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Posts posted by Shooter115

  1. Today's episode is my favorite this season. I've always admired Pat for his skill on the range and in front of the camera, but it's the attitude that he and Karen share in their fight against breast cancer that make them both very special people. God bless you both, my friends.

    Chris Flemming is another great ambassador to our sport. I'm sure that Chris has already made a life changing impact on those with disabilities who have met him first hand. But after seeing him on the show, I expect he's also changing the lives of people he will never meet.

    This for sure. I squaded with Chris at the CMMG Midwest Championships. Great guy and a splendid example of courage, strength and will overcoming adversity. Watching him shoot was truly inspirational. You could tell by day 3 he was getting a little worn out, but there was no letting off the gas.

  2. Since we bought a place out in the country a couple months ago it takes me about 30 seconds to get to the range in my backyard (though my ammo bill has gone up significantly). If I want to make a trip to our clubs 400 yard range it's a lengthy 4 mile jaunt. If I need something longer it's a 30 minute drive over to really nice 600 yard range. Sorta lucky in that area I guess, perks of living in the sticks.

  3. Well hopefully there's not a pre-match penalty assessment for ignorance.

    I had skimmed through the rules before sending in my app, but somehow missed that part of the scoring section. I did catch the part about additional penalties on the long range stuff, which I like. I have a full copy of the rules printed out, just haven't had the time to go through them thoroughly yet. Hopefully that will be the end of my stupid questions that are truly "stupid" questions. If it isn't I'll owe ya a cold one :cheers: Thanks all.

  4. Not too worried about the slugs. It was the buckshot I was wandering about. Thanks for the cart info though.


    I meant buckshot, sorry :)

    Look here: http://brm3g.com/Stage%20Pages/Stage%206%20Sponsor.html

    Im guessing that the first few paper and steel will be pistol, the paper with black "heads" are the buck ones and the turtle and mini-poppers rifle.

    Thanks gose. I missed the black heads on the stage drawings. So now that it's most likely IPSC's, how do they score, same as they would with a rifle or pistol? 2 pellets anywhere or one AB to nutralize? Sorry this probably seems like a dumb question to some of you, but you just don't see much done here with buckshot here in MN. Maybe due to the fact it's not legal for any type of hunting except predators.

  5. Ding, ding!! USMC0326 nailed it. For F/TR, F-Class or any type of benchrest competition power is your friend. To be competitive you will want to see your hits. If you want to get into it and not break the bank look for a quality used high power fixed scope. I've seen really good deals come and go on Weaver T-36, Sightron 36x and Leupold 35x or 45x scopes. If you want to take the next step up the Sightron SIII 10-50x60 can be had used for around $800 and is going to be really tough to beat for the money. You won't see many (if any) fixed 10x scopes on the line. The high powered variables are nice as it allows you to turn down the power to lessen mirage if it's being nasty. The classifieds on accurateshooter.com (originally 6mmBr.com) is a great place to look for used optics and gear. With a little patience you can find smoking deals on eBay from time to time too. I think I've bought 4 Sightron scopes and a Leupold Competition 45x off eBay for less than half of market value. I kind of got out of long range and precision shooting competition when I started shooting 3-gun, but I imagine I'll slide back into it someday when I'm to old and crippled to run. Good luck with your pursuit :cheers:


  6. Learning your holdovers is the easy part. After that it's all about building the shot. I come from a little different background than most 3 gunners. Seems most come from pistol shooting where I was mostly a benchrest and f class shooter. Since you're located in an area that's snowed in during the winter months like me. I would suggest looking for a club that has an indoor 4 position rimfire league. Range is only 50ft but your target is only .17". It's about the best accuracy and shot building exercise you can do.

    Fyi long guns are about the only thing that keep me towards the top at local matches. My pistol shooting still sucks but I'm working on it.

  7. Lol. After waking up to no water this morning and having the pleasure to pay to have my well pump rewired I may be reduced to whittling one out of a stick.

    On a more serious note couple real questions. As awesome as it looks I've never been to Rockcastle. With the terrain does it make sense to bring a cart or just bag your weapons?

    Also never been to a match that uses buck. What kind of targets are typical. Steel poppers, paper? I know read a post somewhere about buck on paper, but sure seems like it would be a pita to paste.

    Can't wait till the match. So glad it worked out I could go and thanks to Tim for inviting me to tag along. I just started shooting 3gun almost exactly a year ago and when I first started it seemed crazy you guys were traveling that far to go to matches. Funny how much difference a year can make, now I'm on my way to my second major match of the year and wish I could go to more.


  8. I was also in the squad at CMMG where the competitors handgun came loose. Sucky deal, first stage at a major match, looked to be a good shooter and just like that.....done. I think what happened is the butt of the rifle caught the sight as he began to run and flung it right out of the holster. At the time I was running a Blade-Tech DOH Stingray open top holster and the rest of that match and for the following local matches, I always felt uneasy about it. Found myself holding a hand on the gun whenever there was much for movement and so on. Then I signed up for Blue Ridge and after looking at the stages and video from previous years knew I had to come up with something different (i.e. climbing, crawling, slung weapons, ect.). Not having a lot of cash to work with, I followed Villamor's advice and went with the Blackhawk Serpa holster and mated it with my Blade-Tech DOH mount. I really like it, been using it at pistol only matches too and can't find any faults so far. There may be nicer or faster options out there, but if you're on a budget I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the Serpa.

