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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. If you look it is the Philly crowd that introduced it. It will never see a vote out of comittee. We still put over a million people in the woods every for deer season. The rural (which is most of PA ) areas would have a public hanging of any legislator that votes for it. Easiest solution is to give Philly to NJ then they can pass all the stupid things they want.

  2. Nik,

    Do you really think the jury is going to give much weight to a 10 question open book recert? Every year is a PITA and overkill. As for all the comments on current rules and updating Ro's.....There are good RO's with lots of time and little time....there are some really bad RO's with lots of time and just new ones too. I can see a recert for 2008 with all the new silliness but if the book doesn't change what is the point?

  3. I said they have gotten better. The ones from the early 90's were bad. Hell the AK is the most widely used military rifle but that doesn't me I'd use one. For the money they are a decent gun....but if your life is only worth 250 bucks then by all means carry a $250 gun. I've seen to many of them puke at the range for me to bet my life on one. Sorry to shoot somebody's sacred cow.

  4. George,

    Friday night when I stopped by the store. Your dad was working. It was out in BFE, SW end of Susq. county about a hundred yards give or take from being in Bradford or Wyoming county. Hell if it was your house I'd just yell that I had some good IPA and you'd surrender or I could threaten to blow up the tap room and you'd give up to save it!

  5. Actually up to my butt in paperwork, breaking in a new Lt. and dealing with drunken barricaded gunmen lately. I stop by and look at the match info but lately (last year or more) it has been the SSDD on here. Other than the new rules debacle, I think we've pretty much covered everything USPSA, IPSC and shooting. Now it is just rehashing it and beating dead horses along with a substantial amount of pissing and whining.

  6. You might find a small dept. that has very liberal standards that allow them but most of your bigger dept. actually issue the weapon. In 17 years as an FI never seen one used in LE except as an off duty gun. CZ was generally viewed as one notch above a davis arms in the past. They have gotten better but I still wouldn't bet the farm on one when there are so many proven guns out there.

  7. Typical knee jerk reactions to blame a behavior on some trumped up BS like a picture, or gun. I guess no more free beer after nationals cause somebody might become a drunk or fall off the wagon? What next no posting times because someone might feel inferior in their shooting ability? Last time I checked this was still America...you know the land where if you don't like something turn the page or the channel. I thought the gun world would be the last place PC showed up...could I really be wrong? Nah!

  8. Why do we have to keep trying to come up with new silly rules to try and limit everything? It keeps coming back to what this person or that person thinks is tactical. A few years ago irons on a combat rifle was "tactical" and optics were too fragile......now optics are fine in combat. The whole point of a 30+ round mag is to not have to reload very often. With this goofing thinking (must be a Jersey thing about mag limits) the military should still be using M1's.

  9. The 700 Jackass is a fictional caliber of about the same use as the 600 Overkill. It was created solely for the purpose of busting George's balls after he shot at what he thought was a huge doe at 150 yards....it was actually a very very small doe at 50 yards. The pumpkin sized piece of lead flew right over the poor doe. The doe was last seen wondering off laughing at George's range estimating skill. If he had used a suitable larger caliber he would have been closer to actually hitting the poor little deer. It is like the .45 vs .40 thinking on larger bore getting more A hits.

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