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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by toowide

  1. you should be listening to the saftey briefing and not looking at my ass!!! LOL
  2. i have used Safariland 011, Limkat and CR Speed with great results with all. really like the CR Speed.
  3. Safety is the MOST important part of this sport. At our matches we do a safety friefing with all new shooters. The first incident "might" have been handled with just a stern reminder of what a "safe weapon" is in USPSA. But if the RO chose to call the DQ then it is his call as distasteful as it may be to the new shooter, he or she will not soon forget it. As for the second DQ. Breaking the 180 is an automatic. Being an RO isn't easy specially when it is for people you know and shoot with often. good call on both.
  4. natchez shooters supply... www.natchezss.com has them for $15.99 each.
  5. I grew up on a farm and ranch. Even though I don't do either any more, I kinda feel naked without my knife.
  6. ...when the greatest weekend is the one where a match and a gun show fall at the same time and area and you can attend both.
  7. what about who and whom... i never could figure that one out.
  8. 40%... must have been the shooting cats question. they do make good targets. lol
  9. Every match I have ever been to has had an announcement either vocally or in writing that the range is a cold range during the match, with the exception of the stage area. Carrying an unloaded mag in the gun will keep the dust out but so will a cover. They cost about 5 dollars for a cloth one or 59 cents for a bandana at Wal Mart. A mag in a gun, loaded or unloaded, gives the appearance of a loaded weapon. In my experiences with USPA matches (fairly limited) I have found that the people are easy to get along with and just nice in general. Simply asking the shooter not to carry an unloaded mag in his/her gun should be all that is necessary. WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG????
  10. If the targets were properly set so the perfs were in line, then the shot should have cut the perf on the scoring target. Anything inside the perf on the no shoot doesn't exist since no shoots are inpenetrable 9.1.5.
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