    Disclaimer: I am not a Grand Master pistol shooter so YMMV.

  9. A couple of synthetic wine corks worked for me this past weekend for duck opener when I bought a used Benelli on the way to the lake. The plug was missing. To go from 3 rounds to 2 rounds I used 1 and a half corks.


    Damn, I'd need 3 corks to plug mine down to 8 rounds. I'll be laying on the floor by the time I have a legal shotgun. Better make this a weekend project.

  10. This match had a lot of different options for shooting stuff. You started every stage with all 3 guns set up. We saw some DQs for people knocking guns out of holsters (none in the chamber but still a DQ after "make Ready") and other chances to break the 180 if you slipped. We also had the usual safety problems of people abandoning guns not on safe (which happens especially when people try to dump a shotgun or rifle too fast). Many stages allowed you to stage or drop a gun into a number of different barrels, but never have 2 guns in the same one. I heard a few instances of that happening, as well. It's actually a pretty small number of DQs when you think about how much is going on, the level of the match, and the fact that this was some people's first real 3gun match.

    Thanks for the clarification Steve. I've only been to one major which was the CMMG Midwest Championships earlier this year and will be going to Blue Ridge in a few weeks. I think they only had one DQ at the Midwest, which was as you mentioned a gun coming free of it's holster. Shooter was on my squad and it was just kind of a freak deal, he took of running and the butt of his rifle caught the pistol just right and sent it flying. Hence my decision to ditch my Stingray and go to a holster with positive retention for 3-gun.

  11. Congrats to Minnesota's own Chris Cazin for the win in Heavy Optics.

    So what is with all the DQ's, don't know if I've ever seen so many in a single match. Was it all one stage that had a high potential for DQ, a unique rule set that bit a bunch of folks or was it spread out for numerous reasons? I wasn't at the match so I'm not trying to pick on anyone, just curious as a course designer at our local matches. We just had our first DQ at our local match last week and in retrospect it probably could have been avoided if I'd done a better job during the stage description pointing out a potential trouble spot and what not to do. Sorry if this is considered thread drift, I just hate seeing folks get DQ'd and if there's something to be learned that I can apply at our matches I'll take it.

  12. The actual difference in weight is only 4 oz, but it's also $110 cheaper. I didn't say it was the very best barrel, but I do think it's the best "bang for your buck" barrel. When I built my game rifle, budget was an issue with a new baby on the way. After shooting it for almost a year I'm not disappointed in my choice one bit. In fact I just bought another when they were on sale last month.

    You can read the original thread on it here. Budget 3-gun build

    If you've got the cash go for the Nordic. It's a great barrel, from a great company, run by great folks. They have outstanding customer service and do a ton to support the shooting sports.

  13. The NC barrel is a good option. Personally I think the best buy going as far as barrels are concerned is the 18" DPMS Mark 12 barrel made by Wilson. They were just on sale at Midway for $160 last month and comes with a gas block and tube. One of my AR's has a 20" Kreiger heavy contour, one aother I have a 16" Lother Walther barrel. Both are easy sub-MOA rifles, but the one that will out-group them both happens to be the Mark 12 barrel. Shouldn't be, but it is.

  14. Super excited about attending BRM3G for my first time in a few weeks, but I have a few questions for some of the vets. This match adds a few elements that I've never had to work with in 3 gun competition.

    Slings. I have never been to a match that incorporated slung weapons. I have a VTAC sling for my rifle and am planning on getting a second for my shotgun. One of the great things about the sling is it's versatility for different carry positions without unslinging the weapon, ie: chest, low ready or back, muzzle up just by swinging the weapon around your body. Now from I've been able to tell by previous years video footage, there is a lot of vigorous movement at this match including crawling under and over obstacles. If one is carrying the rifle on your back for a climbing obstacle then has to transition to a firing position, by nature of how the sling functions the muzzle at some point is facing rearward. I realize that the weapon would be completely empty, but how does this work. Do you completely unsling as to keep a muzzle up or muzzle down status, is it just an unsaid rule you carry one way or the other throughout a COF, or is it understood that the weapon is completely empty and dare I say a non-issue.There's nothing in the rules that covers this.

    Buckshot. Also never been to a match that used buckshot. What do they use for targets and typically at what ranges?

    Shot size. I didn't see allowed shot size anywhere in the match rules either. I don't see any spinners in the stage descriptions so I'm assuming I won't need the 3" Turkey loads, but some high brass flight control 6's sure might not hurt if there is some longer range steel.

    I'm sure I will have more as the match gets closer. Thanks in advance to those that help a BRM3G newb.

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