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Everything posted by caz41

  1. What Braxton said ^. Also what I have noticed (more with pistols) is that people who don't train much with a laser end with having worse trigger control. Once they see the dot on the target they start to mash the hell out of the trigger and end up pulling shots way down weak side.
  2. If you switched ammo that is probably going to be hotter or colder than what it is gassed for currently then you certainly could check it. It is only a matter of turning the screw a little, burning some test rounds, and reapplying the loctite. On the other hand if you are having no issues with reliability currently and you don't feel that it is over gassed then you wouldn't necessarily need to.
  3. I have roughly 2K of them through my G34 in Production and IDPA. No problems here either.
  4. Anyone else got pictures of what they have had done
  5. The majority are using Pmags with their JP rifles. I would say look for something that is making that one fail.
  6. I will give it another episode or two to see if it gets rolling or not. I will say that the opener was not over the top impressive but I usually try and not dump a show based on the series premier alone.
  7. Pat it looks like the shell stop would interfere with the charging handle?
  8. I don't remember there being dots on the pistols at Ozarks. I like Trapr's idea for getting more "average joe" shooters involved in the shootoff. I think alot of it depends on how the match is running. If the shooting were to get done at 11 or 12 as many matches advertise, and the shootoff was all set up and started promptly afterwards, like within a hour at the very most and then the prize table were to start promptly after the shootoff, like within a half hour. Then people would stay and watch. But when everything is still going at 5 or 6 then people just want to get on the road. I am not a MD so I am not going to pretend to have the answers for getting done on time, but that is in my opinion the X factor here.
  9. I guess I don't see the logic in selling your used Larue lower to buy a brand new lower so that you wouldn't bag up your used Larue lower? Slightly lost there, but..... You certainly can't go wrong with JP. Huge supporter of our sport and quality product aswell. Otherwise Lancer lowers with the built in interchangeable that looks pretty nice too. Regardless of what you choose put a quality trigger in and don't look back.
  10. Is there any way for someone like me who doesn't have Versus to watch? Last season we could watch episodes online.
  11. There are plenty of positive reviews for the MSA's. Does anyone have both the MSA and Howard Lights for a head to head comparison?
  12. How do any of the options listed in this thread size up when shooting a rifle? Which are the thinnist?
  13. If you have IC and Mod you will be able to get through any 3 gun match!
  14. I have a SBE2 that I use for duck hunting. It would also serve as my backup 3 gun SG in the event that my M2 went down. Mine will run 3 dram Federals no problem. The nice thing is that the magazine extention is the same for both guns. Since you already have the SBE2 just buy a Nordic ext. tube and use it in a match. If you later decide to buy something like the M2 then you already have the ext. tube. If you don't feel that you want/need/whatever it then just sell the ext. tube and keep using the SBE2 for whatever you originally bought it for.
  15. I have seen plenty of people at matches that have a bolt release on their benelli's that basically looks like a small flat piece of polished metal that goes between the forearm and receiver and comes back and sits over the bolt release button. Where can one of these be bought from?
  16. I was wearing pants and deep woods off and they still crushed me!
  17. Previously was a crush washer. Just wanted to get that blended look of it being one piece. Thanks for the replies.
  18. Firebird barrel and rolling thunder comp
  19. I would like to time my comp to my barrel. I really don't want to send it off to have it done, and I don't have a lathe or nothin' fancy like that. What tools, steps, precautions to doing it at home ?
  20. I think the biggest thing that needs to happen is for the MD to put something in the rules one way or the other on it and we wouldn't have this discussion. My personal observation on the matter would be the inconsistent nature of it. If it is afforded to everyone or to none then it is the same across the board. What I did personally see at the most current match that I attended (not to single out that match, but because that is what happened there) on one stage involving rifle targets and a tough sun rising behind them, when one of my squad mates finished shooting the RO gave the unload and show clear if finished command. Once done and getting up to his score sheet he was told that he had not engaged one of the rifle targets. A few shooters later when getting to and hitting the final rifle target, the RO told the shooter that he had not engaged one of the targets and the shooter then went back and shot it. Had I been the guy who wasn't told by the RO that I didn't shoot one and then see him tell someone else later I would have been upset. My personal opinion on the question that was presented by the OP would be that the RO, and RO only can give some direction to hitting or finding the target only after the shooter has given it his best opportunity at taking it on his own. Some may argue that this will be an inconsistent judgement call by the RO but that is the grey area the comes with ROing. We have all seen matches where RO's make judgement calls that could go either way. Hell at this last match on stage 1 alone I saw no less than 10 shooters that easily could have been DQ'd when pulling their rifle out of the barrel at a full sprint when then barrel catches. Were they at the 179 degree mark or the 181 degree mark I couldn't tell you and I don't think anyone could have honestly know either.
  21. Sadly enough he mounted it backwards and had a hell of a time sighting it in.... sorry Jay couldn't resist
  22. I put the sleeve and EGW HD extractor in my P14 and it has run flawlessly ever since. I was going to go with the Aftec by my gunsmith had the EGW on hand so I figured I'd give it a try.
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