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Everything posted by Tizzo

  1. I've been looking at the Contour HD cameras, found that I can get the now discontinued standard HD model for about $150 cheaper than the newer GPS model. Does anyone have experience with both that could tell me if the GPS model is worth the extra money? Thanks
  2. This will be a log of all my trips to the range, be it practice or actual competition. I figure competition is just as good if not better than practice. Went to the local indoor range with the intent of working only on trigger control using the 2 inch targets on the Dot Torture target set at 15' and 20'. The below is after a warm up with my new Sig Classic 226 .22 that I bought specifically for training. 1/7/12 by K-Tizzo, on Flickr I'm pretty happy with the result, though these results didn't translate directly to my 9mm. I intend on going to the range once a week to work only on trigger control.
  3. I've been browsing around this forum on what I can find with regards to nutrition/diet. Right now I probably have the worst diet possible and I've read a bit about the "paleo" diet and it interests me. I'm 26, 5' 10" and 200+ pounds (while somehow remaining semi athletic), and always tired. From what I've read and gleaned from the forum changing my diet would help a lot with my problems. I need to learn how to grocery shop and cook to properly implement any plan. Was hoping you guys could point me to some good resources. Thanks
  4. Kind of a late response, but my indoor club uses foam tubes cut in half and taped to the floor. None of the matches are USPSA sanctioned.
  5. Great vid! Do you think the extra features of the + model are worth the extra cost over the first contour hd? Thanks!
  6. I wanted to add a couple videos to this thread instead of creating a new one. The first has been posted before, but I wanted to post it here as well as it's from my second ever match from May this year. I wanted to see if anyone can pull out some bad habits I may have and maybe point out any additional things I should be working to improve. Thanks May December On the last array of three I make up an A hit with an A hit, so I'm not calling my shots just yet.
  7. Thanks for the tips. I've been told that I didn't move enough before, that I was too static. I guess it depends heavily on the course?
  8. I'm interested in getting on that list, still possible?
  9. This is the last match of my first season shooting. Second stage I had a double feed, after I cleared it and inserted a new mag, I lost where I was in my plan and how many mags I had on my belt. You'll see that I go to grab a mag off the ground when I have a full mag on my belt, ugh. All input welcome, even critical. Thanks
  10. I use grips from www.tractiongrips.com I like them a lot, I have the sand on my XD9 Tac for competition and the rubber on my XD9sc for carry. Works really well, also, been through the rain without issue.
  11. When I shoot low left it's typically because my grip is too tight, torqueing the gun down and left. If I relax my grip some that usually solves the problem.
  12. Thanks for the info, this is why I like this place.
  13. That's the thing about it, I actually felt like I was in a groove, not rushing. I broke my first shot, waited for my sight picture to return and then... squishy trigger; "crap I need to let the trigger reset". But what was also odd was that I had that thought, but still didn't rush to break the second shot. I felt calm and everything seemed clear in the instances that these trigger issues occurred, very unlike times when, for example, I shoot to slide lock on accident or forget to reload, and get all flustered.
  14. Hey Guys, This is my first year shooting competitively, I dry fire practice when I can and try to hit the range to live fire once a week. Last night while shooting a match I found myself not letting the trigger fully reset and obviously this led to me pulling the trigger and no bang. This happened 3 times, and each time I realized what had happened and didn't have to waste time doing a tap/rack. I find it odd that this is happening now and not any sooner. Any ideas on how to fix this "problem"?
  15. Exactly what the title says. How does someone practice movement in confined spaces? I live in a split entry town home, with no hallways or even enough space in a given room to move much due to furniture. I've thought about practicing outside, but am hesitant with an airsoft gun; you know how people can be these days. Is anyone in a similar situation as me? I feel that not being able to practice movement is hampering my ability to improve, because the only time I get to do movement is during matches. Thanks for any input.
  16. Not sure if this the right place to post, but I'm having trouble finding a solution. When I first got my Ruger I wasn't shooting too bad, but now something is causing my shots to go left, even when shooting at rest. I've adjusted the rear sight every which way, and the results stay the same. Here are some before and after photos. Aside from some wonky technique problem, what could cause this? When I first purchased the Ruger in 2009 http://www.flickr.com/photos/kmtam/5190748442/ And what's indicative of my last 6 months or so of range time. http://www.flickr.com/photos/kmtam/5870590061/ I'm seriously considering selling the damn thing and buying a different .22
  17. Is there a distance at which you're supposed to stand from the target (at 100 percent size)? Or is the size of the target arbitrary?
  18. Were we in the same squad? Is your MNGT name the same? I've been trying to call my shots, I guess the confidence isn't there to actually do it. Earlier in the day I was transitioning off the targets slightly before breaking the shot, this probably caused me to wait for the ding even more so during this stage. Are you by chance left eye dominant? My nephew who is right handed but left eye dominant used to pause to find the front sight like you say you do. With practice he can now use his right eye to sight with. I believe I'm right eye dominant. I do the tests and it appears I'm right eye dominant, or have no eye dominance? With the test drawing a triangle made by your fingers back to your eye(s) I always end up between my eyes. When I test by covering a distant object with my finger it's obvious that I'm right eye dominant.
  19. I do dry fire practice, though as I posted in a dry fire thread, I'm looking for advice on a "curriculum" or "lesson plan". Right now I'm picking drills at random. I also have a hard time finding the front sight, that is exactly what the pausing is, I hope dry firing helps this. I also sight with one eye only, which I'd like to change to two eyes open. In general I feel as though I am improving, here's a video from this last Saturday.
  20. I got the book as well, but I've run into one question: How do you choose which drills to run and when? I've been picking and choosing drills for the last week or so, and I realize I need to get a structured "lesson plan" as it were.
  21. Hey guys, Was wondering if anyone could suggest a good .22 that would be similar to the XD Tac. I currently have a Ruger 22/45 (my first pistol), oddly I can't get my groups on target, I'm always low left. I have zero problems getting groups dead center with my XD. It's very frustrating and I feel as though the Ruger isn't helping me improve at all. I replaced the Ruger front sight with a FO and have adjusted the rears every which way without success. Any suggestions on some .22 guns that are similar to the XD and what I could (should?) do with my Ruger would be appreciated. Thanks
  22. Hey Guys, I've been thinking of getting new sights for my XD 5" with which I shoot Production. I'm almost certain that I'll get a fiber optic front with black rears, though I haven't determined what make yet (looking at Dawson and Warren Tactical). My question is, I've shot 3 matches so far, should I wait for the end of the season to change out the sights? Would it be detrimental to change things in the middle of the season? Or maybe I'm think backwards and should change them as soon as I can. Thanks
  23. Thanks for all the feedback. I've had my leaning pointed out to me before, I typically square my stance with my left foot slightly forward. I'm not sure what's causing me to lean so far forward.
  24. Hey guys, This is my first season, just got back from my third match. Looking for any tips and for people to point out what I could be doing wrong or should focus on. Thanks
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