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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. Flex,

    Thanks for making the point that the gun and company make a bigger impact on gun selection than just the much overstated extra round. (I'm also glad you don't love me in a gay way)

    We keep rehashing the same points on Production. I would suggest that all the full cap haters try shooting an IPSC rules match and then decide if they like it or not. Human nature is to fear change. Might just find out that it is more fun. Otherwise we can keep digging up the poor horse and kicking the crap out of it again and again.


    Vince thinks we should stick with the 10 round limit too!!!

  2. Well if the one round was such a big deal I guess STI should be in second place to Para in Limited because the Para will hold one more round. The facts don't bear that out. As far as the quest for one more round....I think most of us just like to push the envelope...and most of the time it takes a bug bite out of someone's A$$. Most of the gun problems are from pushing things as far as they will go.

    If they allowed full mags I'd still shoot the 34 or maybe a MP in 9mm.

  3. The logic is that some people find it a disgrace to take a perfectly good full cap mag and bastardize it down to 10 rounds on some PC BS. This is America where we want bigger, faster, more horsepower and more rounds. This game was designed to find out what the best gear was, now we have everyone wants level playing fields, every thing fair and if I own a gun I want to be able to shoot it even if it is not competitive so damn it you better make the rules so it can be. We will either end up with limits and not stick to our founding purpose like the 10 round crap or we end up like a bunch of soccer moms where we all get a trophy because we each have our own division....then why bother even keeping score. God knows we want to hand out prizes to all the new guys to keep them coming back and we sure don't want to see anyone get there little ego hurt becasue they didn't win...oh yeah remember it's for the children...

  4. Dale,

    Maybe you would like him going to school with your kids? Me I'll pass and be happy that they grabbed him before we are reading about another nut over the edge. We freedom comes responsibility and there are some restrictions included. Somewhere along the line somebody came up with the idea that freedom means you can do anything and say anything you want...sorry but that isn't the way it works.

  5. Well after dealing with the "best" society has to offer for pushing 20 years, I'm sure this isn't an out of the blue incident. People don't write or think such screwed up thoughts without some form of progression. Look into any of the recent whackos and you will see the progression. Columbine, VT etc. the signs were there and ignored. You can use the freespeech issue but just because you have the right to be a whack job should you? And if you put things out there that even the FBI would consider a clue you can bet your ass somebody better look into it. This aint Mayberry anymore. The biggest problem is the total lack of that long forgotten thing called personal responsibility, now days some Ahole does something stupid and one of the "causes" for either side want to make them a victim of the system. Oh come on he's just a kid that's misunderstood.....until the sick little bastard kills YOUR family member!

  6. Ok try and defend it anyway you want this kid is f%^%ed up! I'm about the most unPC guy you will ever meet but the kid has some issues. I guess just because he was going to enlist and had a 4.2 GPA that mitigates it all? BS this kid is either a time bomb waiting to go off or he has really piss poor judgement....just the type I want in a combat zone!

  7. And just where are you going to put the end off it after you load the first shell. Can't rotate the shotgun like a rev. cyl. so it wouldn't work. Also it would probably bump you to open where you would get your ass handed to you by the regular tech loader which would load 4 while you're still fumbling with the second shell.

  8. Actually Jim,

    It is more fun to find a "bad" girl and just practice trying to make kids!

    Kids will change your life for sure. Amazing how they will really change your outlook and priorities. I doesn't matter how shitty of a day you had at work when you walk through the door and get attacked with hugs you forget about all the other crap.

  9. 28 HP??? I think the twins big wheel puts out close to 30 depending on what they ate for lunch. Does it have a flower covered basket on the front too? When we were kids we used to clip baseball cards to the spokes for some sound might help you at the stop lights!

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