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Jim Linch

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Everything posted by Jim Linch

  1. Flex, Thanks for the threads, I'm off to go read them. Patrick, Is that a current production model you are going to torture? I'd be real interested in seeing the results. Are you going to change the recoil spring out regularly or run it till it drops? Duane, Do you think this was because of the forged frames of the time, or were all the failures slide related? I have heard of cracking at the rear of the slide by the firing pin hole but not anywhere else. rishii, It's a 9mm bought about 6 months ago. I plan on shooting fast A's. I'm not shooting IPSC anymore for just speed, but for practice. Which included good hits, not the A/C hits that most IPSC shooters (myself included) go for. 5k a month? You guys make a lot more money than I do to support that habit!! Are you talking professional shooter here, or is that suppose to be the average IPSC shooter? I know there is no one in my club that shoots anywhere near that much. Not even our GM's shot that much to get their status. I will be shooting more in the range of 1000-2000 rnds a month at most.
  2. Well in anticipation of my Actionworks BHP coming back, I have started to contemplate what kind of IPSC setup I want to run the BHP (carry gun) with. Holster is my IWB leather for street and mag pouches will be something simple also, no tech-war stuff like most are running. Since the BHP is either L-10 or Limited, I need to decide on which to play in. I've only shot 1911's in L-10 but want to shoot my 15rnd mags in the BHP for familiarity. Since the 15 is Limited but not really competitive with the 22rnd .40S&W jobbers in Limited Class, I was wondering if anyone had ever modified some of these 20-30 rnd mags to be legal 140mm? or 170mm? OAL to run in IPSC? Are there any reliable 17-20rnd mags out there? I could probably beat the local guys in my class with the 15rnd mags, but would like to have a couple of "big sticks" when I needed them for stages that would normally make me do an extra reload with the 15rounders that my fellow competitors would not have to. Also I don't really want to download my 15's to 10 for L-10, but may do that also if that is the larger field of the match. Usually our club has a 20-30 person turnout with 10-15 in L-10 and 10 or so in Limited. Anyone using the BHP in Limited?
  3. Yes You didn't choose to start the fight with 4 down, why would you want to be inthis condition if another starts?
  4. It's out of print but still available. http://www.gunbooks.com/colt45.html
  5. hmmmm.... I think someone is already working on that.
  6. Thanks for the idea Pat. They should be banned from competition!!!!!! Here, here, hurumph, hurumph!
  7. No. I'll give ya a hint why... The document ways "We the People..." not "We the gubment..." It would seem by the number of debates on the topic that it is important enough of an issue to develop further, and a poll sample of 72 is lame. Everyone should have the right to either enter the conversation or remain outside it IMO, that right was given up because the mods don't want to moderate? There is a report function on this board isn't there? Why not let those in the conversation have their say and worry about moderating it when a member reports something offensive? I will spare you a seperate thread in this "what I hate" section on overmoderation, and leave my piece as having been said here. You are welcome to disagree.
  8. See my earlier posts. It's happened to me in factory Hyro 230gr .45cal Twice.
  9. The same advice was given to me also, that's why I have scars on my hand and arm. It's bad advice. If the Glock was blowing up because of an action the operator was doing, then no. We don't allow guns without trigger guards do we? You are making a hardware issue out of a software issue, not exactly the same.
  10. I wish we could say stuff like that. It would be funny until they called the Sheriff.
  11. Nice summary Dead Bluff. The problem is that the same personality type that does this (sorry for the generalization) is the one that will turn to you and say "there's no rule against it." That SUCKS if you are the RO that has to be near the potential kaboom. It IS a safety issue and should be treated the same way "sweeping" someone would, IF they intentionally or unintentionally perform the action after having been warned by the RO.
  12. Then they would not muster as good concelaed carry rig either would they. Unsafe is unsafe be it on the range or street. Since the question was not phrased as "waht is the fasted holster for competition only" although I suspect that is what the poster is looking for, I took the opportunity to interject some common sense as to what you should practice with, and would argue that most people who have taken the time to carry on a daily basis have found what works and what does not, and a good strong side holster for daily carry is more likely to be safe than something designed for competiton and speed.
  13. Milt Sparks Versa-Max II (IWB) because it's what I carry my gun in everyday. When I start to use my Browning HP and it's Delfatti ISP-3 it will be my new IDPA/IPSC holster. If you carry a gun daily why not practice with what will be on you when you need it?
  14. Thanks Tom, I'm looking into building some reactive targets and hoping I can sway the members to start using them. I found a base to work from at http://thecurmudgeon.freeservers.com/ps/ http://www.geocities.com/freeidaho/RRT/RRT.pdf I'll float it by them and hope there are a few willing to stray from the IDPA rules, maybe I'll get a sub group going that's into "shoot em down" type targets, and alternate scenarios.
  15. Girl what are you complaining about? That's typical Medford weather, it's about time you guys up North got some.
  16. Thanks for the replies guys, Just for clarity... I'm not shooting only to slide-lock whenever I pull the trigger. My issue was that if I feel "on a whim" that the cardboard is not "stopped" as it will need to be in an actual shooting, then I will add rounds accordingly. If that brings me to slide lock before the next section of a stage then great, if it does not, then I would do a tac-reload before advancing to the next. So if I went last and ran for "no time", wouldn't even need the start signal if the RO said "begin when ready", this should not be an issue for most clubs? Would you people as shooters at the match have problems with someone not wanting to play by the IDPA rules? I'll find out tomorrow how my group feels about it, just curious what the opinion pole here reads. Pact-Man, Is http://thecurmudgeon.freeservers.com/ps/ the Polite Society you mentioned? I had never heard of them, I'll check it out.
