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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. Well to counter Bruce's arguments the rules in this sport tell us what we can't do. Everything else is freestyle and wide open. The problem is the first set of rules and then the rulings from John A. totally screwed the whole thing up with some poor decisions. Now they are going to try to and close the gate after the horse already left. Why not look at what the real problems in the rules and fix those and not piss everyone off by trying to address something that hasn't been a issue? We seemed to have been just fine for the last few years....nobody was hurt at any matches, people shoot and seemed happy, people bought gear and then all of the sudden the BOD decides we need a whole bunch of new rules? First it was to get closer to IPSC now???? I don't think the BOD even has a clue of where the hell these rules are going. Why not leave well enough alone and go shoot.

  2. I just love the PC BS. Last time I looked we were still in the US. You have the right to be offended, pissed off, protest, etc. Just don't forget that the other side has the right to do, say and print things that will piss you off and offend you. Over the course of history many people died to ensure that you have the right to say and do things that others will not like....a little thing called FREEDOM. So for all the people that like the adds great ( I personally think it is funny as hell) for the rest that are offended turn the damn page! It amazes me that we as shooters are so quick to bitch about and call for the censoring of adds after we have been victim of numerous gun bans because somebody didn't like guns. As far as hard up horny men what can I say most of us are married so that should explain that issue pretty easily!

    I am glad to see that Jim's wife is taking an interest and reading Front Sight to him now Dave will get a break from having to do that.

  3. The cost is going to stop this from ever being a concern. The day they start paying out real money for winning maybe......this is another case of somebody with too damn much time on their hands trying to make this sport something it is not. Hey they test in the Olympics so why not in IPSC? The Olympics and drug testing aint happening for IPSC.

  4. Kelly hit the nail on the head. The divisions are pretty damn close. It is a problem in USPSA. Minor difference between open and tac. Limited, L-10 and singelstack pretty damn close. L-10 and SS width of the mag? This issue is due to our perceived need to make this sport all things to everyone.

    The reload issue keeps coming up, short of a true military combat action damn few of us even in LE will ever need to reload a rifle with a 20 rd mag let alone a 30. If you missed that much you are either dead or the other guy really sucks. Some people have this idea that they have to test every aspect of the weapon. The reason we don't use single shots anymore is so you don't have to reload. This isn't 1920 anymore. Test the shooter's shooting skill in a practical COF not what you perceive as something needed to be tested. This sport is supposed to be a fun outlet not a tactical masturbation for the mall ninja wannabe. If I'm facing 20 plus targets I'm calling for a AC-130!

  5. Why do we keep having these stupid discussions. Leave the rules alone. To damn many people with to much time spent "thinking" and not enough time at shooting. All this level the playing field BS next thing you know they won't want to keep score any more either. Just think of the savings to the new shooter no timer to buy, no ego to get crushed when the scores are posted. Are we as a group really stupid enough to actually believe that it is the gear and not the operator?

  6. The real issue is States rights and a clear decision from the Supreme Court on these state bans. The whole concept is that states can offer more constitutional protections not less than what the feds do. The guns are an easy target for the liberals rather than dealing with the root problem of the drugs and gangs in Philly. The only saving grace is that even with the high population of the city areas the rural legislators won't go along with it due to career suicide. National and State office elections will continue going down hill but they won' get much done in the state house or senate.

  7. Well the main complainant was the IPSC rules a few years ago. Last year it was a let's try to get a better relationship with IPSC and get the rules closer. Now the rules go all over the damn place with this latest greatest draft. Things that have not been a problem are now suddenly getting changed...for no apparent reason other than somebody wanted to be a tactical mall ninja. The holster rules and distance have been fine until now. Why do we keep trying to reinvent the wheel. If it worked leave it the hell alone and fix what safety rules are a concern. We keep changeing the rules to bring in the "potential" new shooters and pissing off the shooters we already have by screwing with their equipment. This SPORT was designed to test the shooter and find the best gear for the game.....now everybody wants to impose some type of arbitary leveled playing field so the new guy doesn't get his feelings hurt when he shows up with his gear and gets beat. It all comes down to the shooter not the gun but we want to limit advancement.

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