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Chriss Grube

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Posts posted by Chriss Grube

  1. Flex,

    Not an attack on anyone it was questions which were raised by statements made here and on a podcast. They were pretty simple and are still unanswered and will probably remain so. Sorry I'm not one to take the don't worry trust us we know what we're doing approach. I'm done with topic as this as it obviously is a done deal. Call me in a couple years and let me know if it was a good thing or not....time will tell. Until then I'll go fuel up the black thing under the tarp.

  2. Xre hit it right on the head. Either DT was talking out of school or should be more careful of who he talks to about things that aren't ready for prime time release. It does truely appear that DT and the BOD really do not have a handle on what, how or where this SC stuff is going. My biggest concern is that this appears to have been a impulse purchase with no real business plan or ideas for the future. Working in State Gov. I see these great ideas blow up all the time due to lack of any real planning for the future. Some say it is staying the same others it will change??? Which is it. I believe the BOD had good intentions but not enough information. It sounds like it was a Idea pushed by DT and sold to the BOD which doesn't hgave a full grasp of what we really bought or plan. Please correct me if the BOD has the Big picture or not.

  3. Flex nice deflection from the issue of SC. We have discussed growing the sport many times on many threads. Since you are a mod please try to stay on topic! B) All I ask is simple answers of what did we really get for the undisclosed amount, why no announcement from anyone in an official capacity on the "official" organization site(we learn about a major issue from a pod cast?) and where is this going for the rest of us that aren't going to the PRK to shoot the SC????? All of the sudden people start the black helicopter crap, sorry but I didn't drink the kool aid. This might be great for us and it may not be. There is already conflicting info on moving the match. Questions of the officail party line are now a bad thing?? Yes we have grown and hopefully will continue but it was not that long ago it was going the other direction and we had some great wet lands for sale. Those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it!!!

  4. Yeah and the kids supposedly shot 2 or 3 deer when he was 2.5 years old. I call BS. I have 5 year old twins and they are not going to shoot anything big enough for a bear. .22 no problem, maybe the JP AR and that would be off a rest and lots of help.

  5. I just don't see the whole point of buying a match. What did we really get for the money?An idea, contact list? Intellectual property....yeah right like there aren't a bunch of clubs already running steel matches. I started at a steel club over 10 years ago, no affiliation to SC or USPSA. Local club members shooting steel. The PSA match sells out every year with no affiliation. As Jim asked where is the benefit or incentive to have a club join SC? The club gives up money for what?? Unless it is set up along the lines of USPSA which then conflicts / competes with USPSA for matches, time, RO's and members money. I truely believe that we need to focus our energy on growing USPSA, if and when we get that mastered then look at expanding shooting opportunities. The unfortunate reality is that USPSA is a fringe sport that requires a large commitment of time and money to play(especially with the ammo and gas costs lately). We are never going to be featured in mainstream media as some hope. It would be great but very unrealistic. I give Mike and Mike credit for a brilliant business move in selling a match and making a profit. Very few major matches have anything left after costs and some limited cash pay outs, they just received an undisclosed amount! Brilliant!!

  6. Might be the greatest thing since sliced bread for USPSA might also be a big mistake time will tell. USPSA is still a non profit organization made up of paying members, it isn't a public forum and it damn sure is not a buyers club that is part of a larger for profit business. Since the BOD doesn't seem to answer to the members I sure hope they learn from the SC on how to run a profitable Nationals since that seems to have been something they are unable to accomplish. It would still be nice to have OUR LEADERS post the info on the USPSA website.

  7. I'll disagree with the whole idea of a unilateral decision by the BOD. They are elected to represent the membership. Please explain how the membership is represented when they have no clue this even happened????? Sounds like a congressional pay raise vote to me! Maybe we can buy some more swamp land while we're at it!

  8. You put a completely technical match out there in the US and the crowd will boo and leave. Put a blood bath out there with a big KO to end it and it will get rave reviews. It is just a different culture here. This is the land where major bar fights happen because somebody told the guy on the bar stool next to him that WWE is fake. Soccer is the most popular sport in the rest of the world here it is ranks lower than bowling. I guess that it is the rebel in all of us to do things different than the rest of the world, but I wouldn't live anywhere else.

  9. Give it time and the right marketing. Look at NASCAR. 30 years ago it was a bunch of drunken hillbillies raising hell and driving fast. Now it is a multibillion dollar industry. People watch it for the crashes and people watch MMA to see somebody get their ass beat. We have progressed so far from the days of the gladiators and feeding people to lions.......not! Of course I have a list of candidates if they ever bring back the lions!

  10. Ok you have a masters degree in Physics great for you but that doesn't mean you know jack about real world crashes. I had a product engineer for toasters show up to give expert testimony in a crash case that didn't work very well for him either. Nothing beats experience and hands on work. I've seen more dead people that I care to

    and learned a few things along the way.

    Personally I don't give 2 shits about morally defending anything other than me and my family surviving a crash. I pick the best vehicle for my families protection which happen to be large vehicles. Do you load your self defense gun with rubber bullets so it doesn't really hurt the bad guy???? You can have the moral high ground, I choose to survive by any means needed.

  11. Unfortunately when it comes to pro sports here in the US I'm jaded. Mostly overpaid cry babies with felony records. I would have liked to see Tito kick Dana's ass but that was just another hype job to get veiwers. The lied to by the boss is what gets me, if we all quit when the boss lied to us nobody would work!

  12. If it wasn't about the money then why the hell would he even ask??? Sorry to gore your sacred cow but it is a pro sport and it is all about the money. If he was fighting for the love of fighting or some other silly assed reason then he wouldn't care would he? In this case he wanted more money because somebody was making more than him, I'm sure if UFC said ok here is a bug bag of money he would still be there. It amazes me that people actually believe these guys do it for the love of the sport....BS. Every pro out there in any sport goes where the best pay check comes from. They have a finite number of years and try to make the most money they can. This is 2007 not 1970 sports.

  13. It's all about the money. He signed a contract that he agreed to then he got pissed because somebody was paid more??? I guess he should have negotiated better! I'm sure he made some good bucks, walked away on top before his age caught up to him(he is what 44-45 now) and in the typical look at me mtv style made some press and got a bunch of people talking about it. His name recognition goes up and he can get more money in a couple d grade movies and speaking sessions. This is looking more and more like pro wrestling all the time. The evil owner screws the champ and millions of people watch. He retired after Chuck ko'ed his butt, makes the big comeback and goes out on top. Maybe him and Hulk Hogan can do a reality show together on MTV???

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