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Jim Norman

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Posts posted by Jim Norman

  1. We have a division for almost, ALMOST everyone. Would PO add or detract? I think it would water down our sport, not add to it, there would be an exodus from Prod to PO by a number of people, but would any new blood come in? Where are all the PO shooters out there going to come from? Want to add to USPSA? I would suggest that we undo the damage to Revolver and add Open Revolver, now you can play with your 8 round revo, add a comp and a dot, Those people are out there shooting. The damage to Revo has been done, Did I shoot Revo? On occasion, I spent the money to get 'the' gun and had it worked up so that it was as good as it gets (way better than I am) and now it is a useless paperweight in my safe. Would PO do the same to Prod? Not likely, but it would split the division without bringing new blood.

    We could go crazy here, really crazy:

    Open as in really OPEN, no limits on mags, no limits on caliber, a PF of maybe 150.

    Open as it is,


    Limited Optics


    Production Optics

    Single Stack

    Single Stack Open

    Single Stack Optics


    Revolver Open

    Revolver Optics

    Must be something I am missing, how about Cowboy guns? let's have a division for my old SAA, heck maybe a muzzle loader division as well?

    Great, now everyone can play and no one has more than a couple local competitors in any division as we've split it down and apart so deeply.

  2. Been wearing 5.11's for years. Not bad, but a little heavy and the cut isn't quite right, They have been known to restrict movement a bit and the knee pads are a pain to insert and they keep slipping to one side. I have ordered a pair of Crye pants. For regular USPSA matches, the 5.11s are OK, for other non-'action' shooting, i.e steel, SG, whatever, then what ever is clean will do. Summertime shorts are good unless we are doing a crawl through the brush and mud match, then long pants and shirts.

    I do like the idea someone posted about sewing a band of velcro around the waist. Might give that a try.

  3. If you have an Android Phone, just load Practiscore on your phone, then you can easily sync the phone to the IPad and email the scores or post them to Practiscore

    If you use stage nooks as opposed to squad nooks yes, you dd the walk on/late arrival to each nook, make sure you add them the same way, this is why USPSA Number, Phone or EMail is critical. BTW Walk-ons and Late arrivals can and should be handled differently. We add people to the master right up until we hand out the nooks (well maybe 10 minutes before we pass them out) Then we sync. People that arrive truly late as in after we have put the nooks in the field, have to be added to each nook.

  4. Well, I couldn't register until late so who knows. They acknowledge your registration while telling you that you are not in the match 'yet'. As of now I have not received an invoice so I am thinking that this is not looking good for the WV match. That is the only one that was truly viable as June covers our home match and the rest are too far away.

    So I've rejoined 3GN for $45 and in all likelihood will not be shooting a 3GN match. How nice is that? Then again it may just be slow.

    as of now there are only 13 confirmed shooters in the match.

  5. We/I started out with Nooks,EzWin and a PC (Laptop)

    I recently purchased an IPad. My suggestion, Unless you have a real need to use EzWin, get and Ipad, use it as the "Master" Device, get a sufficient number of Nooks and use them as data collection, they are readable in daylight and the batteries last for a month. If you want to collect data as the day progresses, you can either use a Nook 'Master' or your Ipad. The Ipad has a few features and is more readable than the Nooks for doing the 'backoffice' stuff. It is much simpler.

    Just my 2 cents

  6. Being able to 'lock' a Nook to a stage would be a really great addition.

    Being able to require a password to edit a saved score would be a great addition.

    Being able to trust 100% that all your fellow shooters would never under any circumstances screw around with the scores. I used to think that before...

  7. If you want to squad shooters, EzWin does work, that and creating the WebFile for posting scores to USPSA are about the only two reasons to keep Ez. Practiscore does squad and it is not that difficult, just scroll the shooters and edit to put in a squad. Not as fast or easy but doable. Perhaps with a 200+ shooter match I would do this. with 60-100 at our monthly match we just pick form the overall list.

    Setting up an easier squadding function like Ez has in Practiscore might be something to add to the 'I want it' list, even if it was only available in the IPad version.

