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Jim Norman

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Posts posted by Jim Norman

  1. A couple questions, maybe dumb ones, We'll see...

    There are 9 stages, I assume we shoot 5 on day one and 4 on day two?

    Is there a Morning/Afternoon schedule? or do we shoot one on, one off like BRM3G, 1-off-2-off-3-off etc? Or are we shooting as an example 1-2-3-4-5 on Saturday and 6-7-8-9 on Sunday, shoot stage, move to next and shoot?

    I suppose it really doesn't matter all that much, but I like to know.

    We use half day format

    Morning groups you shoot Morning (7am-1230ish) 5 stages

    Afternoon groups you shoot Evening (1230ish to 5pm) 4 stages

    This schedule is TESTED and well liked...you are not stuck at the range all day to shoot 4-5 stages..Remington Outdoor Group will have several side matches along with other sponsors. You can also take some time and watch other shoot.

    So if we are on the AM on Saturday, we would be PM on Sunday. I can deal with that.

    Next question, How do we know AM or PM?

    Are the Squad numbers the giveaway? ie. 11, 12 , 13, 14, 15 are AM on Saturday and 1PM on Sunday? so 16, 17, 18, 19 are PM Saturday and AM Sunday?

    Again, I don't suppose it matters all that much, I do admit to liking the half day format, a little hectic, but then there is time off to rest and also maybe watch other stages or even sight see.

    Thank you

  2. A couple questions, maybe dumb ones, We'll see...

    There are 9 stages, I assume we shoot 5 on day one and 4 on day two?

    Is there a Morning/Afternoon schedule? or do we shoot one on, one off like BRM3G, 1-off-2-off-3-off etc? Or are we shooting as an example 1-2-3-4-5 on Saturday and 6-7-8-9 on Sunday, shoot stage, move to next and shoot?

    I suppose it really doesn't matter all that much, but I like to know.

  3. My opinion and that is all it is, but I think we'll see a crapload more S3Ks out there as they become more widely known. 1/2 the price of the Benelli and they tun. I can have two guns set up for the price of one or a boatful of ammo for practice. To date I have had exactly two Failures to feed, they could have been me, they might have been Fiocchi Low recoil Slug issues. I can tell you this, a buddy has a 1301 that is supposed to run light stuff and an inertia gun isn't, but my S3K runs WallyWorld Winchester 3dr 1-1/8 #7-1/2 and 8 an the 1301 chokes on it.

  4. Bill,

    I commend your shooters for their diligence. We have tried it, may do so again, but in truth, I doubt I'll get compliance.

    That said, I understand the why. What I'd really like is to have the Nooks write to the MicroSD chip as when they save the score. If that were to happen the back-up would exist. Could that too be destroyed? Sure, but if we lose a Nook AND the chip we have a bigger problem. OK someone could dunk the nook with the chip into a bucket of water, not sure how the chip would fare, but short of that I'd say we would be secure in not having paper.

  5. Like I said earlier, I have been the stats guy at our match for over 15 years. The error rate for electronics is near zero and at most matches IS zero. The error rate for the old paper score sheets, not counting my own added errors during data entry, were legion. No steel hits recorded, no time, too many hits, not enough hits, lost sheets. Barely a match would go by that I didn't have at least a few NPMs added where we all KNEW the steel was down, but it wasn't marked.

    I printed up a sufficient supply of single line score sheets to hand out when we first went to Palms. I handed them out and told everyone that they should record their scores JUST IN CASE. Well under 10% usage!.

    Now all that said, at a L-II or larger match where we have a CRO and several ROs dedicated to a stage, it is not a big problem to record the scores to a sheet and hand that back to the 'squad Mom' for dispersal to the squad. I'd still rather have a stage printer and just hand them a report as we are still introducing the chance of error when we hand transcribe the scores and that will if the shooter actually uses the paper cause us to have issues. His paper scores which are hand copied from the output of the Electronics and removed at least one step from the actual scoring are not in agreement with the electronic scoring. You want to say that the paper is correct? The ONLY way I would allow paper to be used as the actual record is if the electronic scores were unavailable.

  6. So if we have a way to record from device memory to a microSD card we are covered? That is good news. Hey I hate to lose a score, but Ive been doing the scores at our club for 15 years now and compared to the 'lost scores' from illegible score sheets, missing sheets, incomplete sheets, over complete sheets the few issues I've had with electronic scoring are minor.

    One thing, NEVER have the Nook, Ipad or what ever travel with the squad! leave it with the stage, that way the most you lose is a stage.

  7. We have shot a few 'surprise' stages and they are a real PITA to run especially at a club level match. You need at least three dedicated people that are there to run the stage. The shooters have to be honest about it and not tell their buddies what they saw. You really can't keep it a total secret as the round count and cadence will give away a lot anyway. You can do what was done once at Ft.Benning. They had a stages spread over a pit that was about 6 acres in size with a trench system dug into it. There were a number of revetments in the trench where the targets were set and at the end there was a plate rack. Your entire squad got one walk through and only one walk through. The CRO gave a command and the trench was filled with about half a dozen smoke grenades, You got to walk, gag and stumble through, then you got to shoot. The stage was reset by the Ranger class.

