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Posts posted by Tarkeg

  1. OP, since you mentioned taking classes or training, then a backup gun is just as important. If your pistol goes down during a class, grab the backup and get back on the line. The backup should use the same mags and holster. Even though you may be able to fix your pistol, while you're doing that the class will be driving on. Fix the gun during lunch or a break, and don't miss any of the instruction you paid for.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Djp55 said:

    That is all pretty reasonable. Do you somehow make a load similar to your factory defensive round to use to get more acclimated to the recoil and such, or just shoot the gun and don't worry about it? Probably overthinking it all more out of boredom than anything, but curious nonetheless. 


    Yes. Right now I'm not reloading, (Or I would load my own) but I'm lucky that Federal AE 147 gr. mimics their 147 HST, which is my 9mm carry load.

  3. What he said /\. It's a bad idea to reload your defensive carry ammo. Every defensive pistol instructor I've ever worked with has said to use factory premium defensive ammo. Low flash powder, better QC, Nickel plated brass, and if you ever use it to defend yourself you don't have to explain to a jury why you developed such an awesome "man-killer" load in your basement.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Sarge said:

    You should. Around here we tend to support those companies that support our sport. Legality issues aside, it's just wrong to buy fake stuff that was obviously stolen from another company.

      Last time I looked neither China or eBay have sponsored any matches lately.


    Absolutely. And it's not just about supporting matches. These dirtbag chinese companies go to events like Shotshow, photograph products made by good American companies, then go home and produce crappy knockoffs to sell on places like ebay and aliexpress (a huge "crappy knockoff" site). When people have the attitude of "Who cares, anything to save a buck" they are hurting American businesses in a major way. It's gotten so bad that knockoff Magpul gear shows up for sale before it's been released by Magpul. Buy American when at all possible.

  5. 9 hours ago, pskys2 said:

    Yes, but I only have the 2.0, so wasn't sure if the original M&P was that way.


    Yep, they've been like that since the beginning. But I've always put an Apex USB in mine when I first swap the sights, so it's not that big a deal to me. I generally stick with the sights I put on there, so it's a one time thing.

  6. When you shoot the Classifier, just shoot it like a shooting test. (Don't let some knucklehead talk you into doing something wacky) Like any other action pistol sport, shoot as fast as you can call your shots and you'll do fine. My guess is you'll make expert.


    I tried to find Rowdy's video of his recent Master run on the Classifier. It would be a good reference.

  7. My rule of thumb for extraction with M&P's. Run them as much as you have, and if they don't exhibit any problems they're good to go. If they do what you're describing, I drop in an Apex extractor and the problem goes away. Usually forever.

  8. I also find it strange that sitw states "the rules have been updated for 2017". Then in his next post he gives incorrect, outdated information. You do not have to be behind cover to reload, as long as you're not exposed to unengaged targets. The reload with retention is also gone, and can't be required in a stage. You can still do a RWR, just not require it in a stage.

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