  8. To add to what Vlad wrote and comment on Biker...

    We COULD after we finish squadding, go through the list and enter a squad number.

    COULD. But each time a person leaves the two pages he is familiar with it opens up another place to screw things up royally.

    IF we had dedicated staff, OR if we could lock each portion of the stage nooks so that you could only go as far as selecting your squad, but could not change the stage, then I'd say OK. but as it is, I've had to deal with people inadvertently changing the stage and starting to score shooters on the wrong stage. Having them find both the correct squad AND the correct stage (I know that the stage shouldn't be changed and that you have to go out one screen further to do so, but I can assure you that this will happen) I don't need the additional stress on Match Day. I would really like to shoot a match and not have to deal with any additional issues.

    What we have works. I print up a check list, alphabetically sorted by last name to verify that the pre-reg shooters arrive and then I add the walk-ons to this list as a back-up for me later. The white board allows us to stay liquid until the final moments before we pass out the nooks, and if I have to add a late arrival, I don't have to deal with squading (Yes I could put all late and no-shows in Sq 99, but that means that the RO now has to look in even more places!

    So all this said, I am THRILLED, HAPPY, JOYOUS that Practiscore is available and working! It has made my life with regards to Match Stats.

    Thank you all that have contributed to making this program a reality.

  9. Interesting how you deal with Squads. That is something I might try. It eliminates the issue of No-Shows. We to do not use paper back-ups at local matches. I use an Ipad and Nooks, no more EzWin!! I do not post scores at the match, but I suppose I could, I have extra Nooks, but people tend to teardown their last stage and split, so only a few would benefit. I do complete the scores at the range so that I know I have everything done, I post to our own website when I get home and prizes are paid out at the next match.

  10. Bill, we are not so far apart. We don't use self squadding and I don't really want to get into it in public, suffice to say we have discussed it and for our match (Local) it is not an option we feel comfortable with.

    One issue we have is with No-Shows. we regularly cut registration at 90 in the summer and 70 in the winter. We then allow for walk-ons. We usually have about that actual number shooting, however often we have 15-20 no-show and that many walk-ons and that screws up squadding. so we just pull it all together on Sunday morning and then load up and go shoot.

    I will think about squadding in the Nooks, but so far that has not been our problem.

  11. Bill,

    I never said we don't squad our shooters, we just don't break it out in the Nooks. Squads all get a master list for their squad where they can keep track of shooting order, DG reasons, early departures etc. We just don't break the list in the Nooks. I might try that, but it is just one more step and as I indicated earlier I try to keep the manipulation of the Nooks to a minimum. Find the shooter, score him, save it, next. Adding the step of finding your squad would introduce a serious chance of changing the stage instead of just the squad. If we ran with dedicated RO Staff, I would agree.

  12. The squadding feature in Ez is perhaps its only redeeming quality. Were we to run larger matches it might be something I would want to use. If you don't squad your shooters, there is no reason to use Ez.

    If we were running a match with dedicated staff I could see it, as it is, we have trouble enough with people's advanced IT skill sets without having them have to find a squad.

  13. OK, I am obviously missing something here.

    We collect data on our website through our own form.

    We load that to an IPAD, then register walk-ons at registration.

    We then delete the No-Shows

    Then we sync the Nooks

    Then we shoot our match using the nooks to collect the data

    We sync back to the Ipad

    Update classifications

    Make any other corrections, Divisions, PF

    Upload results to our website

    Allow the shooters three days to email me any corrections

    Run the Activity report from the IPAD, email it to myself, ship it up to USPSA and pay the fees.

    No EzWinScore involved.

  14. OK, so IOs 8.1.1 seems OK, I did update to that but held off on the original update. Ran Sunday with no problems. 1.2.24 is OK, but overwrites what you have already synced. That shouldn't be an issue unless you change something in the master and lose the change due to this with the next sync.

    I think I'll give 1.2.24 a try.

