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cali shot doc

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Posts posted by cali shot doc

  1. I'm going to be purchasing my first reloader and I have decided on the 550b. To start out with i'm going to primarily reloading 9mm and possibly 45auto.

    Besides the 3 carbide die set, as it should BE upgrade and a primer flip tray, what else do i need to pick up?

    I already have a scale and calipers at home along with a tumbler.

    Thanks :cheers:

  2. I was looking at the 9mm section which is what i'll be reloading and i like 115g fmj but the only info they give is for 115g hp. I'm not going to be reloading hp so can I still use the data for an fmj round? In reloading books like this one, is the data more on the weight of bullet (ex 115g) than type (ex: jhp, fmj)? I don't see why I can't use the same data for the same weight bullet just different type

  3. What are you shooting it in? If you're loading 9mm minor, I'd stay away from those 115 grain bullets before I'd worry about the powder you're using.

    My preference is the heaviest bullet that is practical for a caliber with the fastest possible powder. For 9mm, that's 147 grain bullets, Solo 1000, and usually a Federal primer.

    I've had a lot of problems with Wolf small pistol primers and I'll never buy them again.

    I have had good luck with Winchester and Federal, and I have loaded a lot of CCIs as well.

    i just prefer 115g fmj over 125g. Idk why but it just feels better and i'm more confident with the 115g. I've only shot maybe 50 147g rounds which i was testing to see what worked best in my gun for selfdefense.

    I saw at powdervalleyinc that if you got 10,000 tula primers they would cover the hazmat fee and was wondering if they are any good?

  4. I shoot IPSC competitively and for the last 6 months have really wanted to get into Trap/skeet shooting. Whats the best way to start and and to learn. Any recommendations on what kind of shotgun? Being a College Student and shooting IPSC there isn't a lot of funds for a shotgun so it will have to be lower end or used but any suggestions is wanted.

    I live in Northern California

  5. I just got a glock 17, i live in cali so it is the 10rd mag and when i noticed that when i load one of mags and insert it into the magwell and rack the slide, the slide locks back like the mag is empty. I have to use the slide release to get the first round chambered. This is only happening with one of the mags. What do I do? Some guys said i put the mag back together wrong but that can't be because this is the first time i'm using it and haven't cleaned the mag. How do I fix this? Kinda sucks that one of the mags isn't working properly right from the factory?

    Any suggestions?

    Call Glock?

    Buy another mag, switch them and return it telling them it isn't working right? Not sure what to do since i'm new to glock (xd guy...)

    Any help would be great!

  6. Wet, Cold and Tired. Today was a miserable day. It rained with a heavy constant wind for the whole match. Other than that shot great. A few Mikes and only 1 no shoot. Finished each stage in the middle of the pack so not to bad of day for it only being my second time shooting a match.

    Got 1st place Unclassified Production and won a Glock 17!!!! Great ending to a miserable day lol

  7. First "Big" match Sunday, the Bay Bridge Charity Classic 5 (Stages, 113rds, Classifier CM 09-10). The last few practice sessions I have really focused on the Pro's and Con's of 115g vs 125g.

    I have come to the conclusion that I prefer the 115g fmj 9mm rd. I just have better control and feel more confident with it so thats what i'm going to shoot this Sunday. Might go to the range tomorrow to work on shot calling some more so I can have a better match on sunday. Still having a little issues with my sights and REALLY want the Dawson adjustable sights but $ is an issue right now since i got the PRP Match trigger so i'm going to just man up lol.

    One of the stages you have to shoot in 3 different strings, 8rds/string, and on one of the strings you have to lay down/get very close to the ground and i've never shot prone or really gotten into and out of the prone position with a gun so it's going to be pretty slow. I'm pretty nervous about this but i'm going to save this one for the last string so i can make sure the first 2 strings are good and that i get my points for sure there, i'm fairly sure shooting prone for the first time isn't going to be very precise and accurate :goof:

    A fairly big storm is coming in, rained some today, so it should be interesting shooting in the wet whether. I've only shot on sunny day's or in in-door ranges so this will be interesting and a new experience, looking forward to it and seeing how my XD9 Tactical performs wet. I got a poncho to wear when i'm not shooting and an ok jacket for the rain and also have a shower cap to place on my holstered gun so it doesn't get to soaked while waiting for my turn to shoot. Hopefully it works.