  17. Thanks for the feedback guys. The idea to go last is a good one and should limit the "grumble factor" for slowing things down. Although I don't plan on being much slower than most of the shooters. I design courses for IPSC and locally there is a trend here "not to use" cover in the matches and thus none is provided in the stage design for the most part. Since using cover is the main reason for me shooting IDPA, I've decided to just use it more for "training" (yes I know it's still a game) and having fun working on the gun handling skills and shooting on the move in IPSC. mcoliver, You make good points. I train on my own with dummy rounds, but thought they would be a no-no in a match. I'll see if that will fly. I'm not saying I will always unload into the first array to slide-lock before going to the next, just thought that would cause the most stir at the match. I plan to do tac-reloads before going down "hallways" just like I would in any "lull" during a shooting. Gary Johnson, I'm shooting IPSC with my off duty gear and will play by the rules on it except for dumping half full mags on the ground. There is another B-class shooter at our club that I have a rivalry thing going on with and I can't put all my competitiveness away. Been there done that, most IPSC shooters at my club are not CHL people and it's only a game for them, which is fine, but they just don't understand us "tactical animals."
  18. Thanks Sig Lady, glad to be back.
  19. Didn't find him in the forum members...search came out empty... Sorry Jim, couldn't refrain myself... He said seek and you shall find. Keep looking bud!
  20. Bumper stickers won't cut it.
  21. I've shot some IDPA, but not a whole lot and nothing outside of the local club. I'm getting ready to start shooting local matches on a regular basis starting next week, and wonder if I'm going to get crucified for what I have in mind. You see, I'm looking to use IDPA to practice my "tactics" (ie. cover, actual pie slicing, clearing skills, as best as can be done in IDPA) with my duty gear and wonder if there is anything that's going to be a problem here. I shoot IPSC with my off duty rig, and use it for gun handling skills only, but I feel IDPA has potential to be "good training" for actual shooting scenarios once a person puts the clock aside. I'm not looking to take all day to go through a stage, but do plan on slicing the pie like I would on a real "man with gun" call, which is a lot slower than the cursory pie slicing I see at the matches. I also want to reload only from slide lock as this is most likely going to be the case in a real shooting. So shooting to slide lock might become a problem if I have say one bullet left in the gun and all the visible target arrays have already been shot twice. I was once told I could not shoot another target just to get to slide lock because it's gaming, but what I'm looking to do is only going to put me at a disadvantage anyway, so will it be allowed? I want to shoot targets with 2-4 shots in random order and keep hitting them until slide lock at each section of multiple section stages. It's only going to add time to my score (which I could care less about) so will it be allowed? Is it totally illegal and something that will get me DQ'd at any other range, assuming that my local range put up with it? Thanks for any help on the matter.
  22. Probably the safest way would be to wear one of these while unloading.
  23. Thanks Troy, the more I can convince that this is a bad habit the better in my book.
  24. Bingo! Here are a few pics to illustrate. The problem is almost nonexistant with a standard ejector from what I have read. Also the exteractor is not loose on my gun and can hold a live round through cycle if done slowly. Image hosted @ ConcealedCarry.info Image hosted @ ConcealedCarry.info You can see the extended ejector in the pic and why they are the biggest trouble maker in the scenario. Thanks for the welcome guys. I use to post here as day5creations but have been away far too long. Siglady reminded me of this excellent forum from another I'm active on http://oregonconcealedcarry.com PS. Something I didn't mention was that on my first BOOM I actually racked the slide and felt it hang a bit but after letting it go forward just a hair I brought it back to light off the round. It was instinctive and faster than I could think about it. On the second BOOM I performed a perfect overhand clearing drill type rack with my hand hitting my chest as it was ripped off the gun slide, like it should have. Still the round managed to get into the position of the image above as the light off that followed proves.
  25. Why does it go bang during UASC and not RTB? A. During UASC there is no magazine in the gun to support the round. Since extractors are made to hold empty cases they need the bullet in the mag under it to help hold the loaded round being ejected. During "rap-tap-bang" this is the case, during "unload and show clear" the chance of the round slipping off the extractor goes up greatly. By tilting the gun so the ejection port is facing up "for catching the flip" you increase the chance of the round slipping off and hitting the ejector even more. What is the safest way to UASC? A. Roll the gun over so the ejection port is facing down to the ground, slowly bring slide to rear and lock by pushing the slide release up. Watch for round to hit ground, shake if needed. As for a rule, I think that "unsafe gun handling" covers it already, and should only be used if the shooter refuses to knock it off when the RO asks. Both of my incidents happened with Federal Hydroshock 230gr .45cal I was unloading the gun at home the first time and held it upright using an overhand grip to rack the slide, I racked it hard just like I would for a RTB.... BOOM! - Cuts to arm. The second time was on a range while changing from defensive ammo to training ammo, same procedure - BOOM! Cuts to top of shooting hand. I had never heard of this happening before it did to me, but since have learned that it happens way too often because people are uninformed of the danger or too busy looking cool to care. The "it won't happen to me attitude." Yes my gun does have a properly tuned Wilson extended ejector, which does add to the problem more than a normal ejector, but the fast slide racking without the support of a mag in the well is the main reason for these accidents.
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