    Thanks all

  15. Having been an 11-87 shooter for about 15 years, I recently moved over to the M3k Stoeger. Not a night an day difference, more like winter solar eclipse to High Noon! Tom at MOA did a great job on the modifications for me. The gun runs ammo that my friends 1301 won't run! As for loading, I have the Load-2 down pretty good, I could do it sort of with the 1187, but with this gun it is super easy, I still fumble Quads, but I may get the practice I need over the winter to get them down.

    To get my 1187 to run light loads reliably we drilled out the gas ports to nearly .125" which of course beats the crap out of the gun if you run heavier loads. it also burn out O-rings and on occasion breaks the gas piston rings. The 1187 served me well and back then it was 'the gun' but times have changed. There are so many better guns for 3-Gun out now.

    BTW, the M3k has one major advantage to me besides cost over the Benelli and Beretta, the stock tube and hence the forearm are longer by about 3" and that keeps my had off the tube and barrel and particularly off the sling attachment! (I have long arms)

  16. We are still running 1.2.21 and so far it is essentially flawless for us running USPSA and 3-Gun Time Plus points. I will change up to to 1.2.24 if I hear it is stable. I'd like to be on the cutting edge, but I am not an IT type so a lot of the issues that can develop make me nervous.

    I have to say this, I have never been an Apple/anything user until this September. I purchased a used 32Gb IPad solely to get away from EzWinScore. We now load the pre-match registration file to the IPad and register the walk-ons in the IPad, then delete the no-shows and build the stages right before loading the Nooks. 1.2.21 and the IPad talk to each other very well and the nooks are all synced in minutes.

    Syncing everything back to the IPad at the end of the match I can have the scores done in seconds. It is incredibly easy to post the results and handle the activity/classifier report out of the IPad as opposed to getting everything into EzWinScore.

    So, as I started out, is 1.2.24 good to go?

    Thank you all very much.

  17. If you REALLY want to shoot Production 15 like IPSC, it is really simple, convince your local MDs to run their matches under IPSC rules, it is legal. If it was that popular that is what you'd see. You would also see turtle targets, no Metrics. Production would use race holsters and all your friends with .40 cal production guns would be SOL.

  18. Think of Production in USPSA as sort of a IROC division. Not quite of course as we odn't restrict you to exactly one platform and no modifications, but similar. You have a limited capacity (sort of like the restrictor plate or the fuel cell capacity) and very limited other modifications that are allowed(sort of like the restrictor plate or the fuel cell capacity). You are in a race against other shooters here, not other wallets.

    If you want to shoot in a less restricted division, take your XDM9 and load it up, shoot fast and accurate in Limited or add a dot and some mag extensions and head on over to Open. Production as it is in USPSA allows anyone to show up and shoot, at least at the local level just about any gun they happen to own. You have an XDm, what about the guy with the XD 40? he only got 12 rounds, want to tell him, sorry we have no place for you? Or hey dude, go drop another $800 on another gun and mags so you can shoot in this division? Same applies to a lot of guns. Also the capacity restriction allows guys with one gun, maybe .45, maybe a 9mm or .357Sig to be in the running. Take way the capacity cap and only 9mm and only a very few guns are viable. USPSA already suffers from the 'You can't play this game without a $4,000.00 race gun' syndrome. making a change to Production to allow increased capacity and race holsters would only add fuel to that.

  19. Heavy sand bags are a must. 6-10 power is adequate. Fine cross hairs are a requirement. you can't have your cross-hairs covering 1MOA and expect to make truly tight accurate group assessments.

    As for breathing, WAY WAY back when I was shooting small-bore, we were taught a 10 count, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out to a 10 count, some where around 4-7 the shot would break. during that 3-7 second time frame you would add pressure ONLY when the sights were perfectly aligned. Doing this it is possible to shoot true doubles prone without a rest with a good .22 target rifle. True doubles in that the hole was as exactly one bullet diameter with two bullets placed.

    It takes a LOT of practice. If you follow the advice in this thread you should find your groups more than adequate to judge your loads.

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