    Going to look over the stage diagrams and start making a mental picture of the stages and make up a game plan tonight. Update Sunday night or Monday

  8. I'm new to Competitive shooting and was wondering if in some cases if I should take an extra shot at a paper target? For instance if the paper target is somewhat covered by a black paper target. I don't have a real good idea of where my shots are exactly hitting so should I take the extra shot just incase my second shot was a mike? or if i hit a no shoot and don't realize it.

    I have a match this sunday and was thinking i should try maybe taking an extra shot at the harder paper targets to make sure i get my points. I'm still new so it's hard to slow down and see whats happening. Once the buzzer goes off my game plan leaves my mind and it's like chaos lol.....safe chaos.

    was wondering if this is a good idea or if anyone has a suggestion of what else to do other then just slowing down and gaining knowledge. I know the more i shoot the more the game will slow down for me. I've played a lot of sports and once i get a routine and get comfortable then it just slows down for me......


  9. I have a hard time sticking to the plan i come up with once the buzzer sounds and it's time for me to start shooting. I go through the stage 3-5 times and make a mental note of where the targets are, how i want to attack the course and count out my shots so i can have a good idea of when i should reload. I do this a few times to cement the plan in my mind but once that buzzer goes off my game plan goes out the window and i may FTE 1 target or screw up my reloads or something like that.

    Any ideas or techniques to get better.

  10. Just got done putting the final touches on my new PRP Ultimate Match Trigger Kit and installed an extended mag release from Springer and love both. Not to crazy about the surface of the trigger, it's a little pointy at the bottom and digs into my finger with 125g rounds so i might sand it down a little but i prefer the 115g rounds and they don't bother me at all.

    Went to the Range yesterday to work on my sights at the 15yd line shooting at a 5inch target and got a lot of good data.

    15yd line shooting 115g Magtech: 25rounds sitting w/ rest shooting @ 12 o'clock hold --> had 3 shots not hit the 5in target and were low to the left (most likely operator error)

    25rounds standing @ 12 o'clock hold-->had 8 shots not hit 5in target low and left (due to operator error/poor trigger control)

    15yd line shooting 125g Reloads: 25rounds sitting w/ rest shooting @ center hold-->had 2 shots not hit the 5in target (operator error most likely)

    25rounds standing @ center hold--> had 10 shots not hit the 5in target(poor trigger control)

    Now I have a better idea of how my gun shoots and can get better with this new trigger. The extended mag release has helped my tiny hands a TONS!!!!!!!!

    Only bad news from the range is I found one of my newer mags has an issue dropping when the slide is open. When it is closed it drops freely w/o any issues but when the slide is locked back it drops an inch and stops. Emailed springfield to find out how to fix it. I don't see any deformities and any rug marks. I've taken it apart and cleaned it and still having the issues. I've only shot 1 match with this mag so wear and tear shouldn't be an issue, besides mag's are meant to be beaten up :sight:

    Thinking about going to the local indoor range today to work on two consecutive shots and see how the gun shoots and handles with the new trigger and now figuring out the sights. Got to get ready for a club match next Sunday and the Bay Bridge Charity Classic on the 24th.

  11. I dry fire so much that the tip and side of my trigger finger are calloused.

    Sorry you're not liking it. I love mine.

    I will gladly trade you my old prp match kit for your new one. Then you can use your old trigger. Hell, I'll even throw in a stock trigger for you.

    Got to shoot it so more today and I like it. I realized it was more the 125g rounds that was causing my finger to hurt. I shot some 115g rounds and not a problem. I'm still having issues with it not firing when i push the slide down or rest it on a gun rest so I emailed him and hopefully hear from him tomorrow for this fix. Nice trigger though

    Your problem is due to the over travel stop. You need to file more off of it.

    I'm surprised that you're not getting any light primer strikes.

    Thanks. Daniel just left me a message while i was in class and said that is what I need to do. As soon as I get home i'm going to fix it and hope it works lol. Sure it will. Might call him back just to make sure and say thanks.

    Just got done and now it works flawlessly

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