alone. (I must admit that I began to get a bit frustrated, though, when I was informed that "some would say that removing the serrations on the trigger present a safety issue due to the trigger face being slippery.") Anyway, I've really enjoyed "coming out of retirement" this year, and I'm having a lot of fun shooting Steel Challenge stuff and IDPA. The local USPSA group is a good bunch of folks, so I'm planning to add that to the agenda as well. See you around, Mike
  17. I'm interested in what kinds of speeds have been accomplished at Steel Challenge by the top iron-sight wheelgunners, such as Pettitt, Bagakis, Furbee, Yost, Gray, Zimmerman. Please break it down by stage, if possible. How about the scoped revolvers? What kind of times are Jerry and the boys posting? Are the complete results from last year's Challenge, broken down by stage, available online? If not, could someone scan them in and post them in .pdf format? Thanks, Mike P.S. My 11-year-old mercenary wants to know how fast the Pre-Teen Division shooters are. Any numbers on that?
  18. I don't see where there is any SC rule against using ammo less than 120K power factor--the book seems to merely advise the shooter that the stop plates at the SC range are calibrated daily with 120K loads. I don't want to violate any rules, though, so if I am wrong about this, someone please let me know. I also like the Blade-Tech holster and Tec-lok full-moon carriers, and use these with my S&W 646 for IDPA. (The stuff is a little expensive, however...) I would think in a pure speed match that holster would require the shooter to lift the gun upward quite a bit further before the holster is cleared. I was wondering more about the new "skeleton" speed holsters like the Limcat, Rescomp, Aluminator, or Garcia Academy rigs. My main concern is having to remember to hit some sort of lock switch or knob every time I go to the line--that just sounds like something I would forget to do now and then....
  19. Earlier this year I "came out of retirement" and returned to competitive shooting after a long hiatus. One of the local clubs has begun running the Steel Challenge format on a monthly basis, and I am finding it to be an absolute blast to shoot with a revolver! My equipment: S&W 8-shot M-627PC 5", Miculek grips, Weigand rear sight blade, old Safariland 002, 122-gr. TC over a little pinch of Bullseye. My 11-yr-old son's equipment: S&W 7-shot M-686+, Fobus paddle holster (same one he uses for IDPA with his M-10 skinny barrel), replacement straight black front sight, bantam Hogues, same ammo as me. Questions: 1. Any opinions, issues, or recommendations on these choices so far? 2. Think I need to consider the new high-tech speed holsters? If so, which one? 3. Do I need to make sure my loads are 120 power factor if I decide to go to the big match next year in Piru where the stop plates have those mechanical sensors? Your thoughts or viewpoints on these (or related) topics would be appreciated! Mike
  20. dangit Doug!! I was wantin' to be a real honest-and-for-true ipsicker and now you went and ruined all my carefully laid sandbaggin' plans. Now getting back to my USPSA rules question, I'm pretty sure I saw something on one forum or another (maybe this one, in fact) that this question had been definitively answered and the hammer/trigger stuff were considered cosmetic mods, so no problemo. OK, I know that nobody at the local matches will give a rip, but I don't want to go to some bigger match and run into shooters from less-civil parts of the country who might get uptight. Now that I do confrontation for a living (much like yourself; albeit in a slightly different forum), I don't want to experience it during my recreational time. I just want to use the nice old wheelgun I already own, rather than be forced to go out and buy a new 625 or 610. I'm certainly not trying to gain any competitive advantage by having trick equipment--you can attest that I almost always shot bowling pins with a stock revolver (back before pin-shooting matches went extinct--barring a few specimens still alive in captivity in eastern PA).
  21. I'm looking to begin USPSA/IPSC shooting in the US Revolver Division. My old 25-2 is essentially stock, except the original hammer has been bobbed (gun is internally modified to DA-only), and the original wide/serrated target trigger has been narrowed, contoured, and polished smooth (but no external trigger stop). I was certain this gun would be perfectly legal, and there is no question that it fits the spirit of the rules, but so far I have not been able to find a firm answer on this, and I want to avoid all possible hassles. Has anyone requested and received any sort of official interpretation on this issue? Any thoughts or assistance would be appreciated. Thanks, Mike
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