    Now most clubs can't provide that level of stage, but we can set up a stage, again given at least one dedicated RO and that can be handled by having one person from each squad stay behind to run the stage for the next. He runs shooter one and then he and shooter one score, set and tape. Each shooter in turn is added to the reset crew after they shoot. Still a bitch, but manageable. Worth it? Probably not. and as others mentioned, a reshoot is a real issue. The stage would have to be simple enough that a reshoot is almost an impossibility and that would remove a lot of the reason for the stage.

    One other way is to use a target identifier. All the arrays have multiple identifiers on them, At the start signal, you pick up an envelope from a pile of envelopes or pull a card from a bucket and get your identifier. This can be a target or a no-shoot identifier, your choice, now you run the stage. a bit tough to set up, but more manageable than a true blind stage.

  8. Since the clocks changed, but My internals haven't caught up...

    Equipment Rules

    Tac Iron

    NO optics

    30 rounds in rifle mags

    140MM pistol mags (170 for Single Stack)

    8 rounds in mag tube on SG, no mag fed SG, no ‘ghost loads’.

    (Matches may allow longer tubes)

    Min Calibers: .223/5.56 Nato, .9mm, 12Ga.

    No porting of Pistol or SG

    No Bi-pods

    Tac Optic

    One Optic allowed on ANY gun. i.e., you can choose a dot on your pistol, but then you have only irons for rife and SG.

    Bi-pods allowed, but remain on the rifle through out the match.

    All else remains the same as TI

    Heavy Metal

    One Optic allowed on ANY gun. i.e., you can choose a dot on your pistol, but then you have only irons for rife and SG.

    Bi-pods allowed, but remain on the rifle through out the match.

    20 rounds in rifle

    10 rounds in HG Mags

    8 rounds in mag tube on SG, no ‘ghost loads’.

    Min Calibers: .308/7.62 x 59 Nato, .45ACP, 12Ga.


    Minimum Calibers as in TI

    All else is allowed.

  9. If you have dropped your gun at a USPSA match, you know you need to get an RO to retrieve it or be DQ'd. Try it standing within arms length of a Port-O-John and getting a RO to come anywhere near you!

  10. Out of the box my m3k with a IC Choke at 50 yards put three slugs nearly touching at about 3" below point of aim.

    I have also shot slugs through as tight as LM and Mod. I don't think I want to go to IM. Only would do that if there were very few slug shots (1or 2) vs a lot of shot on a stage that really needed a tight choke.

    The one thing I am thinking of having done is adding either a 10-22 or an XS sight for longer tighter smaller target slug shots.

  11. Our next Knockdown Steel Match (11/08/14) is going to be a tactical shotgun match. It will be much like a USPSA match shot with shotguns only. There will be movement on almost every stage. The round count for this match will be about 175 rounds of birdshot (8 or 7 1/2) and about 10 slugs.

    Please preregister here

    There will be only three divisions for the match: Semiautomatic, Open and Pump.

    Stages are being finalized. Check back for updates.

  12. 1. I ran the factory chokes, until I got to the store and bought a set of Carlson extended chokes, IC, LM, M and IM

    2. So far (knocking on all the wood I can reach) my S3k has run 99.9999999% flawlessly, I had one failure and it was in a really oddball position so I think it was likely that I let the gun ride back as I have dumped an entire tube holding the gun out away from me.

    3. Shims, I'll take a look at the 'Cast' but that is not where I want to make a change so far. I want more rise, maybe I'll just add a cheek pad to the top of the stock, but I'd rather change the angle slightly. I see too much rib

  13. If your vision is not corrected to 20-20, then focusing the diopter for your vision will NOT result in a true 1x. Nature of the beast. Target clear at distance is more important that actual 1.000 magnification at the bottom.

    My vision cannot be corrected to 20/20 anymore. I also wear shooting glasses that are set up to focus about 6" in front of my front sight on my pistol. I have the diopter about a 1/4 to 1/2 tun off to the side, can't remember which way just now, I just adjust it until the reticule is clear. the target seems to also be pretty good. It may not be 1.0X at the bottom having done this, but it is better than anything else I've used by far.

  14. There are all sorts of issues with how the classifier diagrams are draw, It would serve us best if ALL measurements were to the centers, not edges especially with Poppers. Also a diagram with two reference points would allow for more precise target layout; From point A 23 feet, from point B 18 feet 4 inches. with A and B being a standard set of coordinates. Properly laid out A and B could be used for all of the various classifiers. At one point I started to draw this up, but flat out don't have the time or the Cad Skills.

  15. The washer is easy, the nut is a bear. Take a plastic straw, insert it into the nut about halfway and you can place the nut square on the bolt and start it.

    Put a layer or 2 of masking tape around the nut so it wedges into the socket wrench and it is easy to control until the threads start.

    That is my method too. For the washer... a phillips #2 with the washer on the shaft, put point on stock stud and slide washer onto stud.

    Damn, That is exactly what I did! I forgot until you posted it. It was one of those 'I've done enough weird stuff over the years that this didn't even register as doing anything special moments'!

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